Introduction to Ore-Forming Processes. Laurence Robb. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Laurence Robb
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: География
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119232384
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between mineral resources and ore reserves as applied to mineral occurrences. The scheme forms the basis for a more unified description of ore deposits as now required in terms of legislation that has been passed in most major mineral producing jurisdictions.

      General Definitions

      This section is not intended to provide a comprehensive glossary of terms used in this book. There are, however, several terms that are used throughout the text where a definition is either useful or necessary in order to avoid ambiguity. The following definitions are consistent with those provided in the Glossary of Geology (Bates and Jackson 1987) and The Encyclopedia of the Solid Earth Sciences (Kearey 1993).

       Ore: any naturally occurring material from which a mineral or aggregate of value can be extracted at a profit. In this book the concept extends to coal (a combustible rock comprising more than 50% by weight carbonaceous material) and petroleum (naturally occurring hydrocarbon in gaseous, liquid, or solid state).

       Syngenetic: refers to ore deposits that form at the same time as their host rocks. In this book this includes deposits that form during the early stages of sediment diagenesis.

       Epigenetic: refers to ore deposits that form after their host rocks.

       Hypogene: refers to mineralization caused by ascending hydrothermal solutions.

       Supergene: refers to mineralization caused by descending solutions. The term generally refers to the enrichment processes accompanying the weathering and oxidation of sulfide and oxide ores at or near the surface.

       Metallogeny: the study of the genesis of mineral deposits, with emphasis on their relationships in space and time to geological features of the Earth's crust.

       Metallotect: any geological, tectonic, lithological, or geochemical feature that has played a role in the concentration of one or more elements in the Earth's crust.

       Metallogenic Epoch: a unit of geologic time favorable for the deposition of ores or characterized by a particular assemblage of deposit types.

       Metallogenic Province: a region characterized by a particular assemblage of mineral deposit types.

       Epithermal: hydrothermal ore deposits formed at shallow depths (less than 1500 m) and fairly low temperatures (50–200 °C).

       Mesothermal: hydrothermal ore deposits formed at intermediate depths (1500–5000 m) and temperatures (200–400 °C).

       Hypothermal: hydrothermal ore deposits formed at substantial depths (greater than 5000 m) and elevated temperatures (400–600 °C).

      Periodic Table of the Elements

Schematic illustration of the periodic table showing the elements with atomic numbers from 1 to 92 which is classified on the basis of their rock and mineral associations.

      Of the 92 elements shown in Figure 4, almost all have some use in our modern, technologically‐driven societies. Some of the elements (iron and aluminum) are required in copious quantities as raw materials for the manufacture of vehicles and in construction, whereas others (the rare earth elements, for example) are needed in very much smaller amounts for use in the alloys and electronics industries. Only two elements appear at the present time to have little or no commercial use at all (Figure 4). These are francium (Fr, atomic number 87), and protactinium (Pa, atomic number 91). Francium is radioactive and so short‐lived that only some 20–30 g exists in the entire Earth's crust at any one time! Astatine (At, atomic number 85) is another very unstable element that exists in vanishingly small amounts in the crust as a decay chain by‐product or is manufactured synthetically. Astatine has been manufactured in particle accelerators and is occasionally used in various nuclear medical applications.

      Common Ore and Gangue Minerals

      It is estimated that there are about 3800 known minerals that have been identified and classified (Battey and Pring 1997). Only a very small proportion of these make up the bulk of the rocks of the Earth's crust, as the common rock forming minerals. Likewise, a relatively small number of minerals make up most of the economically viable ore deposits of the world. The following compilation is a breakdown of the more common ore minerals in terms of chemical classes based essentially on the anionic part of the mineral formula. Also included are some of the more common “gangue” minerals, which are those that form part of the ore body, but do not contribute to the economically extractable part of the deposit. Most of these are alteration assemblages formed during hydrothermal processes. The compilation, including ideal chemical formulae, is subdivided into six sections, namely native elements, halides, sulfides and sulfosalts, oxides and hydroxides, oxysalts (such as carbonates, phosphates, tungstates, sulfates), and silicates. More detailed descriptions of both ore and gangue minerals can be found in a variety of mineralogical texts, such as Deer et al. (1982), Berry et al. (1983), Battey and Pring (1997), and Wenk and Bulakh (2017). More information on ore mineral textures and occurrences can be found in Craig and Vaughan (1994) and Ixer (1990).