Set Theory And Foundations Of Mathematics: An Introduction To Mathematical Logic - Volume I: Set Theory. Douglas Cenzer. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Douglas Cenzer
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Математика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9789811201943
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i∈I Bi).

      (2) (⋂i∈I Ai ∪ ⋂i∈I Bi) ⊆ ⋂i∈I(AiBi).

      Proof. Part (1) is left to the exercises. Here is a proof of part (2). Let x ∈ ⋂i∈I Ai ∪ ⋂i∈I Bi. Then either x ∈ ⋂i∈I Ai or x ∈ ⋂i∈I Bi. Without loss of generality, suppose that x ∈ ⋂i∈I Ai. This means that (∀iI) xAi. Now let iI be arbitrary. Then xAi, so that xAixBi and hence xAiBi. Since i was arbitrary, it follows that (∀iI) xAixBi. Thus x ∈ ⋂i∈I(AiBi).


      Here is an example to show that equality does not always hold for the second inclusion. Let I =

, let Ai be the interval (−∞, i), and let Bi = [i, ∞). Then ⋂i∈I Ai =
= ⋂i Bi, so that ⋂i∈I Ai ∪ ⋂i∈I Bi =
. But AiBi = (−∞, ∞) for every i, so that ⋂i∈I(AiBi) = (−∞, ∞).

      Finally, here is a version of DeMorgan’s laws for indexed families.

      Proposition 2.3.11. Let (Ai)i∈I be an indexed family of sets.

      (1) (⋃i∈I Ai) = ⋂i∈I


      (2) (⋂i∈I Ai) = ⋃i∈I


      Proof. (1) x ∈ (⋃i∈I Ai) if and only if x ∉ ⋃i∈I Ai, which holds if and only if ¬(∃i) xAi. It follows from predicate logic that this is true if and only if (∀i) ¬xAi, which holds if and only if (∀i) x

, which is true if and only if x ∈ ⋂i∈I

      Part (2) is left to the exercises.

      One can also define a doubly indexed family {Bi,j : iI, jJ}. For example, let Ai,j be the open interval (ij, i + j) of reals for i

and j
. Then we have


      On the other hand, we do have the following proposition.

      Proposition 2.3.12. For any doubly indexed family {Ai,j : iI, jJ}, ⋃j∈Ji∈I Ai,j ⊆ ⋂i∈Ij∈J Ai,j.

      Proof. Suppose x ∈ ⋃j∈Ji∈I Ai,j and let iI be arbitrary. Then (∃jJ) x ∈ ⋂i∈I Ai,j. Fix kJ such that x ∈ ⋂i∈I Ai,k. This means that (∀iI) xAi,k. Now let iI be arbitrary. Then we have immediately xAi,k. Hence (∃j) xAi,j, so that x ∈ ⋃j∈J Ai,j. Since i was arbitrary, it follows that (∀iI) x ∈ ⋃j∈J Ai,j. This means that x ∈ ⋂i∈Ij∈J Ai,j, as desired.

       Exercises for Section 2.3

      Exercise 2.3.1. Show that, for any function F : CD and any subsets A, B of D, F−1[A \ B] = F−1[A] \ F−1[B].

      Exercise 2.3.2. Show that, for any two functions F : BC and G : AB, FG is a function.

      Exercise 2.3.3. Show that, for any functions F and G, Dmn(FG) = G−1[Dmn(F)] ⊆ Dmn(G).

      Exercise 2.3.4. Show that, for any two functions F and G, Rng(FG) = F[Rng(G)] ⊆ Rng(F).

      Exercise 2.3.5. Show that, for any function F : AB, F is surjective if and only if, for all C and all G : BC and H : BC, GF = HF implies G = H.

      Exercise 2.3.6. For a function F : AB, show that

      (1) F is surjective if and only if there exists G : BA such that FG = IB;

      (2) F is injective if and only if there exists G : BA such that GF = IA;

      (3) F is bijective if and only if there exists G : BA such that FG = IB and GF = IA.

      Exercise 2.3.7. Let A, B, and C be sets.

      (a) Show that (AB)C = ACBC.

      (b) Show that ACBC ⊆ (AB)C.

      (c) Show that equality does not always hold in (b).

      Exercise 2.3.8. Let AB.

      (a) Show that ACBC.

      (b) Define a map from CB onto CA.

      Exercise 2.3.9. Let An = {k/n : k

} = {0, 1/n, −1/n, 2/n, . . . } for each n
+. Determine the resulting sets ⋃n∈I An and ⋂n∈I An.

      Exercise 2.3.10. Show that, for any indexed families {Ai