Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams. Anil K. Chopra. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Anil K. Chopra
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119056096
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dam–water interaction. Thereafter, results for dam response are presented for a wide range of parameters that characterize the dam–water system. These results provide a basis to identify the effects of dam–water interaction and their influence on the vibration properties – natural vibration period and damping ratio – and on the response of concrete gravity dams to earthquake ground motion. Also investigated are the implications of neglecting compressibility of water, an approximation that enables representation of hydrodynamic effects by inertia forces associated with an added mass of water moving with the dam. Finally, we develop an equivalent single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDF) system to model the response of dams including dam–water interaction that enables estimation of peak response directly from the earthquake response (or design) spectrum. Such an analysis is intended for preliminary design and safety evaluation of dams.


Diagram of the dam–water system depicting alluvium and deposited sediments at the bottom.

      The dam is idealized as a two‐dimensional finite element system, thus making it possible to consider arbitrary geometry and variation of material properties. However, certain restrictions on the geometry are imposed to permit a continuum solution of the hydrodynamic wave equation in the fluid domain. For the purpose of determining hydrodynamic effects, and only for this purpose, the upstream face of the dam is assumed to be vertical. This assumption is reasonable for most concrete gravity dams, because typically the upstream face is vertical or almost vertical for most of its height, and the hydrodynamic pressure on the dam face is insensitive to small departures of the face slope from being vertical, especially if these departures are in the lower part of the dam, which is usually the case. The impounded water in the reservoir is idealized by a fluid region of constant depth and infinite length in the upstream direction.

      The excitation for the two‐dimensional dam–water system is defined by the two components of free‐field ground acceleration in the plane of the monolith (or cross section) of the dam: the horizontal component images transverse to the longitudinal axis of the dam (i.e. in the stream direction) and the vertical component images.

      2.2.1 Frequency Response Function

      The displacements of the dam – relative to its base – vibrating in its fundamental vibration mode due to the l‐component of ground motion (l = x and y represents horizontal and vertical components, respectively) can be expressed as

      in which the generalized mass


      where the integration extends over the cross‐sectional area of the dam monolith; the mass density of the dam concrete mk(x, y) = m(x, y), k = x and y is considered separately for the horizontal and vertical components of dam motion for convenience later in expressing the hydrodynamic effects in terms of an added mass and added damping; images; ω1, and ζ1 are the fundamental natural frequency and the viscous damping ratio of the dam alone;




      For harmonic free‐field ground acceleration images, where ω is the exciting frequency, the modal coordinate can be expressed in terms of its complex‐valued frequency response function, images. Upon substitution into Eq. (2.2.2) and canceling eiωt on both sides gives