List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Project development.Figure 1.2 Cost of change.Figure 1.3 Motor wiring diagram with PLC module.Figure 1.4 Motor wiring diagram to DeviceNet communication module.Figure 1.5 Three‐phase tester.Figure 1.6 Plant handover procedure.Figure 1.7 Plant interlocks, hard wired and software.Figure 1.8 Typical LCOE cost ranges and weighted averages for electricity ge...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Part of a plant one line diagram.Figure 2.2 Part of plant flow diagram.Figure 2.3 A part of a P&ID diagram.Figure 2.4 Large oil filled transformer.Figure 2.5 245 kV circuit breaker.Figure 2.6 Double and single incomer diagram.Figure 2.7 Key one‐line diagram.Figure 2.8 Plant MV switchgear.Figure 2.9 4.16 kV motor controller assembly.Figure 2.10 Part of LV switchgear.Figure 2.11 Switchgear breaker interlocks.Figure 2.12 Distribution line.Figure 2.13 Plant phasing diagram.Figure 2.14 Standby generator.Figure 2.15 Lightning arrester.Figure 2.16 BIL impulse wave shape.
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 (a) MV switchgear and (b) circuit breaker.Figure 3.2 Arc flash accident.Figure 3.3 Personal protective equipment.Figure 3.4 MV MCC controller assembly.Figure 3.5 Motor protection chart.Figure 3.6 MV motor controller basic circuit.Figure 3.7 Unit substations for LV distribution.Figure 3.8 (a) LV substation – double ended. (b) LV draw‐out circuit breaker...Figure 3.9 LV breaker adjustable operating curvesFigure 3.10 LV MCC assembly.Figure 3.11 MCC starter bucket.Figure 3.12 A family of circuit breakers [8].Figure 3.13 Breaker time – current characteristic.Figure 3.14 Electronic overload.Figure 3.15 HMCP adjustable breakers.Figure 3.16 Typical motor protection with breakers.Figure 3.17 Motor protected by Fuse.
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Permafrost temperature.Figure 4.2 HV outdoor substation.Figure 4.3 Concrete PVC duct bank.Figure 4.4 Cable duct installation.Figure 4.5 (a and b) Soil heat resistivity charts.Figure 4.6 Prefabricated electrical room.Figure 4.7 Unistrut channels.Figure 4.8 Transformers, fire barrier walls.Figure 4.9 Plant control room.Figure 4.10 CR tile floor.
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Neutral point solid grounding.Figure 5.2 Neutral point resistance grounding.Figure 5.3 Method of grounding and equivalent circuits.Figure 5.4 Unit G grounding.Figure 5.5 Grounding Zg transformer.Figure 5.6 Zg grounding transformer.Figure 5.7 Fault currents in Y/Δ transformer.
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 (a) Wenner four‐pin method and (b) three‐point fall of potential ...Figure 6.2 Part of plant grounding grid (mesh).Figure 6.3 Step and touch potential.Figure 6.4 GPR equipotential contours.Figure 6.5 Cadweld underground connections.Figure 6.6 Cadweld connections.Figure 6.7 Rebar connection.Figure 6.8 Mechanical crimp connections.Figure 6.9 Motor base grounding.Figure 6.10 Fence grounding.
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 ATS.Figure 7.2 (a) Battery power pack, (b) exit light, and (c) exit light with l...Figure 7.3 Illuminance level (an average illumination of 300 lx was required...Figure 7.4 Light distribution (a) for indoors and (b) for street lighting do...Figure 7.5 Photometric cone diagram.Figure 7.6 Lighting transformers.Figure 7.7 Fluorescent fixture with glare diffuser.Figure 7.8 (a) Industrial fluorescent, (b) roadway LED, and (c) hi‐bay HPS....Figure 7.9 Lighting panel.Figure 7.10 Receptacles (outlets).Figure 7.11 Welding outlet.Figure 7.12 Lamp CRI color rendering code.Figure 7.13 Light color temperature.Figure 7.14 Light spectra.Figure 7.15 Fluorescent, (a) cool and (b) warm.Figure 7.16 LPS lamp.Figure 7.17 LED technology.Figure 7.18 LED beams.
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Battery (a) discharge and (b) charge process.Figure 8.2 Typical battery ampere‐hour capacity and hourly discharge..Figure 8.3 Internal plate connections.Figure 8.4 Battery life and temperature dependency.Figure 8.5 Battery rack.Figure 8.6 Charger and UPS.Figure 8.7 DC system connection diagram.Figure 8.8 Continuous UPS.
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Multicircuit overhead line.Figure 9.2 ACSR conductor.Figure 9.3 (a–d) Types of plant distribution.Figure 9.4 Circuit transition point.Figure 9.5 Relationship between resistance, reactance, and impedance for con...Figure 9.6 Line loading.Figure 9.7 Voltage drop for line load at end of line.Figure 9.8 Voltage drop for not equally distributed load.Figure 9.9 Voltage drop for equally distributed load.Figure 9.10 Line loss calculations.Figure 9.11 ABC cable installation.Figure 9.12 ABC cable composition.
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Arresters in HV substation.Figure 10.2 Lightning strike.Figure 10.3 World isokeraunic map by NASA.Figure 10.4 Test voltage and current waveshapes.Figure 10.5 Impulse wave shape.Figure 10.6 Impulse test connection.Figure 10.7 Ground flash density of USA.Figure 10.8 Equipment withstand capability.Figure 10.9 MV pole arrester.Figure 10.10 MV arrester performance chart.Figure 10.11 V–I chart of a ZnO arrester for 420 kV system with earthed neut...Figure 10.12 Lightning aerial base.Figure 10.13 Air terminal height.Figure 10.14 Protection of low‐rise buildings ≤7.6 m.Figure 10.15 Protection of buildings >15 m.Figure 10.16 Cadweld underground connections.
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 World voltage and frequency map.Figure 11.2 CCW phase sequence.Figure 11.3 Three phase power.Figure 11.4 (a, b) Phase sequence based on rotor rotation.Figure 11.5 Changes due to phase sequence error. UAT = unit auxiliary transf...Figure 11.6 World plug map by type.Figure 11.7 World plug and socket types.
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 3c+g (Three conductors + ground) LV power cable.Figure 12.2 Cable electrical field.Figure 12.3 Cables with armor and jacket.Figure 12.4 Cable protection by circuit breaker (CB).Figure 12.5 Cable short circuit thermal withstand.Figure 12.6 MV power cables.Figure 12.7 300 kV cable.Figure 12.8 (a) Cable gland, (b) conductor lugs, (c) one phase stress cone, ...Figure 12.9 Spade lug.Figure 12.10 Control cables.Figure 12.11 Ethernet cable.Figure 12.12 DeviceNet cable.Figure 12.13 Fiber optic (FO) cables.Figure 12.14 Ladder tray.Figure 12.15 Cable tray installation.Figure 12.16 (a) Cable fill, (b) spacing, and (c) mixing.Figure 12.17 Bus duct.Figure 12.18 Cable bus assembly.Figure 12.19 Cable bus installation.
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Motor partially loaded performance.Figure 13.2 Reactive power flows [2].Figure 13.3 Typical motor loading.Figure 13.4 pf correction.Figure 13.5 Generator excited at pf change.Figure 13.6 Harmonics.
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Motor torque characteristics.Figure