3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Engineering design process.Figure 3.2 Morphological and topological level of geometric automation.Figure 3.3 Widely used knowledge‐based engineering (KBE) tools.Figure 3.4 Hierarchical computer model from parametric modelling.Figure 3.5 Knowledge‐based engineering (KBE) for parametric modelling.Figure 3.6 Point and its coordinates in three‐dimensional space.Figure 3.7 Define a line and its parameters.Figure 3.8 Define a plane and its parameters.Figure 3.9 Define a 2D curve and its parameters in SolidWorks.Figure 3.10 Define a 3D curve and its parameters in SolidWorks.Figure 3.11 Types of parameters.Figure 3.12 Examples of different types of parameters. (a) Parameters for dime...Figure 3.13 Intrinsic parameters and user parameters. (a) User parameters. (b)...Figure 3.14 Defining a dimensional parameter by ‘smart dimension’ in SolidWork...Figure 3.15 Types of geometric constraints in sketches. (a) Perpendicular. (b)...Figure 3.16 Define the relations in a sketch. (a) Activating ‘Display/Delete R...Figure 3.17 Selection of a default location of part as a design intent.Figure 3.18 Selection of first sketch plane as a design intent.Figure 3.19 Dependent variables in threads. (a) Thread. (b) Detailed view of d...Figure 3.20 Creating design equations in SolidWorks. (a) Access ‘equations’ to...Figure 3.21 Design equations in a Lego piece model (unit: mm). (a) Male surfac...Figure 3.22 Three common ways of innovations and creations. (a) Copying. (b) T...Figure 3.23 Examples of using a design table for part families. (a) Springs. (...Figure 3.24 Examples of using a design table for assemblies. (a) Valves. (b) C...Figure 3.25 Creating configurations in a design table. (a) Manually created co...Figure 3.26 Procedure for creating a part model with a design table.Figure 3.27 Defining a design table in SolidWorks. (a) Insert a design table. ...Figure 3.28 Example of creating a part model with a design table. (a) Define c...Figure 3.29 Example of creating a part model with a design table.Figure 3.30 Example of using design equations in a design table in SolidWorks.Figure 3.31 Example of using the concatenation function to create part numbers...Figure 3.32 Activate ‘Configuration Publisher’ tool in SolidWorks.Figure 3.33 Showing a list of the properties for filtering.Figure 3.34 Specify a configuration with a configuration publisher in an assem...Figure 3.35 Example of an assembly model with the variants from a part level. ...Figure 3.36 Design table at an assembly model.Figure 3.37 Design table at a part model.Figure 3.38 The product variants at the Rotomation Inc. (Rotomation 2019). (a)...Figure 3.39 Templates for part, assembly, and drawing models in SolidWorks.Figure 3.40 Template for static analysis in SolidWorks.Figure 3.41 Drawing family A.Figure 3.42 Drawing family B.Figure 3.43 Part A.Figure 3.44 Part B.Figure 3.45 Example cell phone cover family.Figure 3.46 Example car snow scraper family.
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Aircraft design when one group is dominant (Mason 2009; Nicolai and...Figure 4.2 Committed cost of product over its lifecycle.Figure 4.3 Example of cost reduction by CE (Heizer and Render 2008).Figure 4.4 Challenges in CE practice (Nadadur et al. 2012).Figure 4.5 CE and Continuous Improvement (CI) in the product design cycle.Figure 4.6 Examples of product platforms. (a) Robotic tool changers. (b) Indus...Figure 4.7 Relevant terminologies of platform technologies.Figure 4.8 Needs of modularization by example of a complex product (Airbus 201...Figure 4.9 Universal motors by Black & Decker using a bottom‐up method (Simpso...Figure 4.10 Platforms of Walkman products at Sony Inc. (Sanderson and Uzumeri ...Figure 4.11 Evolution of product platforms at Volkswagen (Johnson 2013; Kreind...Figure 4.12 Example of using the platform technologies for the cost reduction ...Figure 4.13 Platform technologies for cost savings.Figure 4.14 Overview of platform‐based product family design methods (Zha and ...Figure 4.15 Types of modules in a product platform.Figure 4.16 Prioritizing commonalities for different module types.Figure 4.17 Configure product variants from a product platform. (a) A + B + C(...Figure 4.18 Ford auto platform with subsystems and interfaces (Simpson 2019).Figure 4.19 Modularization of a product family.Figure 4.20 Zigzagging decomposition in axiomatic design theory (ADT). (a) Map...Figure 4.21 Structure of module‐based product platform (Golfmann and Lammers 2...Figure 4.22 Example of decomposition of Functional Requirements (FRs).Figure 4.23 Braun coffee maker families (Simpson 2019).Figure 4.24 The Boeing 737 family (Wikiwand 2019).Figure 4.25 Traditional product design method without consideration of product...Figure 4.26 Top‐down approach.Figure 4.27 Bottom‐up approach.Figure 4.28 Traditional static product structure with no leveraging.Figure 4.29 Horizontal leveraging product platforms.Figure 4.30 Horizontally leveraged B&D power platforms (MIT 2019).Figure 4.31 Vertical leveraging product platforms.Figure 4.32 Vertically leveraged Gillette shaver platforms (MIT 2019).Figure 4.33 Beachhead leveraging product platforms.Figure 4.34 Beachhead leveraged ice scraper platforms (MIT 2019).Figure 4.35 Modular robot systems.Figure 4.36 Design variables in modular robot platform based on ADT.Figure 4.37 The DH notation for spatial relations of two motion axes.Figure 4.38 Robot platform design I. (a) Rotary joint (0.07 × 0.07 × 0.14) ass...Figure 4.39 Robot platform design II. (a) Rotary joint (0.07 × 0.07 × 0.07). (...Figure 4.40 Robot platform design III. (a) Rotational joint assembly patterns:...Figure 4.41 Product platform techniques for standardization and reusability.Figure 4.42 Difference of morphological and topological changes. (a) Original ...Figure 4.43 Example of rotary actuator with many standardized parts or feature...Figure