The Complete Works of Katherine Mansfield. Katherine Mansfield. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Katherine Mansfield
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788075832108
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only wanted to tell you, father dear, that his father is still very fond of meringues."

      Colonel Pinner heard that time, heard and brooded, looking Cyril up and down.

      "What an esstrordinary thing!" said old Grandfather Pinner. "What an esstrordinary thing to come all this way here to tell me!"

      And Cyril felt it was.

      "Yes, I shall send Cyril the watch," said Josephine.

      "That would be very nice," said Constantia. "I seem to remember last time he came there was some little trouble about the time."

       Table of Contents

      THEY were interrupted by Kate bursting through the door in her usual fashion, as though she had discovered some secret panel in the wall.

      "Fried or boiled?" asked the bold voice.

      Fried or boiled? Josephine and Constantia were quite bewildered for the moment. They could hardly take it in.

      "Fried or boiled what, Kate?" asked Josephine, trying to begin to concentrate.

      Kate gave a loud sniff. "Fish."

      "Well, why didn't you say so immediately?" Josephine reproached her gently. "How could you expect us to understand, Kate? There are a great many things in this world you know, which are fried or boiled." And after such a display of courage she said quite brightly to Constantia, "Which do you prefer, Con?"

      "I think it might be nice to have it fried," said Constantia. "On the other hand, of course, boiled fish is very nice. I think I prefer both equally well... Unless you... In that case—"

      "I shall fry it," said Kate, and she bounced back, leaving their door open and slamming the door of her kitchen.

      Josephine gazed at Constantia; she raised her pale eyebrows until they rippled away into her pale hair. She got up. She said in a very lofty, imposing way, "Do you mind following me into the drawing-room, Constantia? I've got something of great importance to discuss with you."

      For it was always to the drawing-room they retired when they wanted to talk over Kate.

      Josephine closed the door meaningly. "Sit down, Constantia," she said, still very grand. She might have been receiving Constantia for the first time. And Con looked round vaguely for a chair, as though she felt indeed quite a stranger.

      "Now the question is," said Josephine, bending forward, "whether we shall keep her or not."

      "That is the question," agreed Constantia.

      "And this time," said Josephine firmly, "we must come to a definite decision."

      Constantia looked for a moment as though she might begin going over all the other times, but she pulled herself together and said, "Yes, Jug."

      "You see, Con," explained Josephine, "everything is so changed now." Constantia looked up quickly. "I mean," went on Josephine, "we're not dependent on Kate as we were." And she blushed faintly. "There's not father to cook for."

      "That is perfectly true," agreed Constantia. "Father certainly doesn't want any cooking now, whatever else—"

      Josephine broke in sharply, "You're not sleepy, are you, Con?"

      "Sleepy, Jug?" Constantia was wide-eyed.

      "Well, concentrate more," said Josephine sharply, and she returned to the subject. "What it comes to is, if we did"—and this she barely breathed, glancing at the door—"give Kate notice"—she raised her voice again—"we could manage our own food."

      "Why not?" cried Constantia. She couldn't help smiling. The idea was so exciting. She clasped her hands. "What should we live on, Jug?"

      "Oh, eggs in various forms!" said Jug, lofty again. "And, besides, there are all the cooked foods."

      "But I've always heard," said Constantia, "they are considered so very expensive."

      "Not if one buys them in moderation," said Josephine. But she tore herself away from this fascinating bypath and dragged Constantia after her.

      "What we've got to decide now, however, is whether we really do trust Kate or not."

      Constantia leaned back. Her flat little laugh flew from her lips.

      "Isn't it curious, Jug," said she, "that just on this one subject I've never been able to quite make up my mind?"

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      SHE never had. The whole difficulty was to prove anything. How did one prove things, how could one? Suppose Kate had stood in front of her and deliberately made a face. Mightn't she very well have been in pain? Wasn't it impossible, at any rate, to ask Kate if she was making a face at her? If Kate answered "No"—and, of course, she would say "No"—what a position! How undignified! Then again Constantia suspected, she was almost certain that Kate went to her chest of drawers when she and Josephine were out, not to take things but to spy. Many times she had come back to find her amethyst cross in the most unlikely places, under her lace ties or on top of her evening Bertha. More than once she had laid a trap for Kate. She had arranged things in a special order and then called Josephine to witness.

      "You see, Jug?"

      "Quite, Con."

      "Now we shall be able to tell."

      But, oh dear, when she did go to look, she was as far off from a proof as ever! If anything was displaced, it might so very well have happened as she closed the drawer; a jolt might have done it so easily.

      "You come, Jug, and decide. I really can't. It's too difficult."

      But after a pause and a long glare Josephine would sigh, "Now you've put the doubt into my mind, Con, I'm sure I can't tell myself."

      "Well, we can't postpone it again," said Josephine. "If we postpone it this time—"

       Table of Contents

      BUT at that moment in the street below a barrel-organ struck up. Josephine and Constantia sprang to their feet together.

      "Run, Con," said Josephine. "Run quickly. There's sixpence on the—"

      Then they remembered. It didn't matter. They would never have to stop the organ-grinder again. Never again would she and Constantia be told to make that monkey take his noise somewhere else. Never would sound that loud, strange bellow when father thought they were not hurrying enough. The organ-grinder might play there all day and the stick would not thump.

      "It never will thump again,

      It never will thump again,

      played the barrel-organ.

      What was Constantia thinking? She had such a strange smile; she looked different. She couldn't be going to cry.

      "Jug, Jug," said Constantia softly, pressing her hands together. "Do you know what day it is? It's Saturday. It's a week to-day, a whole week."

      "A week since father died,

      A week since father died,"

      cried the barrel-organ. And Josephine, too, forgot to be practical and sensible; she smiled faintly, strangely. On the Indian carpet there fell a square of sunlight, pale red; it came and went and came—and stayed, deepened—until it shone almost golden.

      "The sun's out," said Josephine, as though it really mattered.

      A perfect fountain of bubbling notes shook from the barrel-organ, round, bright notes, carelessly scattered.
