Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams. Anil K. Chopra. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Anil K. Chopra
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119056096
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      Putting this issue in historical context, the response of concrete gravity dams to the vertical component of ground motion was overestimated in the earliest studies based on the assumption of non‐absorptive reservoir bottom (Chopra and Chakarabarti 1973, 1974). An absorptive reservoir bottom gives a more plausible estimate of the response to vertical ground motion and its smaller contribution to the total earthquake response of the dam (Fenves and Chopra 1983). Although not negligible, this contribution is of secondary importance. Thus, the response to only the horizontal component of ground motion is considered in developing the procedure for simplified analysis of two‐dimensional dam–water–foundation systems (Sections 2.6, 3.4, and 3.5); this procedure is intended for preliminary analysis and design of dams.

      in which the hydrodynamic terms B0(ω) and B1(ω) are equivalent to those in Eq. (2.4.10) but are now defined slightly differently:


      where images and images are frequency response functions for the hydrodynamic pressure on the upstream face due to horizontal ground acceleration of a rigid dam, and acceleration of a dam in its fundamental mode of vibration, respectively:



      in which f0(y) = 1 and images. For convenience later in defining the added hydrodynamic mass, the preceding pressure functions are defined for the positive x‐direction upstream, thus giving algebraic signs opposite those of the corresponding equations in Section 2.3, where the positive x‐direction was downstream.


      2.6.1 Modified Natural Frequency and Damping Ratio

      The properties of the equivalent SDF system are defined as those of the dam with an empty reservoir modified by an added mass and an added damping that represent the hydrodynamic effects of the impounded water. The mass density images, of the equivalent SDF system is defined as


      where the natural vibration frequency images of the equivalent SDF system approximates the fundamental resonant frequency of the dam–water system. If the reservoir bottom is absorptive, ma(y) is complex valued. Thus, it is not a mass quantity in the usual sense; only its real‐valued component contributes to an added mass, whereas the imaginary‐valued component implies an added damping. Furthermore, this added mass representing hydrodynamic effects on a flexible dam differs from the one in Eq. (2.3.25), which was determined assuming the dam to be rigid. It is inappropriate to use the latter in dynamic analysis of dams because they are flexible structures.

      The complex‐valued frequency response function for the modal coordinate of the equivalent SDF system will be of the same form as Eq. (2.2.7), but L1, M1, and C1 will be different; thus