Beautiful Stranger. Ruth Wind. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ruth Wind
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Vintage Intrigue
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472076335
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      But most of all, it was the smell. A smell that filled his head now, a scent of cosmetics, a particular combination of notes from products he couldn’t even begin to imagine. Lipsticks and lotions and creams and shampoos that came in frosted glass containers to sit on marble sink-tops.

      Never failed to get him, right in the libido, and it didn’t fail now. Halfway hating himself for the weakness, he gave himself three seconds to inhale it deeply, allowed two seconds more for the desire that came with it to roll down his spine.

      Yeah, he was weak. And it was a particularly dismaying weakness, that he was almost invariably attracted to such women, though he’d never actually pursued one. Logically, a poor Indian who’d spent his life fighting for every damned thing he had, ought to hate women like that.

      But “ought to” didn’t mean “did”. Above all things, know thyself. What Robert knew was that smell could rip his heart out if he let it, because in some ways it represented everything he’d ever dreamed of as a boy—comfort and privilege and cleanliness. For that eight-year-old he’d been, for the fifteen-year-old shivering in a doorway, he savored the sense of her hand, her smell, her clean, orderly life, then let her go.

      “Come on, Crystal.”

      She stood up and stopped in front of Marissa. “Thank you, Miss Pierce,” she said with sincerity. She took a breath and said, “You know that thing you asked about?”

      “Thing?” Marissa frowned a little, then remembered. “Oh, yes. Your passion?”

      “Yeah. I’ll tell you if you want.”


      “Movies,” she said, and that was all. She turned and started walking toward Robert’s truck.

      Robert lifted his head and grinned at Marissa before he could stop himself, and he saw a flash of something cross her face, a flicker of awareness, unmistakable. Instead of squelching it with a brisk word or a sharp glance, he found himself inclining his head, testing the sensation of that new, fresh lust of his own, and found that it felt pretty good, that he liked the almost forgotten and pleasurable sense of awareness in his thighs. Interesting.

      “Movies?” she said.

      Robert only nodded, giving her a faint smile. “Yep. The rest you’ll have to get yourself.” He followed Crystal to the truck, knowing that Marissa watched him. He felt her eyes on the back of his arms, his legs. He thought of her sexy, rolling walk, and let a single vision of his hands, sliding up heavy breasts covered in heavy silk, tease his libido, then brushed it away. He climbed into the truck. “You had lunch yet?”

      Crystal shook her head.

      “Want burgers and fries?”

      “Really? Junk food?”

      He grinned. “A little now and then won’t hurt anything.”

      When she got home from work, Marissa changed into sweats and T-shirt and her now-battered walking shoes. She needed her work-out today more than usual. Pulling her hair into a ponytail, she stretched the backs of her thighs and calves as she’d been taught, then set out just as the sun slid to touch the top of Mount Evans, a craggy peak among many that lined the horizons of Red Creek, Colorado. The sun, she thought as she strode down Main Street, looked like a ball balanced on the tip of a seal’s nose.

      She loved the stillness of late afternoon and evening in Red Creek. April touched the air with the fragrance of new greenery and pine sap, but in the shadows, she could still feel the bite of the long winter, surprising and exhilarating.

      As she moved, her heels hitting the old concrete of sidewalks poured in 1920, she felt the strain of the long day ease down her spine, flow through her legs and into the ground. Her shoulders shook loose, and she found her breath take a new, calm, deep rhythm.

      Who knew simple walking could be such a life-changing experience? Eighteen months ago, a little blue over a failed romance, Marissa had finally tired of herself. Impetuously she’d set out on a walk around the town square to enjoy the sunset. Breathe the air. See something besides her own sorry face in the mirror.

      That day she’d walked only five minutes, but it had been a five minutes that changed her life. The next day she’d done it again, just as an experiment, to see if it made her feel as good as it had the first time. It had.

      It had gone like that for weeks—Marissa stepping out into the world at dusk to walk as far as she could, then come home, just to see what it was like. After a month, she could walk twenty minutes. After two, she was up to forty.

      And after three months, people started to tell her that she needed to get some new clothes. Clothes that weren’t falling off her. For the first time, she realized that she’d been losing weight by simply moving her body. When she stepped on the scales at the local grocery store—she didn’t keep one in her house and still didn’t—she discovered she’d somehow lost thirty pounds.

      Thirty pounds.

      As Marissa came around a corner, Ramona Forrest was waiting in front of the clinic where she worked. Short and busty, Ramona had taken up walking to rid herself of the extra layer of cushion she’d gained while pregnant, and she had begun to enjoy their evening walks so much that she’d enlisted Louise, whom they usually picked up on the next long turn.

      Louise was waiting in the designated spot, but she didn’t have on her sweats. “Hi, girls,” she said. “I have a houseful and can’t go, but, Ramona, your darling girl is up there, along with your husband, and I’ve got Curtis and Cody, too, so I’m fixing a big meal. Why don’t you both circle back and eat with us when you’re done?”

      “Sounds good,” Marissa said, and tucked a loose strand of hair back into her ponytail. “As long as you aren’t doing the Southern thing and frying all of it.”

      “You know better. I’ve got plenty of skinned chicken breasts for my girls, and a salad with every green known to mankind. I even bought some of that raspberry vinaigrette.” She said it “vinegar-ette” and Marissa smiled.

      Ramona glanced at her watch, then the sky. “Half hour?”

      “All right.”

      As they continued their walk, Ramona said, “She’s up to something.”

      “Absolutely. She’s so guilelessly obvious.”

      “With Louise, it’s usually matchmaking.”

      “True. Wonder who it is.” Marissa paused in horror. “Oh, I hope it isn’t me!”

      “Keep walking.” Ramona tugged her arm. “Why you?”

      Marissa groaned. “I sent Robert Martinez over to her today.”

      “Red Dog?”

      “The very one.” She squeezed her eyes tight. “Oh, good grief. I’ll die of embarrassment if that’s what’s on her mind.”

      “I’m lost. Start over. Why would you even send him to—?” She interrupted herself. “Oh. Crystal.”

      “Right. I thought Louise might be a help to both of them.”

      “And she will, but she also got the bright idea to match the pair of you up.” Ramona chuckled. In a Frankenstein voice, she said, “Be very careful,” and shook her head. “She’s a mule when she puts her mind to something.”

      “I know.” She rolled her eyes and took Ramona’s arm. “But I have to tell you that he’s one devastatingly sexy thing, isn’t he?” She grinned. “I even get kind of flustered when I have to talk to him. Me. Flustered.”

      “He’s definitely gorgeous,” Ramona said cautiously. They paused in their talking to take a hill that was particularly challenging. At the top she continued. “He’s also a dog—hence the name.”

      Marissa felt a little pinch at the warning. “I know,” she said aloud. “Not my type.”