The History of Texas. Robert A. Calvert. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert A. Calvert
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119581444
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      The National Colonization Law of 1824 emanated from a developing federalist‐liberal philosophy advanced by men who planned the creation of a republic based on the principles of the American Revolution and the Spanish Constitution of 1812. The Federalists, so called because their party advocated concentrating government power in the states, included leaders such as Valentín Gómez Farías of Zacatecas and Lorenzo de Zavala of Yucatán. They were opposed by conservatives, whose support came from the clergy, major landholders, and the military, and because they favored a strong central government, were called Centralists. Using the unfulfilled dream of establishing a republic and the abdication of Iturbide to their advantage, the liberals created the Federal Constitution of the United States of Mexico on October 4, 1824. (Measures such as the National Colonization Law that the congress passed in the months preceding the constitution’s adoption were not superseded by the new document.) The republican constitution sought to satisfy regional interests by giving states control over their internal affairs and by diluting the power of the national government. As its framers had hoped, the new document resembled the US Constitution in many ways as well as borrowing items from the Spanish Constitution of 1812. Among those who signed the new constitution was a forty‐two‐year‐old Tejano ranchero, Erasmo Seguín.

      Also decreed by the provisional state constitutional congress was the State Colonization Law of March 24, 1825. Through this measure, the legislature sought to achieve several goals, namely the peopling of Coahuila and Texas, the encouragement of farming and ranching in the state, and the stimulation there of commercial activity. The plan permitted the immigration of Anglo Americans into Coahuila and Texas, but it also sought to prod Mexicans into moving north by giving them priority in land acquisition. For modest fees, heads of families qualified to obtain a league or sitio (4428.4 acres) of grazing land and a labor (177.1 acres) of farming land. Immigrants were temporarily exempted from paying tariffs or custom duties. Provisions required all new residents of Coahuila and Texas who were not already Mexican citizens to take an oath declaring that they would abide by the federal and state constitutions and promise to observe the Christian religion. The legislature made no explicit mention of Catholicism: it was simply understood that the people of Mexico practiced no other religion. After agreeing to said conditions and establishing residence by obtaining lands, the land grantees were regarded by the government as naturalized Mexicans. The wording of the Colonization Law of 1825 was so vague that it did not immediately prohibit the importation of slaves.

      The Constitution of 1827, on the other hand, more precisely addressed slavery in Texas. Abolitionists from Coahuila opposed the institution vigorously, but an alliance of Anglo slave owners, Tejano oligarchs, and entrepreneurs from Coahuila, arguing that barring slavery would stifle US immigration and destroy the labor force essential to Texas prosperity, succeeded in preserving it under the law. But the concession was temporary as the constitution nonetheless mandated that children of slave parents were to be born free and that six months following the constitution’s publication, no new slaves were to be brought into Texas.

      Negotiations for land titles under the State Colonization Law could be handled individually or through immigration agents, or empresarios, who acted on behalf of the state government to select colonists, allocate land, and see to the enforcement of the laws in the colonies they helped to found. As compensation for their work, empresarios qualified personally to receive five leagues and five labores (a total of 23,027.5 acres) for each 100 families they settled in Texas.

      As of 1835, a total of forty‐one empresario contracts had been signed, both under the National Colonization Law of 1824 and the State Colonization Law of 1825, permitting some 13,500 families to come to Texas. Anglo Americans from the United States entered into most of these contracts.

Map of Texas displaying the extent of the empresario contracts, with regions labeled “Cameron,” “Woodbury,” “Austin,” “Austin and Willimas,” “Burnet,” “Filisola,” “Vehlein,” “Zavala,” “De Witt,” etc.

      As Anglo settlers arrived in East Texas, the native Mexicans were, according to historian Andrés A. Tijerina, experiencing a resurrection in fortunes following the devastation of the war for independence. Ranches between Béxar and La Bahía (the latter called Goliad after 1829–from an anagram of the name Hidalgo) were reestablished in the mid‐1820s along the entire stretch and on both sides of the San Antonio River and its tributaries. These ranches belonged to Texas Mexicans of wealth and status, men like Martín de León of Victoria,