Poisoning in the Pub, The. Simon Brett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Simon Brett
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: A Fethering Mystery
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781448304813
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to sabotage his business.’

      ‘Did he suggest who might have done that? Did you ask whether he had any enemies?’ Carole’s questions were now positively eager.

      ‘I did. He replied at great length, but I’m afraid didn’t say much that was very coherent.’


      ‘He had drunk rather a lot of whisky.’

      ‘That’s unlike him.’

      ‘I agree. He’s in quite a bad state. That’s why he was drinking so much.’

      ‘But didn’t he say what was wrong?’

      ‘His basic problems seem to be financial. From what he said, he’s only just managing to keep the Crown and Anchor open.’

      ‘Would he make anything much if he sold the place?’

      ‘Yes, I think he’d probably do all right. But the one fact that came through very clearly was that he doesn’t want to sell up. In spite of his less than enthusiastic manner, Ted really loves running the Crown and Anchor. He’d be shattered if he had leave the place.’

      ‘I know. He talks about the pub a bit like people talk about their children. He can criticize it as much as he likes, but once someone else starts, he gets very defensive.’


      ‘But are you saying, Jude, that Ted thinks what happened with the scallops … assuming it was sabotage … was an attempt by someone to force him to sell up?’

      ‘He implied that, without putting it in so many words.’

      ‘And when you asked him about having any enemies, did he mention any names?’

      ‘No. All he said was that his “bloody ex-wife” had come back into his life.’

      ‘Oh, really?’ said Carole Seddon.

      Stuck on the main doors of the Crown and Anchor was an A4 sheet on which had been printed in a large font: CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Under this someone had scrawled in red felt pen: ‘Dew to customers being poissoned’. Jude felt pretty sure Ted Crisp hadn’t yet seen the addition; he wouldn’t have let it stay there for long. So when, at about twelve o’clock, Zosia opened the locked door to her, Jude pointed it out. The girl immediately tore down the notice and said she’d print up a new one.

      Jude had met Zosia when she had come over from Warsaw following the murder of her brother Tadeusz, and the two had bonded immediately, in spite of their age difference. The girl’s full name was Zofia Jankowska, but everyone called her Zosia. When she had first arrived in England her English had been limited, but she had applied herself and now spoke with only a trace of an accent. She had enrolled in a journalism course at the University of Clincham, and managed to fit her commitments at the Crown and Anchor around her studies. She always wore her blonded hair in pigtails, and her hazel eyes sparkled with energy.

      ‘Ted will not be pleased with that,’ she said, indicating the graffiti on the notice.

      ‘I got the impression he wasn’t very pleased with much at the moment. He came round for a drink to my place last night. Seemed to be in a bad way. That’s really why I dropped round this morning – just to see that he’s OK.’

      ‘When the pub’s closed, he is like a … what do you say – “bear with a headache”?’

      ‘“Bear with a sore head”.’

      ‘Yes, that is right. Though he doesn’t look like one, he is a real workaholic. He cannot be doing nothing.’

      They were now inside the empty bar. ‘Ted’s out the back,’ Zosia went on. ‘I’ll take you to—’

      ‘Just a minute.’ Jude held the girl back with a touch on her arm. ‘Before I see him, I just wondered if you had any ideas about what might have happened yesterday.’

      ‘With the scallops? I’m sorry, Jude, I’d forgotten. You were one of the people who ate them, weren’t you?’

      ‘Yes, but I’m fine now, don’t worry.’

      ‘And Carole?’

      ‘Not so good, I’m afraid. But I’m sure she’ll soon be better. Incidentally, have you heard anything from the hospital? About the woman who was taken there? Bettina Smiley?’

      Zosia’s pigtails swayed as she firmly shook her head. ‘We have heard nothing. Ted is worrying about that too. Mind you, there’s no reason why the hospital should tell us, is there?’

      ‘Probably not. Maybe I could make an enquiry …’

      Zosia made as if to lead her friend through to the kitchen, but Jude again resisted. ‘Just a quick word before I see Ted. Have you any idea what went wrong with the scallops yesterday?’

      Another decided shake of the head. ‘I suppose it must have been the suppliers.’

      ‘Ted said they were normally very reliable.’

      ‘They are. And they don’t like what is being said about them. Ted had a furious managing director on the phone for a good half hour this morning.’

      ‘You haven’t had your Health and Safety inspection yet?’

      ‘No. They rang first thing, and said they’d try to fit it in this afternoon. But they didn’t sound optimistic. Ted’ll go mad if he has to keep closed for another day.’

      ‘Last night he said … well, he was rambling a bit, but he said he thought someone might have tampered with the scallops, that it might have been sabotage.’

      ‘That is the obvious thing to think, when there is no other explanation. Except I don’t see how it could have been done. Either Ed or I was in the kitchen all the time.’

      ‘Did you see Ed take the delivery?’

      ‘Yes, I did. I was in and out to the bar all the time, but I was actually in the kitchen when the seafood delivery came. Ed checked it, signed for the stuff, it was no different from usual.’

      ‘Ted mentioned someone called Ray who helps out.’

      ‘Yes, poor old Ray. He is not …’ Zosia made a circling movement with a finger by her temple ‘… not right in the head, you know.’

      ‘Is he in today?’

      ‘No. He rather comes and goes when he feels like it. That’s why Ted can’t really employ him on an official basis. Ray’s not good at following a regular schedule. And he seemed very upset by what happened yesterday. We might not see him for a while now. He takes things very much to heart.’

      ‘Do you know where he lives?’

      ‘One of these projects where people with the same sort of disabilities share flats. You know, they are independent, but they are quite carefully supervised. Where it is exactly I don’t know. In Fethering, though, I think. I’m sure Ted would have an address for him.’

      ‘And you don’t think Ray could have had anything to do with sabotaging the scallops?’

      Zosia’s brow wrinkled as she dismissed the idea. ‘Even if he had the intelligence to work out something like that – which I’m sure he hasn’t – Ray would never knowingly do anything that might hurt another person. Ray is too good, too prepared to believe the best of everyone.’

      ‘But is he—?’

      Jude’s question was interrupted by the ringing of the phone behind the bar. Zosia moved towards it, but Ted Crisp, emerging suddenly from the kitchen, got there first. ‘Crown and Anchor. Yes, that’s me. Oh, right, we spoke earlier. What? Oh, are you sure you can’t? Very well. Expect you tomorrow. When you like. I’m not going anywhere. Goodbye.’

      He slammed the handset down and let out the burst of expletives which he had been restraining while being polite