Question: “What's the difference between a banjo and a motorcycle?”
Answer: “You can tune a motorcycle.”
This unfortunate but frequently recited banjo joke speaks to a greater truth: The banjo can be one of the most difficult and frustrating of all stringed instruments to tune. One of the first steps to becoming a great player is getting tuned in and staying that way throughout a practice or playing session.
With just a bit of practice, using this section as a guide, you can master this all-important but sometimes elusive skill, making it possible for you to play at home without driving your loved ones insane. And when it's time to play with other musicians in a jam session, they'll be so grateful that you took the time to figure out how to tune your banjo that they just might let you play “Cripple Creek” with them twice at a slow speed.
To tune the banjo, you raise or lower the amount of tension of each string to match the sound of another banjo string or to match a reference note provided by another instrument or an electronic tuner. You adjust each string by turning its corresponding tuning peg. In this section, you get familiar with several different methods to tune your banjo, so you have absolutely no excuse but to tune in and pick on!
G Tuning: Getting Your Strings in Order
Although banjo players use a variety of tunings to play different kinds of songs and to create different moods on their instrument, the most frequently used tuning is called G tuning (which is also the type of tuning that's used in most of this book with the exception of many of the old-time tunes covered in Chapter 8). With this tuning, the five open strings of the banjo are tuned to the notes of a G major chord (a chord is a collection of three or more notes played together; I talk more about chords in Chapter 3).
Here are the pitches used for each string in G tuning:
5th string: G
4th string: D
3rd string: G
2nd string: B
1st string: D
Note that only three different pitches are used in G tuning: G, B, and D. These three notes make up the G major chord. The 1st-string D and 5th-string G are one octave higher in pitch than their 4th- and 3rd-string counterparts. Your ears hear the two D notes and the two G notes as being essentially the same, but you can also hear that the 1st and 5th strings are higher in pitch. Musicians long ago decided to assign the same letter name to pitches that you hear in this way, but they also recognized that the two D's and the two G's aren't exactly the same pitch. They're one octave apart, with the octave being the point where that same note is repeated again but at a higher pitch.
Illustration by Wiley, Composition Services Graphics
FIGURE 2-1: To tune the banjo in G tuning using relative tuning, you fret a string as shown to match the pitch of the next highest open string.
Relative Tuning: Tuning the Banjo to Itself
Relative tuning involves using one string as a reference to tune the other strings of your banjo. That string doesn't really have to be in tune with any outside source, because in this case, you're just getting the banjo strings in tune with one another so that you can play by yourself.
With each new string you tune in relative tuning, you then fret that string to create a new reference note that you use to tune the next highest string. Relative tuning is the most useful way to tune the banjo, because you need nothing but your banjo and your ears to get your instrument in tune. You have a banjo; now you can get to work on training your ears!
1 Pick the 4th string fretted at the 5th fret and compare its pitch to the open 3rd string.You may need to strike the fretted 4th string first, wait a moment to hear its pitch, and then strike the 3rd string to listen to its pitch. Does the 3rd string (the second note you play) sound higher or lower than the 4th string? Try singing the two pitches to feel whether the pitch rises or falls.
2 Using the tuning peg, adjust the pitch of the 3rd string up or down until it matches the pitch of the fretted 4th string.When the pitches of the two strings match each other, the 4th and 3rd strings of your banjo are in tune.
3 Pick the 3rd string fretted at the 4th fret and match the open 2nd string to this sound.After these