The Cultural Construction of Monstrous Children. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: История
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781785275227
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       4.1Kaspar Hauser, not wild anymore?

       4.2Has any other feral child ever been honoured with a monument?

       4.3Two adolescent microcephalic boys made up as the last surviving Aztecs

       4.4In remembrance of the smallest ladies duet in the world

       9.1A man collecting a mandrake root with the help of a dog


       12.1Tabulation of FBI uniform crime report, 2012


      It has been something of an odyssey to get the important work of the authors involved in this project out into the light of day, and many thanks to those that have helped and encouraged along the way. The most important of these is my always amazing Mrs Mine and our own two little monsters, Seba and Majki, and not least the support of Mam i Tata Bronk.


       Simon Bacon and Leo Ruickbie

      The linkage between children and horror, or ‘horror-full’ children, would seem an almost natural connection to make given its popularity in contemporary horror films and novels. However, the intersection between the two categories has a long history going back beyond the more obvious Gothic reimaginings of the nineteenth century with its underage ghostly terrors revealing that the idea of the ‘little horror’ is seemingly an inherent demarcation within society between adults and those that are viewed as ‘not adults’. Beginning from the sixteenth century, this collection will consider examples of description and interpretation of little horrors from real life and popular culture to show the construction and consolidation of the Western cultural anxiety around the problematic, anomalous child which views it as being monstrous, dangerous and just plain evil.