Numerous possibilities for experimentation
The basics of simple hypnosis experiments
Further experiments: Illusions
Secondary hypnosis in split seconds
The famous “cataleptic bridge”
What to do when individual experiments fail
A way of achieving very deep hypnosis
Hypnosis demonstrations for a private audience
The test person speaks under hypnosis
Leaving the eyes open during hypnosis
Illusion experiments with open eyes
Illusion experiments in deep hypnosis
Interesting additional possibilities for experimentation
The safe three point immediate hypnosis
Speed hypnosis (ultra fast method)
Light hypnosis and hypnoidisation
The collective person and the individual
Subliminal suggestion (speed suggestion)
Why subliminal suggestions work so well
Suggestions during natural sleep
Hypnotizing out of natural sleep
Hypnotizing children out of sleep
Hypnosis equipment and hypnosis devices
The skills of the proper hypnotist
Magic and modern hypnosis techniques
The technique of modern audio equipment hypnosis