September Fall. Jenny Plumb. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jenny Plumb
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Campus Life
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781645634935
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with a belt. It will be difficult for me, because… well, because I don't like hurting women, I guess. But if you're getting off on it, then maybe I will, too."

      She glanced at the hall and said, "Should we go upstairs then?"

      "Yep." He stood and scooped her up into his arms.

      A small gasp of surprise came out of her as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. As he carried her to the stairs, she grinned and said, "I love how easy it is for you to pick me up."

      He grinned, too. "I love how tiny you are."

      "I'm not tiny," she protested as he reached the top of the staircase. "I'm five foot six."

      "Which means you're eight inches shorter than I am, and you're thin."

      She was about to point out that she was well toned, not thin, but he'd made it to his room, and she was distracted by the amount of football paraphernalia that surrounded them. There were four Seattle Seahawks posters on the wall, but everything else in the room was touting the team he played for, the Otters. Northern Oregon University had literally hundreds of Otters themed items for sale, and it looked like Adam had half of them. The bedspread, extra blankets, the lamp, the desk chair, the hoodie on the desk chair, and even the two actual footballs in the corner were the signature yellow and brown Otters' theme. And the things that weren't Otters' themed still seemed to be about football. There was an entire bookshelf full of trophies, medals, and photos from Adam's childhood football teams.

      "Wow," was all she could say as she took in the room. She'd always disliked the yellow and brown cheerleading outfits, and a room full of those colors was a bit jarring.

      "It's a lot, I know." He gently set her down on the edge of his bed and then went to close the door. "My dad got really excited when I got accepted to NOU, and he just kept buying stuff. Admittedly, I was pretty excited about it, too. Maybe we both went a little overboard." He walked over to his closet and slid open the door. He pulled out a hanger that had three belts on it. "This is all I have. Did you want to pick one?"

      "The brown one," she answered quickly. One of the two black belts was braided leather, and the other was shiny and thin. The brown one was almost an inch wide and looked more flexible.

      He took that one off and put the other two back.

      Just seeing him holding it as he walked to the bed made her horny.

      "How do you…"

      She pulled her shirt up and over her head, and he stopped talking. As she unsnapped her bra, she said, "I was hoping we could both be naked first."

      Without a word, he tossed the belt on the bed and started yanking his clothes off while keeping his eyes on her.

      "You're beautiful," he whispered reverently once they were both fully naked.

      "You are, too," she said. She climbed up on the bed and got on her hands and knees, which was only slightly awkward with the cast. Looking back over her shoulder at him, she said, "Double the belt over and hold both ends so that the buckle doesn't hit me."

      "Right," he muttered, as if the sight of her naked and presenting herself to him had made him forget what he'd agreed to do. He picked up the belt, doubled it over, and then looked at her with his head tilted to the side. "I think it'll be easier if I kneel on the bed next to you."

      She nodded and shifted her body slightly to make room for him. He got on his knees beside her and put his left hand on her lower back. His warm touch made her shiver with anticipation.

      "Ready?" he asked.

      "Mm-hm." She nodded and arched her back slightly to stick her ass out.

      She felt a light tap of the belt against her ass and then another. Sadie's eyebrows furrowed. Was he taking aim? After six more of the light taps, she spoke up. "Adam?"

      He stilled. "Yeah?"

      "That's not, uh… hard enough."

      Nodding, he lifted his arm, and the belt landed with a little thwap.

      Gasping, she nodded. "Much better. Just like that." She closed her eyes and concentrated on the delightful sting that each strike left, but her delight only lasted for a few seconds, because every blow was landing in exactly the same spot. Wincing, and hoping she didn't sound like a bitch, she spoke up again. "Adam?"

      He stopped.

      "Could you try not to hit the same spot twice in a row? You can hit anywhere below my tailbone and above mid-thigh where my skirt ends. Same intensity, just not the same spot again and again."

      "Sure. Sorry if it was—"

      "No, don't be sorry. It was fine. But I'd like it even more if you covered more area."


      She closed her eyes again, and for the next few minutes, she got lost in the sensation of leather striking her again and again, all up and down her ass and upper thighs. Each blow sent a jolt of excitement to her clit, and she unconsciously pushed her bottom out even further to meet the blows. She was seconds away from asking him to step up the intensity, when he stopped.

      She heard the belt drop and felt his hand on her ass, rubbing the skin.

      "It's so pink and warm," he mumbled.

      Her clit twitched. "Do you… like it?"

      "Yes." His hand squeezed her right cheek.

      Smiling, she said, "Awesome. That was a fantastic start."

      "Start?" She looked over her shoulder at him and saw a frown. "I don't know if I can do much more than that." He looked at her ass and rubbed his hand over the skin. "It already looks painful."

      "Painful?" She shook her head. "It's not. Not to me anyway. It just feels… good."

      His hand continued to explore her pink skin while his eyes focused on hers. "I like the way it looks and feels right now, but if I keep going…" He looked at her ass. "…I don't know. I don't like the idea of leaving bruises or welts."

      "Welts?" She chuckled. "I think that's a long way off. You weren't hitting that hard. And besides, you've got me all excited now. If you give me… let's say twenty harder hits with the belt, that'll be all the foreplay I need."

      Adam kept his eyes on her ass, and if his frown was any indication, he was planning to say no.

      She pushed herself up and moved so that she was kneeling on the bed, face to face with him. She put a hand out and gently ran her fingers up and down his shaft. "I'm already wet for you, just from what you've done so far, and if you really can't do any more this time, that's okay. But I'd love to have a few harder slaps with the belt first. That way, when you're thrusting into me with this magnificent cock and pushing your body up against my red skin, it'll be even hotter for me."

      Leaning forward, he put a hand on the back of her head and pulled her in for a possessive kiss. She immediately opened her mouth for him and wrapped her hand around the base of his dick, making him moan while they kissed.

      He broke it off and looked into her eyes. "Is this really what you want?"

      "Absolutely," she answered before letting go of him and going back to her previous, position on her hands and knees beside him. She heard him picking up the belt, and then a few seconds later, she heard a small whoosh, followed by a loud thwack.

      She gasped at the beautiful shock of perfect pain that snapped onto her skin and radiated to her clit.

      "Was that too much?" he asked, sounding worried.

      "More," she moaned, pushing her ass up. After a couple seconds of silence, she heard the whoosh thwack again and didn't even try to hold back her moan. "Yes."

      As the blows continued, she became more and more aroused and lost in her own body's reaction. When she felt his hand rubbing her ass after a pause, she whined, "Don't stop; that wasn't twenty."

      "I know; it was ten. I just wanted to make sure you were still liking