Montana Passions. Allison Leigh. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Allison Leigh
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon By Request
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408900765
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She wiggled in against him again. “Better?”

      It was agony, but at the same time…“Yeah.”

      “Give me your hand back, please.” He obliged. She tucked it under her soft chin. “Yes,” she said on a gentle sigh. “This is nice…”

      Nice wasn’t exactly the word for it.


      Never in a million and a half years would he have pictured himself, lying here, spooning Katie Fenton.

      But he was lying here, with her sweet-scented softness plastered all along the front of him, holding her tight, both of them covered in clothing from neck to ankle. He was lying here, never wanting to let her go.

      He knew he’d never get any sleep like this. But he closed his eyes, anyway.

      He woke abruptly as Katie threw back the covers and jumped from the bed.

      He sat up. She was already past the rope he’d dropped last night, racing for the door to the front reception room.

      He raked the hair back from his forehead. “Huh, wha—?”

      She sent him a dazzling smile and hauled open the door. “The phone’s ringing.”

      It rang again as she slipped through the doorway.

      Katie picked up the phone in midring. “Hello?” No one spoke. She asked again, more urgently, “Hello?”

      “Katie, darling? Oh, thank goodness.”

      She felt the huge smile burst across her face. “Addy.”

      “You’re there…you’re safe?”

      “Oh, Addy. Yes. I’m fine. Justin and I got stuck here, at the museum. But we’re okay. We’re safe. Buttercup’s even okay—though she’s getting pretty cranky, trapped in the shed out back with only hay to eat.”

      “You’re safe.” The relief in Addy’s dear voice was achingly clear. “We’ve been so worried…”

      “I’m fine. Really. And so is Justin. Don’t worry anymore. Everything’s great, but what about you? And Caleb? And Riley?”

      “Safe. We’re all safe.” A gentle chuckle followed. “Riley made it home from the hall before the snow got too bad. Caleb and I and Mr. Sy Goodwin got stuck in that office in town.”

      “The ski resort office?”

      “You know Caleb. Sy’s visiting from Billings. He expressed interest in the project and Caleb wanted to take him right over there to show him what a good investment he’d be making. I tagged along. By the time we realized we needed to get home, it was too late. But we all three made it back to the hall, and spent Sunday and Monday and three endless, uncomfortable nights there, with the others who didn’t make it home. It was an adventure, I’ll tell you.”

      “Where are you now?”

      “The snowplows started working last evening. Thunder Canyon Road was cleared by seven this morning.”

      Katie looked at the clock on the wall—ten thirty-five. “So you’re at the Lazy D?”

      “That’s right. Home safe and sound.”

      Katie clutched the phone tighter. “Oh, I’m so relieved. I was worried about everyone.”

      “Nothing to worry about. We’re all safe, and Caleb wants to talk to you.”

      “Okay, I—”

      Before she finished her sentence, Caleb’s deep voice was blustering in her ear. “Katie. Honey, you’re all right?”

      Katie smiled all the wider. “I’m fine. Really. Safe and warm, and we had food to eat, sandwiches left by the Historical Society ladies. We’re pretty tired of ham and cheese, but it all worked out. Truly.”

      “Justin Caldwell?”

      The sound of his name on Caleb’s lips made her blush, for some silly reason—or maybe it was the memory of last night. “He’s here, with me. Safe. I promise.”

      “All right, then. Katie, honey, you’ll be out of there in no time. I’m making a few calls to see that plow gets to you right away.”

      “Caleb, that’s really not necessary. We’re perfectly safe and we can wait.”

      Caleb wouldn’t hear of that. “I’m getting you out of there, and I’m doing it quick. Just sit tight now and hold on.” He spoke to someone—Addy, no doubt—on his end of the line. “Addy wants you to come on out to the ranch for dinner tonight. We’ll celebrate how we all got through the worst blizzard of the century—so far, anyway—safe and sound. She says to invite Caldwell, too. Can’t have an out-of-towner thinking we don’t know how to treat a guest.” He chuckled again. “Especially one who happens to be my business partner.”

      Nice idea, she thought. Lovely idea. “I’ll ask him.”

      “Good. I’m going to let you go now. I want you to call me if that plow doesn’t show up in the next hour.”

      She wouldn’t, of course. She and Justin could wait as long as it took. But Caleb always enjoyed pulling strings for the people who mattered to him. “Thanks, Caleb. I love you—Addy, too.”

      He made the usual, gruff, blustering sounds. “Well, now, who’s my girl?”

      “I am. Always. Bye now.”

      She hung up and turned to find Justin leaning in the doorway to the central room, one bare foot crossed lazily over the other. Her heart set to pounding and her breath caught at the sight of him—at the memory of last night that seemed to shimmer in the air between them.

      “That was Caleb and Addy.” She sounded breathless. Probably because she was. “They were worried. I told them we were fine. And they said everyone else is safe, too.”

      “Good.” He straightened from his easy slouch and came toward her, the predatory gleam in his eyes causing her knees to go weak and something low in her belly to go soft as melting butter.

      She suffered dual urges—to back away from him; and to throw herself against him and lift up her mouth. In the end, she did neither. She held her ground, waiting, as he stalked toward her.

      He reached her, his eyes still burning into hers.

      A nervous laugh escaped her. “Justin, you look so…” The sentence trailed off. She didn’t know quite how to finish it.

      He lifted a hand. With a light finger, he guided a stray coil of hair behind her ear. A little shiver went through her. “Cold?”

      “No. No, not at all. Justin, are you okay?”

      His hand dropped to his side and he stepped back. “So, today we’re really getting out of here.”

      She nodded. “If we’re lucky, the plow should be here in the next few hours.”

      He turned from her, abruptly. “Let’s get the coffee going.”

      She caught his arm. “Justin…”

      He swung back, his eyes dark. Turbulent. His bicep was rock-hard with tension beneath her hand. “What?”

      She let go, fast. “I…well, you almost seem angry. I just don’t get it.”

      He kept staring at her, giving her that strange, hot, dark devouring look, for an endless, tense moment and then…

      His eyes changed. Softened. His wonderful, sensual mouth went soft, too. “Hell.” And he reached out and pulled her into his strong arms, squeezing the breath right out of her.

      “Justin, what—?”

      “I don’t want to lose you.” The rough, whispered words seemed dredged up from