Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda. Swami Paramananda. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Swami Paramananda
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781528760157
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life, yet I live!

      Yea, I live now, not separate

      But in wholeness of Thy Life.


      In this battle of life we must rise above all self-seeking and do our share for the love of it. Our motive should always be to turn out well whatever we undertake, rather than dwell on what personal gain or loss it may bring. When we are faithful to the Ideal we grow indifferent to success and failure, victory and defeat, good fortune and misfortune. That which affects the little self does not seem so vital to us. We find our rest and security in something higher.


      O Thou Giver of all blessing, we cannot weigh or measure Thy gifts.

      Give me a contented heart, free from self-interest and calculation.

      Silence within me all rebellious thought

      And awaken in me the spirit of consecration and joyous service.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      We cannot do our part unless we have unlocked the door and found something within.

      Lines to Memorize.

      Ever fresh life and joy well up in my soul

      As I sit in Thy Presence with open heart.

      Thou didst hold the key of this house in Thy hand;

      And I, not knowing this secret,

      Have wandered long and afar.


      No man in this world can be productive or make his action far-reaching without entering deeper into his inner being. Unless he does this, his actions will all bear the mark of thoughtlessness. The existence offers us countless opportunities to serve the Ideal. If we carry unrest, depression, doubt and unhappiness in our heart, we cannot earn happiness for ourselves or bring it to others. Only as we carry joy, peace and spiritual faith do we serve God and the world.


      O Thou Supreme One!

      Fill me with Thyself.

      Make Thy Presence felt in my heart.

      Kindle within me the true fire of spiritual consecration

      That all my impurities and unworthy feelings may be burned to ashes.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      There must be aspiration in our hearts.

      Lines to Memorize.

      Wondrous Choir-master of the great universe!

      I want to keep my gaze fixed on Thee.

      Whene’er my eyes are turned away from Thee, I fall out of rhythm.

      My song apart from Thee lacks harmony—

      Help me to keep my gaze fixed on Thee now and always.


      This world is like a symphony and we each have a part to play. We must so tune our instrument that whenever we strike a note, it will be a harmonious note. Some people are evil; not only so, they draw evil and produce only evil. Others see the whole world as a sanctuary of God.


      All-loving One, bestow on me Thy Divine grace

      That all my shortcomings may leave me;

      That all my selfishness and egotism may be removed;

      That my heart may be sanctified

      And tuned in perfect unison with Thy Divine Heart.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Every man must go to God; every man must seek wisdom.

      Lines to Memorize.

      If thou wouldst have Divine grace,

      Then crave not the favour of man.

      If thou wouldst soar heaven’s loftiest heights,

      Then let not thy feet be chained to earth.

      Bear no malice or envy in thy mind,

      For these are heavy loads to carry.

      He lifts those by His magic wand

      Who come free of heart and hand.


      Practical wisdom is something we radiate through our life. Everyone can acquire it. Great souls are anxious to give wisdom, but the one to whom they would impart it must have aptitude to receive. We cannot reach God unless we seek Him with childlike faith and devotion. We must have that higher wisdom which comes from surrender.


      O Thou Effulgent Spirit, teach me how I may acquire true wisdom.

      Destroy all darkness in me.

      Grant unto me such childlike simplicity and openness of heart

      That I may be able to reflect Thy Divine Light.

      May that Light radiate through all my thoughts and actions.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      People who wish to achieve something in the spiritual life must not wait for special occasions and conditions.

      Lines to Memorize.

      The stream of my life is ever flowing on,

      Perchance checked by an impassable rock,

      As if blocked for all time from its goal.

      Yet the yearning soul with feeble stroke

      Finds its course through adamantine walls.


      We already possess all the higher qualities and we can possess them consciously. We can bring ourselves to such a state of mental evolution that we are always equipped for our task. Then after we have done a day’s work, instead of being depleted, we shall feel strong. When we depend upon our inferior faculties we accomplish less and we are often tired. Our strength is replenished through simplicity, humility and trust.


      May the All-abiding Spirit free me from anxiety and fear.

      May He surround me with His protecting love.

      May I learn to draw consciously on Him.

      May I find my rest and peace in His abiding Presence.

      May I fasten my life to that Unchanging One and depend on Him alone.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Life affords us endless opportunities for unfoldment.

      Lines to Memorize.

      The stream of my life is ever flowing on;

      Perchance in swift current,

      Again slow and still, as if stagnant,

      But ever flowing on to find Thee, Thou ocean of life and bliss,
