Kinematics of General Spatial Mechanical Systems. M. Kemal Ozgoren. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: M. Kemal Ozgoren
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Математика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119195764
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matrix representation of images in the base frame; imagesimagesVelocity of a point P with respect to an implied reference frameimagesVelocity of a point P with respect to a reference frame images; imagesimagesWrist point velocity influence coefficient due to images; imagesimagesWrist point velocity with respect to the base frame; imagesimagesColumn matrix representation of images in the base frame; imagesimagesGeneratrix line vector of a conical surface imagesimagesColumn matrix representation of images in the link frame imagesimagesColumn matrix of the primary variablesimagesColumn matrix of the secondary variablesimagesColumn matrix of the primary and secondary variables

      Symbols Based on the Greek Alphabet

      imagesAngular acceleration of an implied body or frame (in a general use)imagesAngular acceleration of images or images with respect to an implied frameimagesAngular acceleration of images or images with respect to imagesβkTwist angle of images with respect to imagesγkCumulative twist angle of images with respect to images; γk = β1 + β2 + … + βkimagesModified gradient of a conical surface expressed in the link frame imagesδijKronecker Delta function of the indices i and jδkConstant rotation angle of images with respect to images if images is prismaticεijkLevi‐Civita Epsilon function of the indices i, j, and kimagesColumn matrix of the end‐effector velocity state in the task space imagesθkJoint variable (angular displacement) of the revolute joint imagesθkVariable rotation angle of images with respect to images if images is revoluteλDoF of the working or operational space of a mechanical systemλabGradient ratio between images and images; imagesμMobility (DoF) of a system in its working or operational spaceμabRelative mobility (DoF) of images with respect to images; μba = μabimagesColumn matrix of the end‐effector position in the task space imagesσA general sign variable; σ = ± 1σk, imagesSign variables that indicate multiple solutionsσijkCross product sign variable defined for the indices i, j, and kimagesEffective orientation matrix of images; imagesimagesEnd‐effector angular velocity influence coefficient due to images; imagesimagesAngular velocity of an implied body or frame (in a general use)imagesAngular velocity of the end‐effector with respect to the base frame; imagesimagesColumn matrix representation of images in the base frame; images Скачать книгу