Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783527822751
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      Directions for Use

      This book is composed of chapters and their complements:

       – The chapters contain the fundamental concepts. Except for a few additions and variations, they correspond to a course given in the last year of a typical undergraduate physics program (Volume I) or of a graduate program (Volumes II and III). The 21 chapters are complete in themselves and can be studied independently of the complements.

       – The complements follow the corresponding chapter. Each is labelled by a letter followed by a subscript, which gives the number of the chapter (for example, the complements of Chapter V are, in order, AV, BV, CV, etc.). They can be recognized immediately by the symbol • that appears at the top of each of their pages.

      The complements vary in character. Some are intended to expand the treatment of the corresponding chapter or to provide a more detailed discussion of certain points. Others describe concrete examples or introduce various physical concepts. One of the complements (usually the last one) is a collection of exercises.

      The difficulty of the complements varies. Some are very simple examples or extensions of the chapter. Others are more difficult and at the graduate level or close to current research. In any case, the reader should have studied the material in the chapter before using the complements.

      The complements are generally independent of one another. The student should not try to study all the complements of a chapter at once. In accordance with his/her aims and interests, he/she should choose a small number of them (two or three, for example), plus a few exercises. The other complements can be left for later study. To help with the choise, the complements are listed at the end of each chapter in a “reader’s guide”, which discusses the difficulty and importance of each.

      Some passages within the book have been set in small type, and these can be omitted on a first reading.


      Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics whose importance has continually increased over the last decades. It is essential for understanding the structure and dynamics of microscopic objects such as atoms, molecules and their interactions with electromagnetic radiation. It is also the basis for understanding the functioning of numerous new systems with countless practical applications. This includes lasers (in communications, medicine, milling, etc.), atomic clocks (essential in particular for the GPS), transistors (communications, computers), magnetic resonance imaging, energy production (solar panels, nuclear reactors), etc. Quantum mechanics also permits understanding surprising physical properties such as superfluidity or supraconductivity. There is currently a great interest in entangled quantum states whose non-intuitive properties of nonlocality and nonseparability permit conceiving remarkable applications in the emerging field of quantum information. Our civilization is increasingly impacted by technological applications based on quantum concepts. This why a particular effort should be made in the teaching of quantum mechanics, which is the object of these three volumes.

      The first contact with quantum mechanics can be disconcerting. Our work grew out of the authors’ experiences while teaching quantum mechanics for many years. It was conceived with the objective of easing a first approach, and then aiding the reader to progress to a more advance level of quantum mechanics. The first two volumes, first published more than forty years ago, have been used throughout the world. They remain however at an intermediate level. They have now been completed with a third volume treating more advanced subjects. Throughout we have used a progressive approach to problems, where no difficulty goes untreated and each aspect of the diverse questions is discussed in detail (often starting with a classical review).

      This willingness to go further “without cheating or taking shortcuts” is built into the book structure, using two distinct linked texts: chapters and complements. As we just outlined in the “Directions for use”, the chapters present the general ideas and basic concepts, whereas the complements illustrate both the methods and concepts just exposed.

      Volume I presents a general introduction of the subject, followed by a second chapter describing the basic mathematical tools used in quantum mechanics. While this chapter can appear long and dense, the teaching experience of the authors has shown that such a presentation is the most efficient. In the third chapter the postulates are announced and illustrated in many of the complements. We then go on to certain important applications of quantum mechanics, such as the harmonic oscillator, which lead to numerous applications (molecular vibrations, phonons, etc.). Many of these are the object of specific complements.

      Volume II pursues this development, while expanding its scope at a slightly higher level. It treats collision theory, spin, addition of angular momenta, and both time-dependent and time-independent perturbation theory. It also presents a first approach to the study of identical particles. In this volume as in the previous one, each theoretical concept is immediately illustrated by diverse applications presented in the complements. Both volumes I and II have benefited from several recent corrections, but there have also been additions. Chapter XIII now contains two sections §§ D and E that treat random perturbations, and a complement concerning relaxation has been added.

      Finally note that we have not treated either the philosophical implications of quantum mechanics, or the diverse interpretations of this theory, despite the great interest of these subjects. We have in fact limited ourselves to presenting what is commonly called the “orthodox point of view”. It is only in Chapter XXI that we touch on certain questions concerning the foundations of quantum mechanics (nonlocality, etc.). We have made this choice because we feel that one can address such questions more efficiently after mastering the manipulation of the quantum mechanical formalism as well as its numerous applications. These subjects are addressed in the book Do we really understand quantum mechanics? (F. Laloë, Cambridge University Press, 2019); see also section 5 of the bibliography of volumes I and II.

      Volumes I and II:

      The teaching experience out of which this text grew were group efforts, pursued over several years. We wish to thank all the members of the various groups and particularly Jacques Dupont-Roc and Serge Haroche, for their friendly collaboration, for the fruitful discussions we have had in our weekly meetings and for the ideas for problems and exercises that they have suggested. Without their enthusiasm and valuable help, we would never have been able to undertake and carry out the writing of this book.

      Nor can we forget what we owe to the physicists who introduced us to research, Alfred Kastler and Jean Brossel for two of us and Maurice Levy for the third. It was in the context of their laboratories that we discovered the beauty and power of quantum mechanics. Neither have we forgotten the importance to us of the modern physics taught at