A System of Pyrotechny. James Cutbush. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Cutbush
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066248871
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&c. They are covered, from the rain, by a shed, open at the sides. Cramer, an author of credit, informs us, that he made a little hut, with windows to admit the wind. In this, he put a mixture of garden mould, the rubbish of lime, and putrid animal and vegetable substances. He frequently moistened them with urine, and in a month or two found his composition very rich in saltpetre, yielding at least one-eighth part of its weight. The practice of obtaining nitre from nitre beds, was followed in France and Germany. It is extracted and refined by the process already given.

      When oxygen gas is presented to azote at the moment of its liberation, nitric acid is formed. As ammonia is the result of animal putrefaction, or is formed in the process, hydrogen must unite also with azote. The azote is furnished by the animal substances. These facts being known, we are enabled to account for the generation of nitric acid, and, consequently, of the earthy and other nitrates, in artificial nitre beds.

      In noticing this subject, it is unnecessary to quote the opinion of Stahl, who believed that there was but one acid in nature, the sulphuric; and that nitric acid was the sulphuric acid, combined with phlogiston, which he affirmed was produced by putrefaction; nor is it necessary to mention the opinion of Lemery, who believed that nitre exists ready formed in animals and vegetables by the processes of vegetation and animalization. The experiments of the French philosophers have put these opinions at rest.

      Thouvenal discovered, that nothing more was necessary for the production of nitre than a basis of lime, heat, and open air; so that nitre beds, formed of putrefying animal and vegetable substances, with the conditions thus stated, must produce saltpetre; a fact which experience abundantly justifies.

      The process for the formation of nitre, is called nitrification.

      Although animal substances, by putrefaction, furnish azote, and nascent azote unites with facility with the oxygen of the atmosphere, by which nitric acid is generated—(hence the spontaneous decomposition of nitre composts)—yet Vauquelin is of opinion, that the presence of calcareous or alkaline substances is indispensable, and that the production of carbonate of ammonia from the animal matter, is another compound, which results from the same decomposition. Ammonia is produced by the union of azote and hydrogen, and carbonic acid by that of carbon and oxygen. He considers then, that the presence of lime, magnesia, potash, &c. determines the union of the azote with oxygen, and of course, the formation of nitric acid; and as this acid unites with one or other of these substances, according to circumstances, we have either nitrate of lime, or of magnesia, or nitrate of potassa. The idea that water is decomposed in the change which animal and vegetable substances undergo, in the process of nitrification, is contrary to observation; for the presence of air in dry situations, is indispensable to the process.

      If a compost, made up of animal, vegetable, and calcareous substances, and put in small beds or heaps, and covered with a shed open at both sides, be frequently turned to admit new surfaces to the air, and occasionally moistened with urine, &c.—nitric acid will be generated as the putrefaction goes on. When this process is suffered to proceed until the decomposition is complete, and the beds then lixiviated, the quantity of nitre will be considerable. In all cases, we are to observe, that, as various earthy nitrates are produced, and mostly nitrate of lime, potash, or wood-ashes which contain this alkali, are to be used.

      It was long since shown by Glauber, that a vault plastered over with a mixture of lime, wood-ashes, and cows' dung, soon becomes covered with efflorescent nitre; and that, after some months, the materials yield, on lixiviation, a considerable proportion of this salt. M. de Roder, speaking of nitrous walls, observes, that the efflorescence of nitre on them is in consequence of the stone, lime, and sand employed in the building.

      What is denominated the saltpetre rot, is an efflorescence observed on the walls of old buildings, and on the ground. Dr. C. F. Gren, professor at Halle, in Saxony, (Principles of Modern Chemistry, vol. ii, p. 128), very justly remarks, that, among the matters capable of corruption, those are the most convenient in making nitre, which contain the greatest portion of azote, of which animal substances are the first; among which he enumerates flesh, blood, skins, excrements of animals, old woolen stuffs, and urine. He also mentions marsh plants, green herbs, mud from streets trodden by cattle, and the ground from marshes or bogs. As a compost he adds, that the ground from church-yards, where corpses have successively, and during a long series of years, undergone corruption, would be the best for artificial nitre beds. On the subject of nitre beds, the reader may consult the Recueil de Mémoires et de Pièces sur la formation et la fabrication du saltpetre, à Paris, 1786, 4to. These remarks on the generation of nitre, although of more ancient date, are confirmed by James and Herman Boerhaave, (Chemistry, &c.) Hoffman, (de Salium Medicorum, et de Præstantissima Nitri Virtute), Stahl, (de Usu Nitri Medico), Neuman, (chemical works), and Lewis, (Materia Medica)—all of whom have written more or less on the formation of saltpetre; to which we may add the observations of Parr, (London Medical Dictionary, vol. ii, p. 24.)

       The process for extracting saltpetre from damaged gunpowder is nothing more than putting it into a boiler, and adding water sufficient to cover it. On applying heat, the nitre will be dissolved. If any scum forms, it must be removed. When the solution is effected, pour it on a sufficient number of filters, and collect the fluid which passes through. The residue may be treated with more water, and the whole again filtered. After boiling the solution, set it aside to crystallize. The sulphur may be recovered, by subliming the residue in a temperature not sufficient to inflame it. The charcoal may be used again for the same purpose.

      Saltpetre, when properly refined, does not contain any foreign salts, and its purity may be known by a variety of experiments, as follows: make a solution of the salt in distilled water, and filter it through paper. Put a portion of it in a wine glass, and add a solution of carbonate of potassa. To another portion, add a small quantity of muriate, or in preference, nitrate of barytes. To a third portion, add nitrate of silver. If the fluid in the first glass remains clear, without any turbidness, we are to infer the non-existence of earthy salts; if turbid, that it contains lime, or some other earth, either in the form of a nitrate or muriate. The addition of oxalate of potassa to another portion of the solution will show the presence of lime by forming a precipitate, and the addition of carbonate of ammonia, and then of phosphate of soda, will indicate magnesia. If the second glass remains transparent, it shows that neither sulphuric acid, nor any of the sulphates are present. If the fluid in the third glass continues also clear, we infer that none of the muriates exist. These experiments are sufficient to show the purity of saltpetre. It would afford perhaps more satisfaction to institute also the same experiments on other samples of nitre, by which a comparison may be formed of the relative purity of each. To make an analysis of the salt, with the view to determine the proportion of the foreign substances would be altogether unnecessary for common purposes. A regularly defined crystal would, in a great measure, point out its purity. The double refined saltpetre is chemically pure. Artificers determine the purity of nitre by its flame; if white, they call it pure, if yellow, impure.

      The same reagents may be used in the examination of gunpowder, as we shall notice hereafter. If a portion of powder be mixed with distilled water, the water will dissolve only the saline substances, leaving the charcoal and sulphur. When the whole is thrown on a filter, the fluid, which passes through, will contain the saltpetre, and foreign salts, if any are present. The same experiments may then be performed with the solution, and the quality of the nitre, of which the gunpowder was made, be determined. Some gunpowder absorbs a large portion of water, which is owing to the presence of deliquescent salts. These salts may be detected by proceeding in the way we have pointed out. The art of refining saltpetre is so well known of late in the United States, especially by the Messrs. Dupont of Brandywine, Delaware, that our gunpowder is of a very superior quality. I have examined various specimens of this saltpetre, and gunpowder made with it, and could not detect any of the sulphates or muriates, either alkaline or earthy. For the manufacture of gunpowder, and fire-works generally, the nitre, it may be observed, cannot be too pure.

      In pyrotechny, it is necessary to have the nitre in powder. Pulverizing it in a mortar is a tedious method, if a large quantity is required for use. There is an advantage, likewise, in the mode we will describe; because the saltpetre, besides being extremely fine, is made perfectly dry. Put into a copper kettle, whose bottom must be spherical, fourteen pounds of refined saltpetre,