14 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Bacterial strains from within the same species can be significantl...Figure 1 Figure 2 Modified from Gill SR, Fouts DE, Archer GL, et al, J Bacteriol 187:24...Figure 1Figure 2Figure 13.2 Popular DNA-sequencing strategies involve fragmenting the DNA subs...Figure 13.3 Steps in PCR. In the first cycle, the template is denatured by hea...Figure 13.4 Multiple types of restriction endonucleases exist where the DNA se...Figure 13.5 Recombinant DNAs can be joined using compatible ends formed by dig...Figure 13.6 A single gene from a region of the genome can be cloned using PCR ...Figure 13.7 DNA products produced by PCR and cleaved with restriction endonucl...Figure 13.8 TA cloning and Topo TA cloning. (A) TA and Topo TA cloning take ad...Figure 13.9 Cloning with λ Int and host integration host factor (IHF). The sit...Figure 13.10 Subcloning with λ Int and Xis and host integration host factor (I...Figure 13.11 Cloning with products treated with uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG) and...Figure 13.12 Cloning with products treated with type IIS restriction endonucle...Figure 13.13 Multiple DNA fragments can be joined when they have compatible en...Figure 13.14 Gibson assembly can be used to join multiple DNA fragments in a s...Figure 13.15 Features of CRISPR/Cas systems. (A) Typical class 1 CRISPR array ...Figure 13.16 Three major processes are involved in the functioning of CRISPR/C...Figure 13.17 Simplified representation of five of the six major types of CRISP...Figure 13.18 Protospacer-adjacent motifs (PAMs) play an important role in cont...Figure 13.19 Model for how a new spacer is integrated into the CRISPR array at...Figure 13.20 Schematic representation of the Cas genes and CRISPR array and a ...Figure 13.21 Schematic representation of the cas/csn genes, trans-acting RNA (...
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