Mou Chen, Shuyi Shao, and Peng Shi
Robot Manipulator Redundancy Resolution
Yunong Zhang and Long Jin
Stress in ASME Pressure Vessels, Boilers, and Nuclear Components
Maan H. Jawad
Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power Systems: Modeling, Optimization, and Operation
Yang Shi, Mingxi Liu, and Fang Fang
Applications of Mathematical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Models in Engineering and Medicine
Abram S. Dorfman
Bioprocessing Piping and Equipment Design: A Companion Guide for the ASME BPE Standard
William M. (Bill) Huitt
R. Russell Rhinehart
Geothermal Heat Pump and Heat Engine Systems: Theory and Practice
Andrew D. Chiasson
Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations
Liang‐Wu Cai
Introduction to Dynamics and Control in Mechanical Engineering Systems
Cho W.S. To
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
Zhuming Bi
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University Fort Wayne
Xiaoqin Wang
Associate Professor of Manufacturing Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
This Work is a co-publication between John Wiley & Sons Ltd and ASME Press
This edition first published 2020
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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data
Names: Bi, Zhuming, author. | Wang, Xiaoqin (Writer on manufacturing),
Title: Computer aided design and manufacturing / Zhuming Bi, Xiaoqin Wang.
Description: First edition. | Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2020.
| Series: Wiley‐ASME press series |