Boyd's Commentary. R.H. Boyd Publishing Corporation. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: R.H. Boyd Publishing Corporation
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781681677590
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as the IntercessorTopic: Standing in the Gap (John 17:14–24)UNIT THEME: THE CALL OF WOMENLESSON 9January 31—Prophesying DaughtersTopic: Women Speak Out (Luke 2:36–38; Acts 2:16–21; 21:8–9)LESSON 10February 7—Called to EvangelizeTopic: No Insignificant Witnesses (John 4:25–42)LESSON 11February 14—Mary Magdalene: A Faithful DiscipleTopic: Showing Loyalty (Luke 8:1–3; Mark 15:40; John 20:10–18)LESSON 12February 21—Priscilla: Called to MinisterTopic: Risk Taker (Acts 18:1–3, 18–21, 24–26; Romans 16:3–4)LESSON 13February 28—Lydia: Called to ServeTopic: Showing Generous Hospitality (Acts 16:11–15, 40; 1 Corinthians 1:26–30)THIRD QUARTERUNIT THEME: FAITHFUL PROPHETSLESSON 1March 7—Moses: Prophet of DeliveranceTopic: Facing the Impossible (Deuteronomy 18:15–22)LESSON 2March 14—Joshua: Prophet of ConquestTopic: Making Wise Choices (Joshua 5:13–6:5, 15–16, 20)LESSON 3March 21—Huldah: Prophet of WisdomTopic: Seeking Wisdom for the Future (2 Kings 22:14–20)LESSON 4March 28—Elijah: Prophet of CourageTopic: The Bearer of Bad News (1 Kings 18:5–18)UNIT THEME: PROPHETS OF RESTORATIONLESSON 5April 4—The Suffering Servant Brings SalvationTopic: Finding Hope in the Midst of Oppression (Isaiah 53:4–11)LESSON 6April 11—Ezra: Faith and Action PreacherTopic: Confession and Correction (Ezra 10:1–12)LESSON 7April 18—Nehemiah: The Captive Cupbearer Rebuilds a NationTopic: Initiating Renewal (Nehemiah 2:11–20)LESSON 8April 25—A Plea for RestorationTopic: Overcoming Losses and Brokenness (Lamentations 5)UNIT THEME: COURAGEOUS PROPHETS OF CHANGELESSON 9May 2—Micaiah: Speaking Truth to PowerTopic: Speaking Truth Boldly (1 Kings 22:15–23, 26–28)LESSON 10May 9—Isaiah: Offering Hope for the FutureTopic: Empty Rituals Are Useless (Isaiah 29:13–24)LESSON 11May 16—Jeremiah: The Suffering Preacher of DoomTopic: The Consequences of Giving Challenging Advice (Jeremiah 38:14–23)LESSON 12May 23—Ezekiel: Street Preacher to the ExilesTopic: Take Responsibility! (Ezekiel 18:1–9, 30–32)LESSON 13May 30—Jonah: Fiery Harbinger of DoomTopic: Changing for the Better (Jonah 3)FOURTH QUARTERUNIT THEME: JESUS TEACHES ABOUT FAITHLESSON 1June 6—Why Do You Worry?Topic: No Worries (Matthew 6:25–34)LESSON 2June 13—Why