The Complete Works of Yogy Ramacharaka. William Walker Atkinson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: William Walker Atkinson
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788075836458
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thought. In both cases the healer often creates a powerful thought form, fully charged with Prana, which often produces an almost immediate effect upon the patient, the parts being greatly stimulated and strengthened. Instantaneous cures have often been made in this way, although comparatively few healers are sufficiently advanced to send thought forms of this kind. A very powerful mental healer may be able to send a thought so highly charged with Prana, and so full of vital force and life, that a diseased organ may be filled with such recuperative force that it will begin instantly to cast off the waste and diseased matter and draw from the blood the elements necessary to rebuild and repair itself in a comparatively short space of time, in which case when the organism of the individual once reestablishes normal functioning the system is able to carry on the work without further help from outside.

      All forms of Mental Healing come under one or more of the above heads. Remember, now, the important point is to get the mind of the patient into the proper mental attitude, casting out all forms of adverse auto-suggestion, so that it will allow Nature to do its work properly without interference. In the process of accomplishing this result, the patient may be aided (as above explained) by strong thought directed to the afflicted part, and also by sending a supply of Prana from the healer to stimulate the part and thus render easier the healing work of the mind.


      There is another form of healing, very rarely observed, in which a highly developed spiritual person is able to let his spiritual aura and essence so descend upon an afflicted person that the entire system becomes filled with it temporarily, and all abnormality disappears, as Spirit being perfect transforms all that with which it comes in contact. This true Spiritual Healing is, however, so rare that very few persons have had the good fortune to witness it. It is claimed by many who are doing good work healing on other lines, but many of these persons are self-deceived, and have not the faintest conception of what true Spiritual Healing is.

      Spiritual Healing is marked by the immediate and perfect healing of the patient, and the restoration of absolutely normal physical conditions, the patient being transformed, physically, into a condition resembling that of a robust, perfectly healthy, strong, vigorous child, without a blemish, pain, particle of inharmony, or symptom of any kind. A few gifted individuals in the world in each age possess this power, but it is rarely manifested, for good occult reasons. And (draw a pencil line under these words) true Spiritual Healing is never performed as a means of obtaining financial gain - it is given "without money and without price." True Spiritual Healing is never tarnished by the slime of materiality - never! It is right and proper for "healers" to charge for Mental Healing and Pranic Healing in all forms, as they devote their time to the work, and "the laborer is worthy of his hire," and no desire is entertained to criticize such charges - they sell their services just as we sell these lessons, and are entitled to their just remuneration just as we are. But the individual who is able to give the real gift of Spiritual Healing is never placed in a position in which he finds it necessary to charge for his services - he is fed by the ravens, and has no need of bartering his spiritual gifts, and would die before he would so prostitute his divine privilege. We do not wish to be misunderstood in this matter - when we speak of Spiritual Healing we mean the true gifts of the Spirit, not some of the forms of Psychic or Mental healing miscalled "spiritual." If you would have an example of true Spiritual Healing, turn to the New Testament and read of the work of the Spirit as manifested through the Son of Mary. Let that be the standard - as in fact it is.


      We find, to our satisfaction, that we will have sufficient space in which to give our students a few brief experiments in actual Occult Healing which they may practice. These experiments are given merely as examples, of course, and are not to be taken as being full instructions in the various forms of Occult Healing.

      We will first take up a few experiments in Pranic Healing (or "Magnetic Healing," if you prefer the term)

      (I) Let the patient sit in a chair, you standing before him. Let your hands hang loosely by your sides, and then swing them loosely to and fro for a few seconds, until you feel a tingling sensation at the tips of your fingers. Then raise them to the level of the patient's head, and sweep them slowly toward his feet, with your palms toward him with fingers outstretched, as if you were pouring force from your finger tips upon him. Then step back a foot and bring up your hands to the level of his head, being sure that your palms face each other in the upward movement, as, if you bring them up in the same position as you swept them down, you would draw back the magnetism you send toward him. Then repeat several times. In sweeping downward, do not stiffen the muscles, but allow the arms and hands to be loose and relaxed. You may treat the affected parts of the body in a similar way, finishing the treatment by saturating the entire body with magnetism. After treating the affected parts, it will be better for you to flick the fingers away from your sides, as if you were throwing off drops of water which had adhered to your fingers. Otherwise you might absorb some of the patient's conditions. This treatment is very strengthening to the patient, and if frequently practiced will greatly benefit him.

      In case of chronic or long seated troubles, the trouble may often be "loosened up" by making "sideways" passes before the afflicted part, that is by standing before the patient with your hands together, palms touching, and then swinging the arms out sideways several times. This treatment should always be followed by the downward passes to equalize the circulation.

      (II) In Chapter XIV, "Science of Breath," we have given a number of valuable experiments in this form of healing, which we advise the student to study and practice, if he is interested in this phase of the subject.

      (III) Headaches may be relieved by having the patient sit down in front of you, you standing back of his chair, and passing your hands, fingers down and spread open in double circles over the top of his head, not touching his head, however. After a few seconds you will actually feel the passage of the magnetism from your fingers, and the patient's pain will be soothed.

      (IV) Another good method of removing pain in the body is to stand before the patient, and present your palm to the affected part, at a distance of several inches from the body. Hold the palm steady for a few seconds and then begin a slow rotary motion, round and round, over the seat of the pain. This is quite stimulating and tends to restore normal conditions.

      (V) Point your forefinger toward the affected part a few inches away from the body, and keeping the finger steadily pointed move the hand around just as if you were boring a hole with the point of the finger. This will often start the circulation at the point affected, and bring about improved conditions.

      (VI) Placing the hands on the head of the patient, over the temples and holding them for a time, has a good effect, and is a favorite form of treatment of this kind.

      (VII) Stroking the patient's body (over the clothing) has a tendency to stimulate and equalize the circulation, and to relieve congestion.

      (VIII) Much of the value of Massage and similar forms of manipulative treatment, comes from the Prana which is projected from the healer into the patient, during the process of rubbing and manipulating. If the rubbing and manipulating is accompanied by the conscious desire of the healer to direct the flow of Prana into the patient a greatly increased flow is obtained. If the practice is accompanied with Rhythmic Breathing, as explained in "Science of Breath," the effect is much better.

      (IX) Breathing upon the affected part, is practiced by many races of people, and is often a potent means of conveying Prana to the affected part. This is often performed by placing a bit of cotton cloth between the flesh of the person and the healer, the breath heating up the cloth and adding the stimulation of warmth in addition to the other effects.

      (X) Magnetized water is often employed by "magnetic healers", and many good results are reported to have been obtained in this way. The simplest form of magnetizing water is to hold the glass by the bottom, in the left hand, and then, gathering together the fingers of the right hand, shake them gently over the glass of water just as if you were shaking drops of water into the glass from your finger tips. You may add to the effect by afterwards making downward passes over the glass with the right hand, passing the Prana into the water. Rhythmic breathing will assist in the transferring of the Prana into the water. Water thus charged with Prana is stimulating to