The Texan Takes A Wife. Charlene Sands. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Charlene Sands
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Texas Cattleman's Club: Blackmail
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474061520
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“You managed two rescues in one night. You must be tired.”

      “Not tired, are you?”

      She shook her head. She couldn’t believe how easily she’d done that, knowing full well if she’d said she was tired, Dan would’ve driven her back to the Dark Horse to pick up her car. “No, I’m not tired. Kinda keyed up after what happened tonight.”

      Perhaps admitting that to Dan was the riskiest thing she’d done all night.

      “Yeah, me too. Cup of coffee? Something stronger?”

      No more alcohol for her tonight. She wasn’t quite sure if it was the mechanical bull or the two Cadillac margaritas she’d had earlier that landed her flat on her ass at the saloon. “Coffee sounds perfect.”

      And the man of few words set about making coffee.

      * * *

      Erin sipped Dan’s coffee and nibbled on a warm giant chocolate-chip cookie oozing with melted chocolate. Warming the cookies before gobbling them down was her mother’s trick, and tonight Erin put it to the test. A few seconds in the microwave made even a stale cookie speak to the senses.

      “Aren’t they good warm?” Erin asked Dan.

      He nodded. “Good.”

      Instead of Gorgeous Beast, maybe she should call him Caveman. The man seemed to have perfected the art of grunting, nodding and giving one-word answers. But his eyes spoke volumes and right now she was the object of his intense smolder. Not that she was complaining. He was almost as delicious as the cookie that was coating the interior of her mouth with chocolate goodness.

      “So how long have you lived here?”

      “In Texas? All my life,” he said.

      “I’m from Seattle.”

      He sipped coffee. “So you said.”

      “I did? When?”

      “After the bull tossed you off.”

      “Oh yeah. That bull thing was a dumb idea.”

      He nodded, a smile lifting the corners of his mouth. “Kinda courageous.”

      “Really?” She perked up. Had he just complimented her?

      “But not real smart.” He tossed the last of his cookie in his mouth.

      She rolled her eyes and he laughed, a big hearty he-man sound that did things to her sanity. “I really should go. Would you mind calling me a cab?”

      He stood. “I’ll drive you.”

      “But you shouldn’t leave Lucky alone.”

      Dan gave the sleeping dog a glance. “He’s getting the rest he needs. I doubt he’ll wake up before morning.”

      But she suspected it was more than that. Dan was the kind of Texan bred with incredible manners and he wasn’t about to send her off alone in the dead of night. He’d see her safely back to her car. “Only if you’re sure.”

      “I’m not sure I want you to leave,” he said quite candidly. “But I am sure about driving you.”

      Wow. Not only did he surprise her by speaking in full sentences, but he admitted he wanted her to stay longer. “Thank you. I’ll take you up on that ride.”

      Dan nodded, appearing neither relieved nor disappointed.

      She really wanted to stay, but her risk-taking skills were momentarily disabled. “You know, I don’t think I ever thanked you for saving my pride and my hide this evening. It was really kind of you.” She reached up and planted a kiss to his scruffy, super sexy cheek.

      Just as she was backing away, a strong arm wrapped about her waist, drawing her against the wall of his chest. He was massive, in a very good sort of way, and an image of him shirtless muscled its way into her head.

      “I need to thank you too,” he said.

      “For?” Trapped against him, her breath hitched. This was different from before when he’d carried her out of the Dark Horse Saloon. This was more intimate. They were alone in Dan’s big ranch house. Two consenting adults.

      “Helping with Lucky.” Using his thumb, he tilted her chin up until she met his striking blue eyes. Oh boy. He was going to kiss her and she gave him a nonverbal okay. He took his time, inching closer to her mouth. And he was taking forever. The anticipation was killing her.

      Then his mouth came down on hers and her lids lowered. She fell into the delicious, fiery, heaven-help-her, hot, hot kiss. The taste of chocolate and coffee mixed with sheer raw passion. Having his lips on hers blew her away. It was like a force of nature, something powerful and inspiring. She roped her arms around his neck and he circled her waist, connecting them, freeing them to continue whatever this was.

      Dan’s mouth became more demanding and little throaty sounds pressed from her lips as she indulged. Their tongues mated and Dan let out a grunt of approval that made her smile inside. Her hands threaded through his dark blond hair, the strands curling up at the collar of his shirt. She stood incredibly close to his rock hard body and it was difficult not to notice the state of his arousal. She found herself in the same situation—wanting.

      Wanting to stay.

      Wanting more time with him.

      Wanting to take a risk with this tall Texan.

      And just as those thoughts were cementing in her head, Dan ended the kiss and backed away. “Sorry.” He shrugged. “I got carried away.”

      She smiled, missing his lips on her, missing his warmth and heat. “That’s my line. I got carried away. By you, back at the saloon.”

      “I didn’t plan on bringing you here.”

      “I know. It was just Lucky, I guess.” She giggled at her own joke and even the big man smiled.

      “You think so?” He pulled her back into his arms. “’Cause I was feelin’ lucky just a minute ago.”

      She stared at his mouth. “It’s been a long time since I felt this lucky,” she said softly. He furrowed his brows again, something he did often. She found that trait incredibly appealing.

      “Same here, Erin. Will you stay the night?”

      She nodded, murmuring a soft, “Yes.”

      Then without another word, Dan took her shaky hand and led her out of the kitchen.

      * * *

      He liked Erin. If he was being honest, probably too damn much, and it had been a long while since he met a woman who sparked his interest. He’d spotted her at the Dark Horse, and almost instantly there was a connection. And also almost instantly, he knew she didn’t belong in the saloon. When she’d climbed up on that mechanical bull, he figured she was in for the ride of her life. For a few seconds, that is. But as soon as the bull tossed her off, he’d come running to her rescue, shielding her embarrassment, making eye contact with the crowd, daring anyone to laugh as he carried her off.

      What was it about him? He rescued animals and damsels in distress, or so it seemed. Bringing her to his cattle ranch at Hunt Acres had never been his plan, but then the dog was hit by a car and all of a sudden, they were here together in the middle of the night and now she was on his bed, reaching for him.

      It was damn hard to think straight or at all.

      He lowered onto the bed, taking her into his arms and kissed her again, careful not to crush her small frame. She was sweet and sexy and willing. Was he the risk she’d decided to take tonight too? He had to make certain this was what she wanted, had to give her a way out. “Are you sure, Erin?”

      Her pretty blue-green eyes darkened. It was heady stuff seeing her nod and murmur, “Yes, I’m sure.” Then she chewed her lower lip and added, “Aren’t you?”

      Her question