[137] Joseph. Antiq. lib. 13. c. 18.
2. They rejected[138] all traditions. Whence, As they were called מינין Minæi, i. Heretiques, in respect of the general opposition between them and Pharisees. First, because the Pharisees were in repute the only Catholicks. Secondly, because in their Doctrine, the Pharisees were much nearer the truth than the Sadduces: so in this respect of this particular opposition, in the ones rejecting, the others urging of traditions, the Sadduces were termed[139] קראים Karaim, Biblers, or Scripturists.
[138] Elias de שרק.
[139] Drusius de trib. sect. c. 8. l. 3 p. 130.
3. They said there was no reward for good works, nor punishment for ill, in the world to come. Hence Saint Paul perceiving that in the Councel the one part were Sadduces, the other Pharisees, he cried out, Of the hope of the reward expected, and of the resurrection of the dead, I am called in question, Act. 23. 6.
4. They denied the resurrection of the body, Act. 22. 8. Matth. 22. 23. Luke 20. 27.
5. They said the souls of men are annihilated[140] at their death.
[140] Joseph. de bello Judaic. lib. 2. c. 12.
6. They denied Angels and spirits, Act. 23. 8.
7. They wholly denied[141] Fate or Destiny, and ascribed all to mans Free-will.
[141] Joseph. l. 13. c. 9.
The Samaritanes and the Sadduces are of near affinity: but yet they differ. First[142] The Samaritanes sacrificed at the Temple built upon Mount Gerizim, but the Sadduces sacrificed at Jerusalem. Secondly, The Samaritanes allowed no commerce with the Jews, John 4. 9. yea, the mutual hatred between the Samaritans and the Jews was so great, that it was not lawful for the Jews to eat or drink with the Samaritans. How is it that thou being a Jew, askest drink of me which am a woman of Samaria, Joh. 4. 9. Nay, whereas liberty was granted unto all Nations of the earth to become Proselites to the Jewes, so did the Jews hate the Samaritanes, that they would not suffer a Samaritan to be a Prosylite. This appeareth by that solemn Excommunication,[143] termed Excommunicatio in secreto nominis tetragrammati: the form thereof: as it was applyed (say they) by Ezra and Nehemiah unto the Samaritanes, was thus, They assembled the whole Congregation into the Temple of the Lord, and they brought 300 Priests, and 300 Trumpets, and 300 books of the Law, and as many boys, and they sounded their Trumpets and the Levites singing cursed the Samaritanes by all the sorts of Excommunication, in the mystery of the name Jehovah, and in the Decalogue, & with the curse of the superiour house of judgement, and likewise with the curse of the inferiour house of judgement, that no Israelite should eat the bread of a Samaritane, (whence they say, he which eateth of a Samaritans bread is as he who eateth swines flesh) and let no Samaritane be a Prosylite in Israel, and that they should have no part in the resurrection of the dead. R. Gersom[144] forbade the breaking open of the Letters, under the penalty of this Excommunication. This proveth what formerly was said; namely, that between the Jews and the Samaritanes there was no commerce; but the Sadduces familiarly conversed with the other Jews, even with the Pharisees themselves; yea, both sat together in the same Council, Acts 23. 6. Now the Samaritanes and Sadduces agree. 1. In the rejection of all the others traditions. 2. In the rejection of all other Scriptures, save only the five Books of Moses. 3. In the denial of the Resurrection, and the consequences, as future punishments, and rewards according to mens works. But the Samaritanes held that there were Angels, which the Sadduces denied. For the proof of these agreements and disagreements between them, read Epiphanius, hæres. 9. & 14.
[142] Epiphan. Tom. 1. l. 1. hæres. 14.
[143] Drusius de trib. sect. l. 2. cap 11. ex Ilmedenu.
[144] Buxtorf. Epist. Heb. p. 59.
Touching the Samaritanes, there are three degrees of alteration in their Religion observable. First, the strange Nations, transplanted by Salmanesar into Samaria, when Israel was carried away captive into Assyria, worshipped every one the God of their own Countries, 2 King. 17. Secondly, when they saw they were devoured by Lyons, because they feared not the Lord, the King of Assyria sent one of the Priests which was taken captive, to instruct them in the true worship of God: which manner of worship though they received, yet they would not lay aside their former Idolatry, but made a mixture of Religions, worshipping the living God, and their own dumb Idols. Thirdly, Manasses, brother to Jaddus the High priest, in Jerusalem, being married to Sanballat, the Horonite’s Daughter, by reason of Nehemiah’s charge of putting away their strange Wives, being driven to that exigent, that he must either put away his Wife, or forgo the hope of the Priest-hood; by Sanballat’s means he obtained leave from Alexander the Great, to build a Temple[145] upon Mount Gariazim, one of the highest Mountains in Samaria, whither many other Apostated Jews fled, together with Manasses being made their High-Priest; and now the Sect of the Samaritanes (between whom and the Jews there was such hatred) began, now all those fore-mentioned errors were maintained: And of this Hill it is, that the woman of Samaria speaketh John 4. 20. Our Fathers worshipped in this Mountain, &c.
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