Your Stars. Carolyne Faulkner. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Carolyne Faulkner
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008353674
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2019 at a party, it may mean we take longer than usual to recover. Whatever you are doing, be kind to yourself and recoup your energy, which will return full flow when Mars switches sign on 3rd January.

      Signs in the Spotlight

Image Capricorn (also its opposite sign, Cancer, to a lesser degree, until the Full Moon in Cancer on 10th January).
Image Aquarius (also its opposite sign, Leo, to a lesser degree).
Image Pisces (also its opposite sign, Virgo, to a lesser degree).
Image Sagittarius (also its opposite sign, Gemini, to a lesser degree).
Image Scorpio and its opposite sign, Taurus, equally.


      If you didn’t conjure up an adequately inspiring New Year’s resolution list, work on a new one now and release any fears under the Full Moon on 10th January instead – the Full Moon is such a powerful time for purification!

      Mars has been in the deep, penetrating sign of Scorpio since November 2019. This is a perfect combination for tenacity on one level and attracting soul mates on another. It’s also a time for deepening existing relationships with those who bring out the very best in us, for it’s all about chemistry and attraction that goes way beyond the physical. However, whilst Scorpio energy ‘gone right’ is forgiving, empathetic and extremely powerful, when things aren’t going well it’s prone to be stuck in the past and playing the blame game. Avoid this trait and set an intention to love yourself and release anything that causes you pain. Self-love is a far cry from narcissism; it’s a gentle inner confidence that knows you are already good enough, and are, indeed, the most powerful player in your life, with the potential to transform any area or trait that you no longer wish to work with.

      Reflect, Re-energize

      The planets’ combinations are pushing us to be serious and driven this month and will offer support to those of us who have solid goals. However, this is matched in power with serious amounts of air and fire, which energize and inspire.

      Overall, it’s vital for our well-being that we give ourselves regular breaks and take some time off to reflect on anything we need to leave behind. Our energy will be revived by the ‘Great Mother’ (nature) when Mars moves into adventure-loving Sagittarius on 3rd January. After that, we will be energized by feeding our mind with higher knowledge and becoming more philosophical. Taking walks, surfing waves or hopping on bikes to reconnect with the elements will also reboot our energy and shoot arrows of inspiration our way.

      The Aquarian influence this year is eclectic, accelerated and, at times, wild, and so to avoid burnout we must take time out from busy schedules. Our New Year vows should include being kind to ourselves and spending time with people and animals who heal and nourish our soul.

      Revolution Brings Opportunity

      Uranus, the planet that sparks revolution and change, has been in a retrograde motion (appearing to go backwards) since August last year, but finally goes direct in Taurus on 11th January. This will enable us to actualize the ideas that have been percolating away for some time; it also pushes us to become more aware of our resources and our body, and how we care for them. Pushing ourselves to extremes is not wise; finding ways to nourish mind, body and soul will set us up to achieve total soul contentment. Roll out your Yoga mat at home or in the office, plan your own class or find a fab teacher online; whatever you do, truly embrace this new year as one in which to find your balance.

      This is actually a year that will give us the opportunities to achieve our wildest dreams, but with all the Capricorn vibes at the start of this month – and throughout most of the year, thanks to Saturn and Jupiter – they won’t come easily if we haven’t worked for them.

      If we are prepared to face our shortcomings and put the work in, however, January will allow us to sow seeds that, with care and patience, will flourish just like the stunning biodynamic vineyards producing the finest grapes, all cultivated via the phases of the Moon.


      The Sun shines in a sign for almost one month, magnifying and empowering the energy of that sign. Capricorn energy is magnified until 20th January and then the Sun moves on to empower Aquarius. For now, though, Capricorn energy impacts us all collectively, and the effect is even more powerful for those of us with Capricorn as our Sun sign, Moon sign, rising sign (first house), or any other major ‘stamp’, or its opposite sign, Cancer.

      This discerning yet ambitious vibe will affect us all and so we need to make sure we channel the ‘gone right’ vibe: committed, reliable and über-wise. The alternative is not very attractive: megalomania, ruthlessness and a calculating approach; think politics gone wrong. Avoid political contests and just remember that hard work and steadfastness always pay off – in one lifetime or another!

      For those of you with major stamps in Capricorn (and Cancer, to a lesser degree), this month will enable you to make wise moves, taking the greater goal into consideration, and to impress those in authority – or maybe you’ll just impress yourself. With all of the activity in Capricorn, you will no doubt be reviewing changes you wish to make. These may be work-related, personal or spiritual, but try not to be too hard on yourself – another Capricorn trait you own. Accept where you are and know that this year is all about waking up and taking your rightful place as a warrior in a time starred for immense transformation.

      Spiritual practice is a must if you are to capitalize on the star movements and chart the territories smoothly.

      For you, Capricorn, having Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and the Sun in your sign is very empowering, but also way too much pressure. So, relax, lighten up and embrace your mantra.

      Capricorn’s mantra: I am enough.

      Wednesday 1st January–Sunday 5th January


      This week begins with Pisces Moon energy possibly causing us to float away with our dreams. In order to gain the most from the astrology this week, and beyond, it’s vital that we immerse ourselves in nature and give ourselves some head space. By the time Mars moves from brooding Scorpio into Sagittarius on 3rd January, we should be feeling ready to shake off the holiday season’s lethargy and crack on with goals and activities that inspire us.

      Certain aspects square to Pluto push us to open our minds or the minds of others and change the way we perceive certain areas of our lives. And, because it’s directly connected to the fixed sign of Taurus, it’s better to adopt a patient, gently tenacious approach if we wish to succeed. Taurus energy responds well to a pragmatic attitude, and if you have to handle challenging issues or folk, focus on planting seeds slowly and then letting go of the need to see immediate results.

      If it’s you that is fixed, then you need to be more patient with yourself; this life is like a drop in the ocean, but one that still causes ripples, and even the smallest step towards a goal or change will undoubtedly get results.


       Ten minutes of morning meditation each day. You may use an app or any other tool to assist you; however, the real goal here is to just sit quietly with your mind and make friends with it. Set an alarm for ten minutes (or more if you wish) and try to always sit in the same place at the same time with your sitting position well aligned. Try not to move, and when a thought comes (and they do!), don’t