Multivalued Maps And Differential Inclusions: Elements Of Theory And Applications. Valeri Obukhovskii. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Valeri Obukhovskii
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Математика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9789811220234
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all nonempty convex subsets of Y. Introduce also the following symbols:


      When a multimap F maps into the collections C(Y), K(Y) or Pv(Y) we will say that F has closed, compact or convex values respectively.

      From the definition of a closed multimap it follows that it has closed values.

      The consideration of examples shows that closed and upper semicontinuous multimaps are a short distance apart. The relation between them is clarified by the following assertions.

      Theorem 1.2.29. Let X and Y be topological spaces. If the space Y is regular and a multimap F : XC(Y) is u.s.c. then F is closed.

      Proof. Let yY, yF(x). Since Y is regular there exist an open neighborhood V(y) of the point y and an open set WF(x) such that V(y) ∩ W =

. Let U(x) be a neighborhood of x such that F(U(x)) ⊂ W. Then F(U(x)) ∩ V(y) =
and the statement follows from Theorem1.2.24(b).


      To formulate a sufficient condition for a closed multimap to be u.s.c. we need the following definitions.

      Definition 1.2.31. A multimap F : XP(Y) is called:

      (a)compact if its range F(x) is relatively compact in Y, i.e., figure is compact in Y;

      (b)locally compact if every point xX has a neighborhood U(x) such that the restriction F to U(x) is

      (c)quasicompact if the restriction of F to each compact subset AX is compact.

      It is clear that (a) ⇒ (b) ⇒ (c).

      Proof. Let xX, V an open set in Y such that F(x) ⊂ V. Let U(x) be a neighborhood of x such that the restriction of F to it is compact and let

. By the compactness of W we can extract a finite subcover V(y1), . . . , V(yn). Consider the following open neighborhood of x:


      Notice now that

for all j = 1, 2, . . . , n and hence F(x′) ∩ W =
. From the other side, figure. Therefore, figure.


      The difference between closed and u.s.c. multimaps is illustrated by Examples As it was mentioned already, the multimaps in these examples are closed, but they are not u.s.c. Notice that the multimap from Example 1.1.6 has compact values and the condition of its upper semicontinuity is violated at the same point x = π/2 in which the condition of the local compactness is not satisfied.

      Let us consider some properties of closed and u.s.c. multimaps.

      Theorem 1.2.33. Let F : XC(Y) be a closed multimap. If AX is a compact set then its image F(A) is a closed subset of Y.

      Proof. The case F(A) = Y is trivial. Let yY \ F(A). For any xA, let U(x) and Vx(y) be neighborhoods of x and y such that


      If U(x1), . . . , U(xn) are neighborhoods forming a finite cover of A then


      Remark 1.2.34. The condition of compactness of the set A is essential: the image of a closed set under the action of a closed multimap can be a non-closed set. In fact, in Example 1.1.7: figure.

      In the sequel an important role will be played by the following property of u.s.c. multimaps.

      Theorem 1.2.35. Let F : XK(Y) be a u.s.c. multimap. If AX is a compact set then its image F(A) is a compact subset of A.

      Proof. Let {Vj}j∈J be an open cover of the set F(A). For each point xA, the value F(x) can be covered by a finite collection of sets Vj1, ...., Vjn(x). We denote figure. The sets figure, xA form an open cover of A. If we select a finite subcover


      then the sets Vx1, ..., Vxm form an open cover of the set F(A).


      Remark 1.2.36. The condition of a upper semicontinuity is essential in this theorem. In fact, for a closed multimap F with compact