Key Witness. Christy Barritt. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christy Barritt
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472010193
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      She clicked on the message, ready to hit Delete when the words on the screen stopped her.

      What do you think about dying a slow, painful death? Get used to the idea because it’s your fate. The fun is only beginning, Elle Philips. Prepare yourself for the adventure ahead.

      She screamed and dropped her coffee.

      * * *

      Denton stepped into Senator Philip’s elaborate, stately study and saw Elle in the distance, dressed in a black business suit, clipboard in hand and talking animatedly to a group surrounding her. She didn’t hear him enter the room, so he took a moment to observe.

      She had a slender figure. Tiny chin, big eyes, flawless skin and silky brown hair that fell below her shoulders. Not that he’d noticed.

      He’d always known she was beautiful—anyone could see that. But it was the genuine kindness in her eyes that set her apart from all the other pretty women out there. Some females in her position would be snotty or unapproachable. But Elle was grounded, and she had a smile that would set anyone at ease.

      He cleared his throat. Her head swung toward him, and her eyes widened in surprise.

      “Denton?” She excused herself and walked toward him. The knot on her face had been nicely concealed, and Denton could hardly tell anything had happened to her yesterday. “What are you doing here?”

      “I’m escorting you to the debate.”

      Her eyes narrowed. “Escorting me to the debate?”

      “That’s right. In light of the recent threats against you, your father has hired me as your bodyguard. He didn’t mention it?”

      Her eyes narrowed further. “No, he did not. I’d say I don’t need a bodyguard, but I think we’d both know I was lying if I did.”

      Good, she knew the reality of the situation. That made his job somewhat easier than working with someone in denial of the danger they faced. He had to admit that he’d been relieved when Senator Philips had called him this morning. Really, Denton should have assigned one of his men to this job so he could oversee operations at Eyes. But Denton knew he couldn’t trust this one to anyone else. Besides, Senator Philips had requested him personally.

      The senator strode into the room. “Denton! Thanks for coming out at such short notice. I begged Elle to take a long vacation somewhere until all this passed, but she refused.”

      “There’s a chance she wouldn’t be safe on vacation, either, Senator. We still need to figure out who we’re dealing with here, but my gut feeling is that these guys aren’t going to let anything stop them.”

      Elle shivered, her cool confidence leaving her gaze a moment, replaced with fear. As quickly as it disappeared, her facade returned.

      “I’m sorry to be so brutally honest, Elle, but you need to know who you’re dealing with here. My team of profilers has been—”

      Elle placed a hand on her hip, eyes wide in disbelief. “Your team of profilers? Who are you guys, the FBI?”

      Denton smirked. “We’re like the FBI, only better.”

      Elle raised an eyebrow. “A little cocky, aren’t you?”

      He shrugged. “I’m just telling the truth. We only hire the best.”

      “And why would people want to work for you over an official government agency?”

      “We pay better, for starters.”

      Her father stepped forward. “He’s telling the truth. They’re the best. Former FBI, CIA, Secret Service, military special operations, you name it.”

      “Excuse me for speaking about you as if you’re not here for a moment, but, Dad, you said yesterday that Denton has worked for you before. When was that? Why don’t I remember?”

      “You were down taking care of your grandmother for that month before she passed. Almost two years ago. Remember we had that lobbyist making threats against me after one of my votes in the senate? I hired Denton then.”

      Elle nodded slowly. “I see.”

      Her father looked at his watch. “I must be going now. Denton will be driving you there.” He leaned forward to kiss his daughter on the cheek. “Be safe, now.”

      As soon as he exited the room, Elle’s gaze fell on Denton. “Let me just gather my things.” She paused. “I really want to say that all of this is unnecessary. But it’s not, is it?”

      Denton shook his head. “That man hardly flinched when he killed Julie yesterday. If he and his partner are after money and they now realize you’re a senator’s daughter, then my guess is that they’re seeing an opportunity they don’t want to pass up.”

      Fear stained her eyes. “An opportunity?”

      He nodded, knowing his words would feel like a slap in the face to Elle. “An opportunity they’d kill for.”


      Denton saw Elle shiver as his words settled on her. He’d found that being direct was always the best tactic, especially in life-or-death situations. But he hated to see a woman frightened. He especially hated to see Elle frightened.

      Elle seemed to brush off her chills as she grabbed a briefcase and leather jacket. “No need to dwell on that too long right now.” She nodded toward the front door. “Let’s go.”

      Denton placed a hand on her back as they walked outside into the early autumn day. “I’m driving.”

      “Bodyguard and chauffeur? So much for trying to live like a normal person.”

      “I aim to please.”

      The whiff of her flowery perfume drifted to him on the October breeze. He recognized the scent from their talks at the bank. It was just one thing he enjoyed about running into her each week. That, her smile and her subdued wit.

      He directed her to his black SUV, opened the door and waited as she climbed inside before jogging around to the driver’s side. They were the last of the entourage to leave. As he started down the driveway, Elle waved at a guard stationed by a gate at the front of their house.

      “Pull over a minute.”

      Denton did as directed. She rolled down her window and smiled at the guard, a man probably in his early fifties with an almost completely bald head. “Happy birthday, Jimmy.”

      “You remembered. You’re one in a million, Ms. Philips.” The guard grinned, obviously pleased at the attention. His grin faded, though. “Your father told me about everything that happened. You be careful, now.”

      “Don’t worry. My father put the best on the job.” She nodded toward Denton.

      Jimmy glanced at him, and Denton raised his chin, glad his sunglasses concealed his examination of the man. He appeared affable enough and truly seemed to adore Elle, in an almost fatherly way. Right now, though, Denton had to be suspicious of everyone.

      “Take care of her, sir. The world would be a sad place without her.”

      “I plan on doing just that.”

      They pulled away, traveling down a lone country road that led away from the senator’s estate. Elle stared pensively out the window as they rolled along. “You know where you’re going?”

      “The Virginia Beach Convention Center. The last of the debates between your father and his political challenger. About five thousand people are expected to come for the event, which will be televised on two of the three major networks and broadcasted to viewers in Virginia.”

      The perfect opportunity if someone wanted to show themselves and make a statement, Denton thought. His only security detail was protecting Elle, he reminded himself. There were other law