Twins For The Soldier. Rochelle Alers. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rochelle Alers
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon True Love
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474090612
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she was the epitome of poise, not allowing anyone to suspect she and Justin were no longer a couple. But hearing her strident tone now had momentarily unnerved him. He wondered if something drastic had happened between her and her mother-in-law.

      He wasn’t overly fond of Joyce Mitchell and had never felt welcome in her home, but he respected her as Justin’s mother. Most times he’d suggested Justin and Angela come to The Falls House for their study sessions whenever it was Justin’s turn to host the meetings. Miss Joyce, as people usually referred to her, used to glare at him and then turn her back without saying a word. It was apparent she sided with those in The Falls who believed he would end up like his father—a drug-addicted felon.

      Lee tried not to overthink why Angela wanted him to come and get her as he managed to stay under the speed limit on his way to The Falls. Night had fallen over the landscape when he maneuvered up in front of the Mitchell house and spotted Angela waiting at the curb, clutching the handles of a Pullman. He got out of the jeep and came around to help her in at the same time the front door to the house opened and Joyce came down off the porch, gesturing wildly. He lifted the Pullman, storing it in the SUV’s cargo area.

      He closed the passenger-side door once Angela was belted in.

      Angela’s chest rose and fell heavily as she stared out the windshield. “You just got back and this is the second time I’ve burdened you with my problems. But I didn’t know who else to call.” She didn’t have any close friends from high school, and had made it a practice not to discuss her personal business with coworkers.

      Lee gave her a quick glance. “It’s okay, Angie.”

      “Nothing is going to be okay until I finally move out and take control of my own life. When I told her that I was going to look for a house she went off on me, and I knew I couldn’t spend another night under her roof without losing it completely. The woman knows exactly what buttons to push to make me lose it.”

      Decelerating, Lee rested his right hand on her denim-covered knee and gave it a gentle squeeze while steering with his left. “That’s because she knows what to say to set you off.”

      Angela slowly shook her head. “She messes with me so much that I’ve learned to ignore her, especially when the kids are around, because I don’t want them to see their mother go ballistic on their grandmother. She said something so twisted tonight that I knew I couldn’t spend another minute there.”

      “Where do you want to go?”

      She stared at Lee’s distinctive profile. She had always thought him incredibly handsome, but his attractiveness didn’t end there. He exuded a masculinity that was almost palpable. “I’d like to spend the night with you.”

      Lee’s foot hit the brake, causing the vehicle to come to an abrupt stop. “No!”

      Angela gave him an incredulous look. “Why not?”

      “Because where I’m staying only has one bedroom.”

      “Do you have a sofa?”


      “Then I’ll sleep on your sofa. It’ll be just for tonight.” Angela wanted to tell Lee that she could check in to a hotel or motel, but she didn’t want to be alone. Not tonight. And not when she needed to bare her soul about pretending to be strong when it was something she struggled with every day for the benefit of others and her children.

      Lee exhaled an audible, ragged sigh. “Okay, Angela. Just for tonight. If you need someplace to stay, then I’ll call Vivi and have her put you up.”

      Angela clutched the hand on her knee. “I really appreciate it.”

      Lee pulled his hand away and activated the Bluetooth feature on the dash, connecting it to Viviana’s number. “Hey, Vivi,” he said when her greeting came on the speaker. “I have Angela with me and I’m asking if you can do her a favor.”

      “Of course. What does she need?”

      “Can you prepare one of the bedroom suites for her? She’ll be there tomorrow and she will let you know how long she’s staying.”

      “That’s not a problem. I’ll put her in the suite across from mine. What about her twins?”

      “They’re away for the summer, so it’ll just be her.”

      “No problem. Give her my number and have her call me before she comes over just in case I may have to step out.”

      “I will.” He disconnected the call and met Angela’s eyes. “You’re all set.”

      Slumping against the leather seat, she nodded. “Thank you so much.”

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