The Doctor and the Apostle. Jeffrey A. Nelson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jeffrey A. Nelson
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781725263185
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own journey to reclaim Paul as part of my own faith tradition.

      The final reason why I chose Paul is because I see some similarities between him and The Doctor. They both believe in the potential of the people they’re trying to help. They are both travelers who do good as best as they know how, although they’re just as prone to getting it wrong while learning from their mistakes. They rejoice with people in times of success and encouragement, and they become angry when they think that people can do better. They both live in some median existence between the legend that others have constructed about them and the imperfections that people hold against them.

      The more I thought about this comparison, the more interested I became in writing about it. So that, in a nutshell, is why this book exists.

      A Few Assumptions and Disclaimers

      Before we proceed, I want to mention a few assumptions with which I’m approaching this book. The first is one I’ve already mentioned: I’ll be working with the letters of Paul that have been deemed authentic by biblical scholars. A further explanation about that will be provided in another chapter.

      Second, I am not a big fan of books that explore faith and pop culture that are heavy on the former and only use the latter as an incidental prop. My view is that if you’re going to compare and contrast a system of spiritual belief with some piece of film, television, music, or other art, you need to respect the piece enough to let it speak for itself and then see where it leads as a result.

      That is why I use the word “intersections” in the title rather than something like “parallels” or “similarities.” This book will explore both Doctor Who and Paul each on their own terms, identifying where their respective themes align but also identifying where they differ. I aim to put them in conversation with each other, rather than try to shoehorn one into the other in ways that are uncomfortable or inappropriate.

      Third, I must describe my method of using pronouns, which you might have picked up on already. The Doctor has been a man through most of the show’s run, but the most recent incarnation is a woman. One of The Doctor’s primary antagonists, The Master, has also been a man and a woman at various points. Due to this element of gender fluidity on the show, there will come times where I will use the singular “they,” “them,” or “their” to refer to these characters, mostly when I am speaking about them in the most general terms as they have existed throughout the show’s history. When I am writing about a character’s specific incarnation within the context of a particular episode, series, season, or actor or actress’s tenure, I will use gender-specific pronouns.

      Finally, this disclaimer is more for readers who are already fans. Because Doctor Who has had such a long existence, this book will not be an exhaustive treatment of the show. It is very likely that I will only make passing reference to, or ignore entirely, somebody’s favorite Doctor, companion, adversary, episode, or season. It was not intentional: I had a manuscript deadline and I only had so much time to watch the show while also writing about it. I did attempt, at least, to get as broad an experience of the show as I could, from both the classic series and the revival that began in 2005. I’m sorry if I end up omitting something that you were hoping to be mentioned. If it helps, I couldn’t find a way to work in all of my favorites, either (for instance, there’s no mention of the episode “Blink,” except this parenthetical note).

      The Journey Ahead

      Now that we’ve dispensed with introductory disclaimers and explanations, here is where we will be going next.

      In chapter 2, I will look at the traveling habits of The Doctor and Paul, as well as their relationships to the institutions that spurred their journeys. In the case of The Doctor, this will be a closer look at the features of their ship, the TARDIS, and how it is often a key factor in their adventures beyond giving them the ability to go from one place to another. For Paul, this will be his profession as a tentmaker and his sometimes tenuous relationship to other church leaders and apostles.

      Chapter 3 will explore The Doctor and Paul’s struggles with their own sense of identity. The Doctor often has to step back and evaluate who they are, most notably after a regeneration, but at times when they are faced with their own overconfidence and failure as well. Paul’s case is similar, as he carries his past as a persecutor of the church with him, as well as other weaknesses that at times hinder his ministry with others.

      In chapter 4, I will further explore Paul’s admissions of weakness, but also how he drew strength from his sense of God’s presence and work in the world as well. Likewise, The Doctor often approaches problems while avoiding conventional solutions such as the use of violence to solve them, which some other characters see as weak. This chapter will ask what true strength looks like, and whether it always has to follow the path that many prefer.

      Both The Doctor and Paul had moments when they became frustrated with the behavior of humanity. They both wonder at times why they keep bothering to help people when they often end up acting in such disappointing ways. Chapter 5 will explore this frustration, as well as how they deal with it in order to continue in their respective missions.

      Chapter 6 will analyze the question of whether anybody is truly beyond turning their life around from one that is harmful to oneself or others to one that is life-giving. For The Doctor, this question was most often personified in his longtime nemesis, The Master. For Paul, this played out in his ongoing argument with others concerning who got to be part of the new Jesus Movement. As we will see, the answer that each come up with is similar to the other’s.

      The Doctor and Paul also each dealt with the question of what unity looks like if everyone in a group doesn’t all look, think, or act exactly alike. For The Doctor, this question usually came up while dealing with their foes the Cybermen. For Paul, this often centered on the issue of whether non-Jewish believers needed to follow parts of the Mosaic law in order to be considered part of the church. Chapter 7 will focus on how each made room for diversity while seeking a common goal.

      One’s life and faith journey is not meant to be one traveled alone. The Doctor often has a companion who balances them out and helps them see aspects of a situation that they otherwise would be blind to. Paul also had multiple companions who supported his work in different ways. Chapter 8 will focus on the importance of having fellow travelers to help us do what we can’t do by ourselves.

      As mentioned earlier in this chapter, one of the biggest causes of Paul’s notoriety is some of what is included in his letters concerning the place of women in the church. However, there is much more evidence to suggest how much he valued the voice and work of women alongside him, most notably how often he mentions women as coworkers in his ministry. Likewise, The Doctor has had many indispensable women in their life, including their thirteenth incarnation. Chapter 9 will highlight the importance of women to both figures, as well as the continuing critical role that women play in the life of both the world and the church.

      Chapter 10 will explore the concept of regeneration in Doctor Who, while comparing and contrasting it with Paul’s presentation of how resurrection works. There are similarities between the two, but also major differences. One thing that they have in common, however, is the ongoing hope and assurance that they provide for others.

      My hopes for you as you continue reading are multiple. I hope that fans will discover something new about this incredibly imaginative show that we love, and that those less familiar with it may be inspired to give it a chance. I hope that those seeking a greater understanding of Christian spirituality and faith will receive that in even a small way. I hope that fans of Paul may be able to approach him more realistically and that non-fans may find something redemptive. I hope that more than one of these things happens for every reader. And I hope most of all that I’ve done right by both of this book’s main subjects, and that as a result they may each have something to say to you.


      Tents, Houses, and a Blue Box

      The Doctor’s TARDIS is integral to their ability to do what they do. The name TARDIS is an acronym for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, and, true to its name, it is The Doctor’s ship that has the ability