The History of Sulu. Najeeb M. Saleeby. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Najeeb M. Saleeby
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664146755
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and Moros. The census report of 1903 gives the following statistics, which include Tulay and San Remondo, but not Busbus:

Color Males Females
Brown 309 306
Ilokano 10 4
Moro 9 98
Tagalog 103 66
Bisayan 161 132
Foreign born 26 6
Mixed 74 48
Yellow 429 56
White 31 17
Total 843 427
Walled town 541
Tulay 615
San Remondo 114
Total 1,270

      Males of voting age

Filipino 189
Ilokano 9
Moro 4
Tagalog 75
Bisayan 101
English 14
French 1
All others 5
Filipino 1
Chinese 8
English 2
Chinese 392
Japanese 1
English 3
American 22
Spanish 2
All others 1
Total 641

      As the great majority of the “mixed” population have Chinese fathers, they, as a rule, follow Chinese custom and trade and may be regarded as Chinese. The Chinese element may therefore be classified as follows:

Chinese Males Females Total
Pure 429 56 485
Mixed 70 45 115
Total 499 101 600

      The Filipinos may be classified as follows:

Filipinos Males Females Total
Brown 274 202 476
Mixed 4 3 7
Total 278 205 483

      The census statistics give a full and clear idea of the composition of the resident population of the town in 1903. The Chinese and their offspring, amounting to 600, undoubtedly form the preponderant element. The Filipinos come next, amounting to 483 only. Considerable change has, however, occurred since the census was taken, and necessitates a revision of the above figures. The increase of the garrison and the construction of many new buildings for the military post has caused an influx of Filipinos from Zamboanga and Kotabato, and more Chinese have undoubtedly come in since 1903. The census figures again do not include Moros, some hundreds of whom live at present in Tulay and Busbus.

      The following, based on close personal observation, is considered a fair estimate of the present population:

Walled town San Remondo Tulay

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