Chateau de Paix. R. C. Jette. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: R. C. Jette
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781725281738
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coffee table.” She sighed heavily. “I have to find it. I’m beginning to believe Titus is right. I do need to get away. When I get back, I’ll beat Joel to the punch and call the wedding off.” She paused. “Who am I kidding? Joel is all I have left.” She looked at the bronze cross hanging on the wall over a camel back couch. “Why do you take everyone I love?”

      She sat back and with both hands on her head. “God help me! Am I going shipwreck. I know I saw the tree almost topple over. I know I’ve seen them passing notes.” She paused. “Titus saw them passing the note. I know I am not imagining things. But the tree doesn’t seem to be affected at all by the storm.”

      “I need to get away.” Margaret sighed, heavily. “Where is that brochure?” Her eyes focused on the papers on the coffee table. “There it is.” She immediately picked it up and her eyes began to read the words. “Does daily stress have you undone? Come away for two glorious weeks of nothing.” She drops her right hand and the leaflet to her lap. She then stretches out her left hand to view her diamond ring surrounded by sapphires. As she sits back, tears stroll down her cheeks as a picture of Joel receiving a note from Carlotta at the water cooler flashes through her mind.

      She wiped her eyes and continues to read the brochure. “Two beautiful weeks at the Chateau de Paix is what you need. Splendid scenery and gothic chateau will calm the nerves of anyone.”

      Margaret perceived two weeks of peace and tranquility would be like a blissful experience at present. “That’s it,” she said. “I’ll do it.” She sat back and folded her arms. “I’ll make reservations with the chateau and then set up everything with the airline. Then I’ll obtain the time off from work on Monday and work until I can leave for the chateau.”

      Once she made the reservations and secured her flight, she knew she would leave on Friday night. Now, to make it through the next week at work. She would do most of her packing this weekend and finish up the last odds and ends after work on Friday. She would take a cab to the airport, check her luggage, eat supper at one of the restaurants, and then catch her flight. Her mind was in turmoil. Does she tell Joel? Does she tell anyone where she’s going? She rubbed the back of her neck with her right hand and sat back. “How foolish,” she giggled. “Joel’s father owns the company, so within minutes it will be known that Margaret has requested vacation time.”

      * * *

      First thing Monday morning, Margaret procured the time off from work. She sat back in her Perot Genuine leather chair and giggled. “I’m sure Joel will hear that I’ve just taken three weeks off from work.”

      At that moment Joel came to her office and gazed at her. “I was just told that you’re taking three weeks out of work. Why didn’t you mention it to Titus and me on Friday? How come you never said anything to me when I called on Saturday and Sunday?” He gestured with his right hand. “Are you going away?”

      She nodded her head. “I did a lot of soul searching over the weekend, I do believe you and Titus are right that I need to take time and mourn. Perhaps a different scenery will help me to not always see my mother.” She bit her bottom lip. “I’ve been sitting in her chair, sleeping in her bed, and I believe I need to get away.” She gestured with her right hand. “So, I’m going to a chateau in the French Alps for a couple of weeks.”

      “What chateau?”

      “It’s called the Chateau de Paix, and it seems like it’s ideal for peace and tranquility.”

      Joel scratched the back of his head with his right hand. “I’ve heard about that place from someone. It’s seems last year three women disappeared after being there.”

      Margaret giggled. “Rumors seem to grow like plants on a rock and spread up overnight with little foundation.” She gestured with her right hand. “I mean, really, Joel. If the chateau was suspected of such a bizarre happening, wouldn’t the authorities know? I mean, the chateau has been cleared. All three women caught their flights home, picked up their luggage at the terminal, and then disappeared.”

      “I understand, but it does seem quite bazaar they can’t find any trail of the women after they picked up their luggage at the airport.”

      “It never ceases to amaze me what people will believe.” Margaret said, rubbing the back of her neck with her right hand. “I talked to the woman who owns it, and she was extremely sweet. I told her I needed to get away from the daily stress of things, and that I lost my mother last month.” She picked up the brochure. “I explained that I’m an avid bird watcher and have taken thousands of photos.” She handed him the brochure. “The woman said I was making a wise decision to come there. It’s secluded in the French Alps, beautiful surroundings, and many species of birds.” She giggled. “That why it’s called the Chateau of Peace.”

      Joel read the brochure. “It does sound like it will afford you some peace and tranquility.” He cupped her right hand with both of his hands. “Please use it as a time to allow the Lord to comfort and heal you. Remember there is the light at the end of the tunnel.” He gave her a kiss. “I’ll get back to work. If you need my help for anything, please let me know.” He paused. “When do you leave?”

      “Late Friday night. I couldn’t book it before early evening on the fifth which is Saturday. This way I’ll have time to make sure I have everything needed.” She paused. “I’ll be taking a cab to the airport due to the lateness of the hour. I’ll be coming back about eight in the evening on Sunday the twentieth.”

      Joel’s eyebrows squished together. “Certainly, I can pick you up then.” He gestured with his right hand. “It’s going to be a rough two weeks without seeing you.” He scratched the back of his head with his right hand. “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” He placed his right hand on her right hand. “You need to take time to mourn in order to be healed. All I care about is you getting the peace you so need.” He laughed. “When you get back we have to discuss something very important.”

      “Can’t we discuss it now? I mean, if it’s important, it shouldn’t wait.”

      “I just think you’ll be more able to concentrate on our discussion if you’ve had time to grieve the loss of your mother.” He gestured with both hands. “I don’t mean you’ll be all healed. That will take time. I just mean if you can get an understanding from the Lord why she wasn’t healed when you prayed.” He paused. “We can pray for something. But if it’s not his will, we must trust in his love for us. He is omniscient and knows what he’s planned for each one of us.” His eyebrows squished together. “I recently read a book that will help anyone who desires to understand God’s love. It’s described in chapter three where the author reveals the love of God through the coverings of the tabernacle.” He gestured with his right hand. “I have it in my office, if you’re interested?”

      “I think it might be helpful.” She said, sighing. “What’s the name of it?”

      “It’s called Storms Are Faith’s Workout: Preparing Christians for Spiritual Ambush by R. C. Jette.”

      “Well, did the author know about my storm?” She said, giggling.

      He put up his right forefinger. “Give me a minute, and I’ll get it.”

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