Sacrifice. Brigid Kemmerer. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Brigid Kemmerer
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Elemental
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758294401
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the tree leaning back into him.

      Much like the earth, trees and plants didn’t speak to him in words, but in general impressions. He sensed nothing malicious, nothing insidious. The tree liked him here.

      Another tree. This one was younger, and a few autumn leaves eagerly fell around Michael when he touched the trunk. Again, nothing negative.

      Another tree. This one didn’t lean into him. The bark almost crumbled under his fingers when he touched it. Dead. No information to be found. He moved on to the next ones.


      The young tree shed a few more leaves. One caught the wind and twirled to Michael. He caught it and spun it by the stem.

      No one was out here. What had he expected to find? A journal detailing plans to destroy the Merrick neighborhood? He didn’t even know what he was doing out here.

      Yes, he did.

      He remembered being young, being terrified of the strength of his affinity to the earth—but finding relief in it too. When he’d been fourteen, he’d snuck out of the house to sleep in the woods almost every night.

      His father had found him, every time.

      He’d been an Earth Elemental, too.

      With a jolt, Michael realized that’s what Chris had been doing: finding solace by the water. How had he missed that?

      Being here, his feet in the dirt, his hand against a tree, brought Michael comfort. Some of the weight stacked on his heart eased, just a little.

      Sorrow slid in to replace it. Sometimes he missed his father so much he almost couldn’t stand it.

      Like now. Help me, Dad. What would you do?

      Another leaf, vibrant red, fell from the young tree and floated in his direction. Michael smiled and caught this one too. He stepped back to the tree and leaned against it, letting it lean back against him. He slid the two fallen leaves between his fingers and scanned his surroundings for the hundredth time. Whoever had been texting him knew how to move through the woods without leaving a mark. No broken branches or twigs. Nothing disturbed. No malice, no ill intent.

      This didn’t feel like Calla. Last night had, for sure. But this, this texting, it didn’t feel like her at all. She didn’t play games, and this definitely felt like a game. But there was something else, and he couldn’t put his finger on it.

      He glanced at the patio again. No movement, no sign of danger.

      Maybe the clue was here, in the woods. Calla was a sixteen-year-old Fire Elemental. She would have set these woods on fire to send a message. Or she would have burned down Adam’s apartment complex. She wouldn’t taunt him with texts and then ask him to meet her in a bar.

      A bar.

      Calla wouldn’t have asked to meet in a bar at all—she wouldn’t be allowed.

      So his tormentor was over twenty-one. That narrowed it down to about a bazillion people.

      Well, not really. It couldn’t be any of the middle- or high-schoolers who agreed with what Calla was doing. Who else did he know who was over twenty-one?

      Bill Chandler, Becca’s father. He was a Guide himself, but he was in hiding now, trying to keep Becca safe. He was also terrified of the Guides coming to town. He wouldn’t have started a bunch of fires. Michael was honestly shocked he hadn’t called yet to yell at Michael for letting his neighborhood get destroyed.

      Bill was an asshole, but he wasn’t behind this.

      He scrolled through the text messages again, stopping on the one of Hannah at the fire. Fierce in her fire gear, then gentle and patient with her son.

      Sudden fury welled up in Michael’s chest.

      He rolled forward onto his knees and punched the dead tree. Bark splintered and wood creaked. A few dead branches cascaded down around him. His knuckles were bleeding.

      He wanted to do it again.

      No, he wanted to do it to whoever had texted him.

      Focus. Figure this out.

      Another name came to him. Tyler?


      Michael tried to make that work. Tyler had made it his life’s goal to torment Michael—until he’d revealed himself to be a full Fire Elemental, just as cursed as the Merricks were. He’d saved Michael’s life a few weeks ago, shooting a Guide in the head just before the man was going to kill Michael and Chris in their own living room.

      Would Tyler do something like this? Why?

      Michael couldn’t connect the dots there, either, but he also couldn’t eliminate Tyler entirely.

      Who else? A complete stranger? A new Guide in town wouldn’t taunt him. They wouldn’t be like, “Hey, let’s grab a beer.”

      They’d just shoot him.

      Michael took a long breath and brushed bark off his knuckles. He picked up a dead branch and started snapping small pieces. He needed to think of a contingency plan, somewhere to send his brothers if he didn’t survive this meeting tonight—because he wasn’t naïve enough to think it was just a talk.

      And he sure as hell wasn’t telling them about it.

      Snap. Snap. Snap. Each piece was easier to break than the last, the wood dry and lacking any energy.

      His fingers went still. He studied the dead tree again. There was a gap of bark where he’d slammed his fist into the trunk.

      But there were other gaps in the bark, and more broken branches higher up the trunk.

      Someone had climbed this tree. Recently, too, considering the bare wood hadn’t been exposed to the elements long.

      Michael found himself climbing before he really thought about what he was doing. His feet caught the bark and gripped tight, his hands finding every available branch. In less than a minute, he was twenty-five feet above the ground, obscured by the autumn-darkened branches of the surrounding trees.

      He had a perfect view of Adam’s apartment.

      And he had a comfortable seat, right in the crook of two strong branches.

      He pulled out his phone and aimed the camera app at where he’d been sitting. It was an almost identical match to the picture he’d received.


      Well, not really. The tree was empty now, the dead limbs offering no information. The air was silent up here, too, no breeze moving through the branches. Michael watched his breath fog for a while, thinking.

      A Guide might be smart enough to climb a dead tree to avoid his notice. He’d have to ask Hunter if it would occur to him. An Earth Elemental definitely would.

      Michael only knew one other Earth Elemental: Seth Ramsey. Tyler’s best friend.

      Seth and Tyler were totally the type to do something like this to fuck with him. They didn’t necessarily have to be behind the fires in the Merrick neighborhood—they could have heard what had happened and known it was an opportunity to kick him when he was down.

      But . . . how would they know to find him here?

      Had they followed him? It was possible. Not likely—but not unlikely either.

      Despite everything, Michael felt a twinge of disappointment. He’d thought he and Tyler had grown past that and found some middle ground. They’d never be friends, but he didn’t hate the guy anymore.

      Maybe he’d found a reason to renew that hate.

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