[Since this was written, Professor Swift has expressed the opinion that his planet cannot possibly have been the one seen near Theta Cancri by Professor Watson—who it seems saw Theta in the centre of a large field of view, and must therefore have seen Swift's planet had that object been placed either as shown in fig. 2 or fig. 3. Hence Professor Swift considers that both the stars he himself saw were planets, and that he did not see Theta at all. The reasoning in the last five paragraphs of the above essay would not be in the least affected if we adopted Professor Swift's conclusion, that four and not three intra-Mercurial planets were detected during the eclipse of July last. Yet later Professor Peters of Clinton has indicated reasons for believing that while Watson simply mistook for planets the two fixed stars, Theta and Zeta Cancri, Professor Swift saw no planets at all. This interpretation would account fully, though not very satisfactorily, for all that is mysterious in the two narratives.]
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