Geochemistry. William M. White. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: William M. White
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119438113
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component reaction by the number of electrons exchanged. We then divide the sum of these values by number of electrons exchanged in the net reaction to obtain the EH of the net reaction, i.e.,

      where the sum is over the component reactions i. Looking at eqn. 3.106, we can see why this is the case. By Hess's law, the ΔG of the net reaction must be the simple sum of the component reaction ΔGs, but EH values are obtained by multiplying ΔG by z. Equation 3.111 is derived by combining eqn. 3.106 and Hess's law. Using eqn. 3.111, we obtain the correct EH of −0.037 V. Alternative representation of redox state: pε

      Consider again the reaction:


      If we were to express the equilibrium constant for this reaction, we would write:


      Thus, we might find it convenient to define an activity for the electron. For this reason, chemists have defined an analogous parameter to pH, called , which is the negative log of the activity of electrons in solution:

      The log of the equilibrium constant for eqn. 3.101 may then be written as:


      Upon rearranging we have:


      When the activities of reactants and products are in their standard states (i.e., a = 1), then:


      (where z again is the number of electrons exchanged: 1 in reaction 3.102). ° values are empirically determined and may be found in various tables. Table 3.3 lists values for some of the more important reactions. For any state other than the standard state, is related to the standard state ° by:


       and EH are related by the following equation:

      (the factor 2.303 arises from the switch from natural log units to base 10 log units).

      The greater the pε, the greater the tendency of species to lose their transferable, or valence, electrons. In a qualitative way, we can think of the negative of as a measure of the availability of electrons. can be related in a general way to the relative abundance of electron acceptors. When an electron acceptor, such as oxygen, is abundant relative to the abundance of electron donors, the is high and electron donors will be in electron-poor valence states (e.g., Mn4+ instead of Mn2+). , and EH, are particularly useful concepts when combined with pH to produce diagrams representing the stability fields of various species. We will briefly consider how these are constructed. pε–pH diagrams

      More generally, a –pH diagram is a type of activity or predominance diagram, in which the region of predominance of a species is represented as a function of activities of two or more species or ratios of species. We will meet variants of such diagrams in later chapters.

      Let's now see how Figure 3.19 can be constructed from basic chemical and thermodynamic data. We will consider only a very simple Fe-bearing aqueous solution. Thus, our solution contains only species of iron, the dissociation products of water and species formed by reactions between them. Thermodynamics allow us to calculate the predominance region for each species. To draw boundaries on this plot, we will want to obtain equations in the form of pε = a + b × pH. With an equation in this form, b is a slope and a is an intercept on a pε–pH diagram. Hence we will want to write all redox reactions so that they contain e and all acid–base reactions so that they contain H+.

Graph depicts the pε–pH diagram showing predominance regions for ferric and ferrous iron and their hydrolysis products in aqueous solution at twenty-five degree and 0.1 MPa.

      In Figure 3.18, we are only interested in the region where water is stable. So to begin construction of our diagram,