The Gold Hunters' Adventures; Or, Life in Australia. William Henry Thomes. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: William Henry Thomes
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664601063
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in the country for many years, suppose that you give us a short account of your experience," cried Fred.

      "Willingly; but wait until after breakfast. That woman is getting better—hear her breath, regular and natural. Let her father come in to tend her, if he wishes."

      The latter remark was made to one of his privates, who stood at the door, and had prevented the entrance of the aged convict. The father entered with a humble air, and seated himself near his daughter's side.

      He appeared too grateful for the privilege of thus remaining in the presence of his superior to pay any attention to his conversation; and when breakfast had been disposed of, and our pipes were lighted, each of us chose a comfortable place to rest at full length on the floor of the hut, and discuss matters and things in Australia. I found the lieutenant a rare companion, and a man that had seen much service in the country.

      "We have a number of hours to spare before we undertake our expedition," said Fred, during a pause in the conversation; "suppose you favor us with a short history of some of your adventures in this country. You have seen many years' service as a police agent, and tales of no ordinary kind must be familiar to you."

      "If I should tell you of the murders which the bushrangers sometimes commit, when they have a thirst for blood, you would think I was romancing," answered the officer.

      We both protested against such an idea, and Lieutenant Murden—that was his name, and I am glad to see that, since I left Melbourne, he has been promoted to a captaincy—knocked the ashes from his pipe, carefully reloaded it, told the sentinel at the door to keep his eyes open, and not let a gang of robbers approach the hut unperceived, wet his lips with the contents of a flask, which he carried about his person, lighted his pipe with a match, and then began.


      "Not long since, the whole police force of the country was thrown into a state of great excitement and vigilance, owing to the desperate deeds of two convicts, who seized a schooner on the coast, compelled the crew, on the pain of instant death, to navigate her to a distant part of the island, and by keeping their guns pointed at the heads of the frightened men, and relieving each other at the task, were enabled to accomplish their ends.

      "The convicts were landed, and to repay the sailors for their kindness and forbearance, they shot the two men that rowed them ashore; and, from the time that they set foot on land, until the day of their death, their course was marked with blood.

      "They took the life of every human being that stood in their way. The most unreasonable request, if there was a moment's hesitation, was rewarded with a bullet; and it seemed as though demons, not men, were thirsting for the blood which was shed so profusely.

      "The news of the murderers' doings was brought post haste to Melbourne, and I and my troop were ordered to start immediately for the bush, and secure them, dead or alive. Extraordinary powers were granted me by the government. I could take horses or cattle, or even press men into my service, if I thought desirable, for the purpose of capturing the bushrangers. Hardly a moment of preparation was allowed me, beyond the choice of twelve men, whom I knew I could rely upon; and even while I was conversing with the superintendent, another messenger arrived with the news of fresh butcheries, more bloody and brutal than the last.

      "At eight on the evening of the day that I was ordered to take my departure, my troop was leaving Melbourne on the road leading towards Ballarat, in which direction I learned the convicts were travelling.

      "At two o'clock we halted at a cattle station; and while some of our men changed saddles from our tired horses to fresh ones, the remainder cooked a kettle of coffee, and broiled a piece of beef, to stay our stomachs during our long ride. From the stockman we obtained some information, as the bushrangers had visited his cattle station two days before, selected what animals they wished, and then shot the companion of the man we were conversing with.

      "At seven o'clock we again halted at a cattle station, but for ten minutes we could not find a soul to answer our questions. We searched the hut and an adjoining piece of woods, in hope of finding somebody who would give us a little information. As time was precious, however, I was on the point of borrowing what animals I wanted, when two of my men brought in a native, half dead with fear. He had been found secreted under some brush in the woods, and all our persuasions could hardly convince him that his life was not in danger.

      "After an immense amount of questioning, I learned that the two murderers had visited the cattle station the day before, had shot the keeper, and would have killed the native had he not fled to the woods for protection. After the deed, they ransacked the hut thoroughly, possessed themselves of a quantity of rum which they found, renewed their supply of ammunition, mounted fresh horses, and were off in the direction of Ballarat at full gallop, according to the account of the native.

      "It only remained for us to follow as fast as possible. In twelve hours we had travelled a distance of one hundred miles; and although we felt the want of rest, yet I knew that time was too precious to waste in sleep. A hasty breakfast, and we were off; but before we had rode twelve miles our attention was attracted near the roadside by seeing a flock of birds hovering in the air and uttering shrill cries. I endeavored to get my horse to approach the place, but with starting eyes and every indication of terror, he refused to move.

      "I dismounted, and entered the hushes, and found my suspicions confirmed. Two men were lying dead on the ground, both with bullet holes through their heads. I made a short examination, and satisfied myself that the murders were committed the day before, and that the bodies were dragged amongst the bushes, after being robbed of every thing valuable about their persons.

      "Time was too precious to give Christian burial to the dead men, even if we had had the proper tools to open the earth. With a sigh, we left the birds their prey, and once more continued our journey through the wildest part of the sterile country between Melbourne and Ballarat.

      "On, on, we went, urging our panting, tired beasts without mercy; and just as we thought we should have to halt, to allow the animals a resting spell, we reached the large cattle station of Witon Martells. Here we found every thing in confusion; and although usually half a dozen men were employed at the station, only two came out to greet us, and they wore frightened visages.

      "We soon heard their story. The murderers had rode up to the hut about six o'clock the evening before, and wished to exchange horses. The stockmen refused; and hardly were the words from their mouths before one of the convicts drew a revolver, and fired upon those standing in front of him; and while he was thus amusing himself, his companion sat on his horse, and laughed to see those not instantly killed endeavor to get away! Three men fell under the fire, and hardly knew what caused their death, it was so sudden. One man, mortally wounded, was just dying as we rode up; and the two that came to greet us had saved their lives by taking to their heels, and entering the bush.

      "They had watched the convicts pick from the herd of horses the most able and strongest nags, and then, after eating what they could find ready cooked in the hut, started for Ballarat, where, no doubt, amongst the crowd of miners, they thought they would escape detection.

      "Throughout the long night we spurred onward, and when daylight appeared, tired and sore with our journey, we stopped at another station to change horses. The murderers had left their mark at that place also, and in front of the door was the stockman shot through the heart, and stone dead.

      "The men selected a number of animals, and after our never-failing stimulant, a cup of coffee, and a piece of broiled meat, we were in the saddle again, and galloping towards the next station, where I knew it would be impossible for the convicts to obtain fresh horses, as sheep only were kept there.

      "At twelve o'clock we reached the station, and drew up at the door. There was no sign of life about the premises, and with sad misgivings, I dismounted, and entered the hut; but I started back in horror, for on the floor were a dozen men, motionless and lifeless, as I at first thought; but a closer examination convinced me that they were bound hand and foot, and their mouths gagged.

      "It may seem to you incredible, but it is nevertheless true, and only proves what resolute men can accomplish when opposed to