Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria. Tina M. Henkin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tina M. Henkin
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Журналы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781683673576
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Translocase System The Signal Sequence The Targeting Factors The Tat Secretion Pathway Disulfide Bonds

      9  Protein Secretion and Export Protein Secretion Systems in Bacteria with an Outer Membrane Protein Secretion in Bacteria That Lack an Outer Membrane Sortases

      10  Regulation of Gene Expression Transcriptional Regulation Posttranscriptional Regulation

      11  What You Need To Know Open Reading Frames Transcriptional and Translational Fusions

      12  BOX 2.1 Antibiotic Inhibitors of Transcription

      13  BOX 2.2 Molecular Phylogeny

      14  BOX 2.3 Antibiotic Inhibitors of Translation

      15  BOX 2.4 Mimicry in Translation

      16  BOX 2.5 Exceptions to the Code


       Fluorescence of transformants expressing MBP-GFP hybrid proteins. MC4100 transformed with the following: 1, pMGP2; 2, pMGC2; 8, MM52 [secA(Ts)] transformed with pMGP2; 3, pMGC2; 7, CK2163 (secB) transformed with pMGP2; 4, pMGC2; 6, IQ85 [secY(Ts)] transformed with pMGP2; and 5, pMGC2. From Feilmeier et al. 2000 (see Suggested Reading).

      UNCOVERING THE MECHANISM OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS, and therefore of gene expression, was one of the most significant accomplishments in the history of science. The process of gene expression is called the central dogma of molecular biology, which states that information stored in DNA is copied into RNA and then translated into protein. We now know of many exceptions to the central dogma. For example, information can sometimes flow in the reverse direction, from RNA to DNA. The information in RNA also can be changed after it has been copied from the DNA. Moreover, the information in DNA may be expressed differently depending on where it is in the genome. Despite these exceptions, however, the basic principles of the central dogma remain sound.

      This chapter outlines the process of gene expression and protein synthesis, with a brief discussion of how proteins can be differentially localized after synthesis. The discussion is meant to be only a broad overview, with special emphasis on topics essential to an understanding of the chapters that follow and on subjects unique to bacteria. For more detailed treatments, consult any modern biochemistry textbook.

      DNA carries the information for the synthesis of RNA and proteins in regions called genes. The first step in expressing a gene is to transcribe an RNA copy from one strand in that region. The word “transcription” is descriptive, because the information in RNA is copied from DNA in the same language, which is written in a sequence of nucleotides. If the gene carries information for a protein, this RNA transcript is called messenger RNA (mRNA). An mRNA is a messenger because it carries the information encoded in a gene to a ribosome, which is the main machinery for protein synthesis. Once on the ribosome, the information in the mRNA can be translated into the protein. Translation is another descriptive word, because one language—a sequence of nucleotides in DNA and RNA—is translated into a different language—a sequence of amino acids in a protein. The mRNA is translated as it moves through the ribosome, 3 nucleotides at a time. Each 3-nucleotide sequence, called a codon, carries information for a specific amino acid. The assignment of each of the possible codons to an amino acid is called the genetic code.

      This basic outline of gene expression leaves many important questions unanswered. How does mRNA synthesis begin and end at the correct places and on the correct strand in the DNA? Similarly, how does translation start and stop at the correct places on the mRNA? What actually happens to the tRNA and ribosomes during translation? What happens to the mRNA and proteins after they are made? The answers to these questions and many others are important for the interpretation of genetic experiments, so we will discuss the structure of RNA and proteins and the processes by which they are synthesized in more detail.

      In this section, we review the basic components of RNA and how it is synthesized. We also review how structure varies among different types of cellular RNAs and the role each type plays in cellular processes.

      There are several different classes of RNA in cells. Some of these, including mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA, are involved in protein synthesis. Each of these types of RNA has special properties, which are discussed below. Others are involved in regulation, replication, and protein secretion.