Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance. F. Xavier Malcata. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: F. Xavier Malcata
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Химия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119490333
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      with isolation of x1 unfolding


      irrespective of the values taken individually by α1,1, α1,2, α2,1, and α2,2. This is why the concept of determinant was devised – representing a scalar, bearing the unique property that its calculation resorts to subtraction of the product of elements in the secondary diagonal from the product of elements in the main diagonal of the accompanying (2 × 2) matrix. In the case of Eq. (1.10), the representation

is selected because the underlying set of algebraic equations, see Eqs. (1.1) and (1.2), holds indeed
as coefficient matrix. If a set of p algebraic linear equations in p unknowns is considered, viz.


      then the concept of determinant can be extended in very much the same way to produce


      If a relationship between two real variables, y and x, is such that y becomes determined whenever x is given, then y is said to be a univariate (real‐valued) function of (real‐variable) x; this is usually denoted as yy{x}, where x is termed independent variable and y is termed dependent variable. The same value of y may be obtained for more than one value of x, but no more than one value of y is allowed for each value of x. If more than one independent variable exist, say, x1, x2, …, xn, then a multivariate function arises, yy{x1, x2, …, xn , }. The range of values of x for which y is defined constitutes its interval of definition, and a function may be represented either by an (explicit or implicit) analytical expression relating y to x (preferred), or instead by its plot on a plane (useful and comprehensive, except when x grows unbounded) – whereas selected values of said function may, for convenience, be listed in tabular form.

      Among the most useful quantitative relationships, polynomial functions stand up – of the form Pn {x} ≡ an xn + an − 1 xn − 1 + ⋯ + a1 x + a0, where a0, a1, …, an−1, and an denote (constant) real coefficients and n denotes an integer number; a rational function appears as the ratio of two such polynomials, Pn {x}/Qm {x}, where subscripts n and m denote polynomial degree of numerator and denominator, respectively. Any function y{x} satisfying P{x}ym + Q{x}ym−1 ++ U{x}y + V{x} = 0, with m denoting an integer, is said to be algebraic; functions that cannot be defined in terms of a finite number of said polynomials, say, P{x}, Q{x}, …, U{x}, V{x}, are termed transcendental – as is the case of exponential and logarithmic functions, as well as trigonometric functions.

      A function f is said to be even when f{−x} = f{x} and odd if f{−x} = −f{x}; the vertical axis in a Cartesian system serves as axis of symmetry for the plot of the former, whereas the origin of coordinates serves as center of symmetry for the plot of the latter. Any function may be written as the sum of an even with an odd function; in fact,

      upon splitting f{x} in half, adding and subtracting f{−x}/2, and algebraically rearranging afterward. Note that f{x} + f{−x} remains unaltered when the sign of x is changed, while f{x} − f{−x} reverses sign when x is replaced by −x; therefore, (f{x} + f{−x})/2 is an even function, while (f{x} − f{−x})/2 is an odd function.