Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding. George Acquaah. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: George Acquaah
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119626695
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Upon backcrossing, the 38‐chromosome individuals behave in an identical manner to their 28‐chromosome cousins represented in the 28→38→20 pathway. Generally, Tripsacum introgression by homoeologous pairing and recombination does not occur and genetic transfer of Tripsacum genes to maize is not accomplished.

       The 46→56→38 apomictic transfer pathway

Photo depicts the polyembryony expression in germinating seed of an apomictic 46-chromosome F1 maize-Tripsacum hybrid.

      Backcrossing the 46‐chromosome individuals by maize, repeats the above cycle. Upon backcrossing the 56‐chromsome individuals with maize, three types of progeny can be observed. Typically, progeny having 56 chromosomes are generated. However, in some instances, 2n + n matings occur, giving rise to individuals possessing 66 chromosomes (30Mz + 36Tr). Occasionally, a reduced egg will be generated and may or may not be fertilized by the available maize pollen. In rare instances of non‐fertilization, a 28‐chromosome individual is generated (10Mz + 18Tr). In instances whereby the maize pollen fertilizes the reduced egg, 38‐chromosome individuals are obtained (20Mz + 18Tr). Generally, individuals possessing 38 chromosomes, rather than 28 chromosomes, are the most common product. What is unique about this pathway is that occasionally, the 38‐chromosome individuals retain all the elements of apomixis which were present in the Tripsacum paternal parent and the F1 and BC1 individuals. The retention of apomixis to this 38‐chromosome level has been well documented and repeated in several laboratories (Petrov et al. 1979, 1984; Leblanc et al. 1996; Kindiger and Sokolov 1997). In addition, the occurrence of 2n + n matings, polyembryony and variation in apomixis expression is quite similar to that found in apomictic Tripsacum (Kindiger et al. 1996a).

Photo depicts the series of maize-Tripsacum ear types. Left to right: dent corn, an apomictic 39-chromosome hybrid, an apomictic 38-chromosome hybrid, an apomictic 56-chromosome hybrid, two apomictic 46-chromosome hybrids, and two tetraploid Tripsacum dactyloides.

       Transfer of apomixis from Tripsacum to maize

      Tripsacum has been suggested as a model system for the study of apomixis (Bantin et al. 2001). As of this report, the prevailing wisdom suggests that apomixis (at least for Tripsacum) is controlled by no more than one or two genes, likely linked on a particular Tripsacum chromosome (Leblanc et al. 1995; Grimanelli et al. 1998). These results seem to be in agreement with molecular studies focused on understanding apomixis expression in other species (Noyes and Reiseberg 2000; Albertini et al. 2001).

      Cytogenetic studies and GISH studies suggest this region may be Tr16L in the vicinity of the nucleolus organizing region which has homeology with the distal region of Mz6L (Kindiger et al. 1996b; Poggio et al. 1999). Still others suggest, from data generated from a Tripsacum dactyloides seed fertility study, that apomixis is a multi‐genic system that portends a difficult transfer to maize (Blakey et al. 2001). An additional theory, though not necessarily directed toward maize‐Tripsacum hybrids, suggests that asynchronous meiosis in wide‐cross hybrids may induce apomictic behavior (Carmen 1997).

      Regardless of the favorable light academics and researchers alike shed upon the prospects in this area of study, the research endeavor continues to be difficult, time consuming, and expensive. The wide range of views regarding the inheritance of the trait suggest there remain much work to be accomplished. In addition, various non‐profit organizations suggest that the development of this technology for agriculture is a monopolistic