40 2Figure S2.1 Standard normal distribution curve.Figure S2.2 The linear regression line.Figure BS2.1 Three‐way (Fig. 1a) and four‐way (Fig. 1b) classification/visua...Figure BS2.2 A hierarchical cluster analysis of Brassica napus germplasm bas...Figure BS2.3 Loadings of a selected number of variables on the first two fac...Figure BS2.4 Trait loadings on the first and second principal components acc...Figure BS2.5 Multidimensional scaling of agronomic traits along the first tw...Figure BS2.6 Canonical correlation between two sets of agronomic traits in B...Figure BS2.7 Multiple correspondence analysis of several categorical agronom...Figure BS2.8 Percent correct classification, multivariate distances and dist...Figure BS2.9 Multiple comparisons between Brassica napus germplasm maturity–...Figure BS2.10 Partial least squares regression to predict oil% as a function...Figure BS2.11 Path analysis (as part of structural equation modeling) showin...Figure S2.3 The basic concept of path analysis.
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