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Автор: Udo Schüklenk
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781118770733
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      Series editor: Steven D. Hales

      Reading philosophy can be like trying to ride a bucking bronco—you hold on for dear life while “transcendental deduction” twists you to one side, “causa sui” throws you to the other, and a 300‐word, 300‐year‐old sentence comes down on you like an iron‐shod hoof the size of a dinner plate. This Is Philosophy is the riding academy that solves these problems. Each book in the series is written by an expert who knows how to gently guide students into the subject regardless of the reader’s ability or previous level of knowledge. Their reader‐friendly prose is designed to help students find their way into the fascinating, challenging ideas that compose philosophy without simply sticking the hapless novice on the back of the bronco, as so many texts do. All the books in the series provide ample pedagogical aids, including links to free online primary sources. When students are ready to take the next step in their philosophical education, This Is Philosophy is right there with them to help them along the way.

      This Is Philosophy: An Introduction Steven D. Hales

      This Is Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction Pete Mandik

      This Is Ethics: An Introduction Jussi Suikkanen

      This Is Political Philosophy: An Introduction Alex Tuckness and Clark Wolf

      This Is Business Ethics: An Introduction Tobey Scharding

      This Is Metaphysics Kris McDaniel

      This Is Bioethics: An Introduction Ruth F. Chadwick and Udo Schüklenk

      This Is Epistemology Adam Carter and Clayton Littlejohn


      This Is Philosophy Of Religion Neil Manson

      This Is Philosophy: An Introduction, 2nd edition Steven D. Hales

      This Is Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction, 2nd edition Pete Mandik



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      The right of Ruth F. Chadwick and Udo Schüklenk to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with law.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

      Names: Chadwick, Ruth F.,