Wearing The Greek Millionaire's Ring. Jennifer Faye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jennifer Faye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon True Love
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474091497
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was a lot of pressure to put on a kid. By high school, he resented his family’s expectations. By college, he was interning at the family construction business. When nothing he did lived up to his grandfather’s high standards, Roberto knew he needed to forge a different path—one of his own choosing. And that was what led him to join forces with a childhood friend in the real-estate business, much to his family’s disappointment.

      Having lost sight of the elusive woman, he moved to the bar and ordered a drink. While he waited, he glanced around once more. Maybe it was just wishful thinking that he’d recognized someone. Still, it had been a good excuse to get away from his grandmother.

      He was on his way to an open table off to the side when he spotted her again. This time he was certain he knew her. It was Stasia Marinakos. No other woman carried herself quite like she did, with her slender shoulders pulled back, her head held high and a warm smile on her face. How she could smile after all that she’d been through was beyond him. But she hadn’t lost her zest for life. And he applauded her.

      “Stasia?” he called out. When she paused and looked around, he called out to her again.

      At last, their gazes met. Her big brown eyes widened. He waved her over to join him at the empty table. It took her a moment or two to work her way through the crowd of people all eager to enjoy the morning sun.

      “It’s so good to see you.” He gave her a brief hug.

      Was it wrong that he wanted the hug to last a little longer? Of course it was. Stasia was his best friend’s younger sister. And if that wasn’t enough to discourage any interest, she was a grieving widow. Enough said.

      He moved to pull out a chair for her. Once again, her eyes widened with surprise. Was getting her chair for her that unexpected? He mused over this as he returned to his own chair. He supposed that in all of the occasions that they’d spent time together over the years, he hadn’t actually spent one-on-one time with her before. There had always been a group of people with them.

      She frowned at him. “You don’t have to act surprised to see me.”

      “But I am surprised.”

      She studied him for a moment. “My brother didn’t set this up?” She motioned between them. “Being on the same cruise so you can babysit me?”

      “If he did, he didn’t mention it to me.”

      “Oh.” She still looked perplexed. “He surprised me with the ticket. He said it was my birthday gift.”

      “It’s your birthday?”

      “Not yet. It’s next week.”

      “We’ll have to do something special.”

      “You mean more special than taking an extended cruise?” Her eyes twinkled with amusement.

      “Maybe not. But we’ll have to mark the occasion.” And then he realized she might not be on the ship alone. After all, she’d been a widow for...what was it? Two years. Maybe she was moving on. “Are you sailing alone?”

      “I am. How about you? Are you here with someone?”

      He wondered if she’d noticed that the passenger list had an overwhelming number of young, beautiful women who appeared to be alone. “I’m not here with anyone. Not exactly.”

      Stasia arched a brow. “You came on this cruise alone?”

      Roberto nodded and surprise flickered in her eyes.

      Xander had warned him that he was getting a reputation of always having a beautiful woman on his arm. He’d thought Xander was just having some fun at his expense. Maybe Xander had been serious after all.

      “You wouldn’t believe that I just wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the office?”

      She shook her head. “You’re just like my brother. You both thrive on the chaotic energy of business. Without it, I think you’d both be bored. In fact, I know it.” Her beautiful eyes studied him as though if she stared long enough, layers would peel back, and she’d be able to see what truly made him tick.

      Roberto glanced away. Under her gaze, he felt exposed and vulnerable. That was a first for him. He’d sat through a lot of tense meetings with some of the toughest businessmen. They’d all sized each other up for the other’s weakness, but none had made him feel like an open book.

      He cleared his throat. “Actually, I’m here at my grandmother’s request.”

      The twinkle of surprise showed in Stasia’s eyes. “Your grandmother is on the ship?”

      He nodded. “So are a number of my family members.”

      “That must be so nice.”

      He remained quiet. He knew Stasia only had her brother these days. She didn’t know what it was like to have a bunch of well-meaning but intrusive family members delving into her personal life.

      “It must be something special to get you out of the office. I hope you have a great time.”

      And then he realized there wasn’t any reason to be secretive. “We’re here for my grandmother’s eightieth birthday celebration and my cousin’s wedding in Venice.”

      “Wow. That’s a lot to celebrate.”

      He nodded and then glanced around to make sure none of his family were within listening distance. Once he was sure the coast was clear, he leaned closer to Stasia and lowered his voice. “I should probably tell you that my cousin and her fiancé applied to Infinity Island but were turned down.”

      Stasia’s brows rose but she didn’t say anything.

      “I just wanted to forewarn you because this ship isn’t that big, so you’re likely to run into them.”

      “No problem. Thanks for the warning.”

      He nodded. “I just wonder if it’s a good idea for them to get married.”

      “Why? Don’t you like who your cousin is marrying?”

      “It’s not that.” If anything, he really liked Anthony. “He’s a great guy. But Xander told me a little of how the system works on Infinity Island. Do you know how the process works?” When she shook her head, he continued. “It seems pretty involved. The legend or folklore or whatever you call it says if you don’t pass the test, it means you’re ill suited for each other.”

      “Really? Do you think it’s true?”

      He shrugged. Weddings were never of interest to him. “I just don’t want my cousin to be hurt. She’s a great person. Loving and caring.”

      “I’m sure it’ll all work out for her.”

      This was his turn to study Stasia. It definitely wasn’t a hardship. He could stare at her all day. She was beautiful in a very classic and stylish way. Her dark hair was straight and cut in a sleek bob that brushed over the tops of her shoulders. Her makeup only emphasized her vibrant eyes and her high cheekbones. She went for more color when it came to her lips. They were a deep rose shade. Her lips were pouty and inviting.


      He jerked his gaze back to her eyes. He’d been busted staring. He cleared his throat and glanced away. What had they been discussing?

      It took him a second to recall the conversation. “I’m not normally one to give in to such superstitious kind of stuff, but this is my cousin. She’s the closest thing I have to a sister.”

      Stasia reached across the table and squeezed his hand. “I wouldn’t worry. There’s also this saying that love can overcome everything.”

      “I sure hope you’re right.” And then he had a question for her. “If it were you, would you take the test? Would you want to get married on Infinity Island?”

      Her eyes didn’t give away anything.