Black Blood. Dyvina Sollena. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dyvina Sollena
Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788835417002
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me, Mr. Sullivan», I answered showing off my best smile.

      He peered at me with his stern eyes and rubbed his grizzled beard.

      «People need news. Find something about Rose Weather and write one of your articles. We need to ride the wave», he ordered me, again coughing.

      «I am working on it. I was right about to exchange a few words with the Weather», I informed him with calm voice.

      «Ok. Go on. But don't take too long, Reb», he concluded blatantly just before turning around and leaving our office.

      Sophia Sullivan, the chief's wife, came running, wobbling on stilettos.

      As her husband, not even she stood out for sympathy, she was considered an inept goose capable only of acting as a secretary to her husband.

      She stopped in front of him with shortness of breath and all her unkempt brown hair. She looked at him in a shocked and agitated way while Josh and I stood watching the scene.

      What could have happened?

      «Sebastian Winterbourne asked for consulting with you», she reported with the breathlessness that came along with her words.

      The chill seemed to drop in the ward. There were long seconds of silence.

      A Winterbourne in town and without warning?

      That for sure was a sensational event.

      The fact that Sebastian had shown himself to the editorial office was somewhat strange. the Hazy Daily was owned by the Winterbournes and that may have been the only reason for his visit, however, my distorted mind suggested that was not the only reason.

      William Sullivan hesitated caught off guard. He cleared his throat.

      «So? Without an appointment?» He said looking unnatural.

      Those weren't the right questions; he was stalling as if he had panicked. Sophia nodded.

      «He's waiting for you in your office», she concluded in an uncertain and shaky voice.

      I grinned under my moustache. I took pleasure in seeing those two troubling.

      The Sullivans always put on a lot of airs and addressed others with superiority.

      How would they cope with someone they feared too?

      The chief editor clenched his fists and grunted something confused. He looked around and clapping his hands shouted:

      «Come on, everyone to work! What are you doing standing there?».

      The whole department moved after stopping to witness those moments. We returned to our desks leaving Sullivan to his fate.

      «I wonder what he came to do», I whispered to Josh as I watched husband and wife disappearing through the elevator door.

      «That's not our business», he replied, belittling the whole matter in a moment.

      I snorted and gave him a push.

      «I want to meet him.»

      I could not let that opportunity pass me by.

      I had the chance to further my investigation over the Winterbourne family by talking to Sebastian again in a completely casual way. After all, he showed up at the Hazy Daily. I would have simply let myself be found near the boss's office.

      «Don't do foolish things, Reb», Josh said pursing his lips.

      I looked straight into his eyes. I wouldn't have done anything reckless walking in front of Mr. Sullivan's door at the right time.

      «Nothing will happen to me in such a crowdy place and in broad daylight. I'll make it look like a coincidence.»

      My best friend sighed, spreading his arms. I hugged him, he wrapped and hugged me as well.

      «Thanks, Josh. I promise, I'll be careful», I whispered.

      In a while I remembered Hanna's words. I asked myself if I was sending him the wrong messages. If he had different feelings regarding me, maybe I was fooling him. I drove away those harshly thoughts.

      I had something else to focus on: Sebastian Winterbourne.

      Two endless hours had passed when the deep voice of Winterbournes' heir woke me up.

      «Very well, I'd say that with this we are done.»

      He had raised the tone of his voice so much that his words sounded clear.

      All that time I had been lurking along the management corridor. There was only the stationery, a bathroom and Sullivan's office.

      More than once I had tried to eavesdrop their conversation but the words came to me distorted and confused, I could not understand anything.

      I took a deep breath and swallowed. I got a stack of A4 paper from the warehouse, tucked it under my arm, and slowly walked to the study door.

      «I'll let somebody taking you to the exit.»

      «Don't worry.»

      «I insist.»

      «This way you are offending me Mr. Sullivan. There is no need, I know the way.»

      I did not understand the chief's answer, but I found Sebastian's tone rather arrogant.

      Those rich people full of themselves!

      I thought with disdain, I couldn't stand that kind of people, those who, aware of their wealth, assumed brazen and insolent attitudes towards the others.

      I put my annoyance aside just in time to see the haughty Winterbourne heir coming out of the office and closing the door behind him.

      He noticed me instantly.

      His sinister irises settled on my figure and remained glued to it.

      I hesitated for a moment, then, with a firm step, I joined him.



      Our eyes remained chained to each other.

      I couldn't stop looking at those eyes.

      He was staring at me with a cheeky smile, a dimple had appeared on his right cheek decorating that face with rigid features, so perfect that it looked carved in marble.

      «And so, we meet again, Rebecca. What a coincidence, isn't it?»

      We were side by side, the air was impregnated with Sebastian's scent, I could almost feel it all over me.

      «I am a journalist. I work in this place», I boldly answered. I had to keep a low profile, but I wouldn't have ever let him believe that he had me in his grip.

      Not me.

      «I am aware of your job, Rebecca.»


      My name bounced off his lips like a hypnotic symphony, I liked the sound it was making.

      Suddenly something clicked in my head.

      «You knew you would have found me here», I murmured with a thin voice.

      Sebastian looked at me and gifted a sarcastic smile.

      What should I have read on it?

      He had a way of expressing himself that I found twisted to say the least, his phrases were riddles to solve and mysteries to unravel.

      «Did you find Beck's ?»

      The tone of his voice brought me back to consciousness.

      Sebastian Winterbourne was able to numb me with just his presence, but charisma, money and a beautiful face would not be enough to fool Reb J. Cross.

      I shook my head just closing my eyes, then I returned focusing on Mr. Richness.

      «Oh, Beck's. She was waiting me at the car. Luckily, she is an intelligent dog»,