Beauty and the Bodyguard. Merline Lovelace. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Merline Lovelace
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon M&B
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472086495
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that the woman returning his stare wasn’t Allie.

      Christ! The dossier had indicated that she and her sister were identical twins, but that brief annotation didn’t begin to describe their astounding similarity. If Rafe hadn’t spent half the night imprinting his client’s features and mannerisms on his mind, he might never have known this wasn’t her.

      Their differences, he decided objectively, were more a matter of style than of appearance. Unlike Allison’s classic sophistication, Rachel opted for a more rugged look. She wore a brown leather aviator jacket with the sleeves pushed up, a white knit top, boots, and the jeans that had made Rafe’s heart skip a few beats. He could only hope they wouldn’t hug Allie’s slender figure as faithfully as they did her sister’s.

      “You must be Rocky,” he said slowly.

      Grinning, she nodded. “Right. And you, I sincerely hope, are the hired gun.”

      Before he could respond to that, Allie walked back into the vestibule. Rafe saw instantly that his hopes had been in vain. In glove-soft jeans, a cream-colored turtleneck and a misty blue tweed jacket, Allison Fortune looked like every man’s dream of a very bright, very sexy campus coed.

      The only way he could make her inconspicuous, Rafe decided grimly, was to wrap her in a blanket from head to toe.

      He dug a small, specially designed beeper out of his pocket. “Here, clip this on, and make sure you keep it within reach at all times.”

      Frowning, she turned the little black box over in her hand. “What is it?”

      “It’s a tracking device and emergency signal.”

      “How does it work? I don’t see any button to push.”

      “There isn’t any button. If you need me, just grip the unit in your hand and squeeze. The pressure and heat from your palm will set off a pulsing signal on my unit.”

      She fumbled with the tight clip.

      “The rest of the time, the device emits a continuous signal keyed to a special frequency that only my unit can pick up.”

      Her hands stilling, she glanced up. “Continuous?”

      “So I can track you anytime, night or day.”

      “I’ve heard these devices were available,” Rocky put in. “The military developed them initially. Now people buy them to keep track of their dogs,” she added, grinning at her sister.

      A look of distaste crossed Allie’s face. “I’m not sure I like the idea of being on a leash, like someone’s toy poodle.”

      “It’s part of the security package.”

      Rafe’s brusque tone said clearly that she could take the entire package or leave it. Allie didn’t miss the unspoken message. Her mouth tightening, she lifted the clip and jammed the unit onto the inner pocket.

      “Let’s go,” she said shortly. “We’re late.”

      Twenty minutes later, Rafe pulled off the airport access road and drove up to the private hangar Allie indicated. She’d told him some of the site crew would be traveling with them on the small chartered jet. She hadn’t bothered to mention that half the population of Minneapolis would be turning out to see her off.

      He stepped out of the rental car, tensing as a figure darted out of the milling crowd and dashed toward them. Rafe relaxed only marginally when he saw that it was a teenage girl.

      “Hi, Allie! We heard you were leaving this morning. Will you sign my T-shirt?”

      Before Rafe could put himself between his client and the girl, the passenger door slammed and Allie walked forward. “Sure. Got a pen?”

      “I got some new test shots for my portfolio,” another long-legged, coltish girl said shyly as she joined them. “Would you look at them?”

      Within moments, Allie was surrounded by a clutch of tall, gangly young women. Wannabes, Rafe presumed, all pressing her for tips or advice or autographs. The rest of the crowd appeared to consist primarily of men in coveralls with logos from various airlines on their pockets. They watched the proceedings with avid interest. Occasionally one would nudge another in the ribs and share a comment that resulted in a lewd grin.

      Rafe’s jaw tightened at their expressions, but Allie seemed impervious to the reactions she caused among her male admirers. Smiling and answering the girls’ peppered questions, she made her way toward the hangar. The men fell back to let her pass. As she reached the side door, Rafe turned to scan the crowd for the representative of the rental agency he’d arranged to pick up his car.

      At that moment, Allie gave a little squeak.

      Rafe spun back around just as an arm looped around her neck and dragged her through the door.

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