8 Brand-New Romance Authors. Avril Tremayne. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Avril Tremayne
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474006774
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party she’d be lost. Worse still, if he kissed her again she didn’t think she’d be able to resist him.

      ‘You look beautiful,’ he said, his voice deep, with a husky edge to it. ‘Exactly what I had in mind.’

      Well, if that didn’t serve as a reminder that it was all an act, then nothing would.

      ‘I’m glad it meets with your approval,’ she said tartly and, desperate to hide her confusion, walked past him to the table, selecting a drink from those prepared. Anger fizzed in her veins at the thought of the way he made her feel: light-headed and soft one minute, then short and sharp the next. In a bid to rein in her rising and very mixed emotions she all but downed her drink in one go.

      ‘Steady, querida.’ He smiled. A mocking smile. As if he knew her turmoil. ‘That drink is pretty potent.’

      She looked at the almost empty glass. The remains of the liquid looked more like a soft drink, but its effect on her head was already clear. Whatever was she trying to do to herself? She put the glass down and turned to look at him, holding her hair back as the sea breeze toyed with it just as he was toying with her.

      ‘If you are ready shall we go?’

      He didn’t wait for her to answer, but placed his hand in the small of her back, its heat scorching through the silk of her dress, and all but propelled her towards the door. Outside, a sleek, gleaming sports car waited, fiery red. Exactly what she’d imagined him driving.

      ‘Suits you,’ she said in a cavalier tone, and dropped down into the low seat as he stood by the open door.

      He raised his brows and smiled at her. ‘Gracias.’

      When Santos climbed in beside her she became all too aware of just how close she was to him. His tanned fingers pulled the gearstick backwards as the car growled into life. She couldn’t help but notice that the space beneath the steering wheel seemed almost too compact for his powerful thighs.

      A small but insistent fire sparked to life deep inside her as she watched him drive. Each move he made sent a shiver of awareness over her and she bit down hard on her lip against the new wave of emotions that assailed her. She couldn’t be falling for him—she couldn’t.

      ‘Is it far?’ Nerves made her voice quiver as she finally acknowledged the attraction she felt for him, and he glanced across at her before returning his attention to the road ahead.

      ‘No, but arriving in style will attract the attention we need.’

      ‘Attention?’ Her mind was scrambled as she looked at his profile. The shadow of stubble only added to the sexy appeal he emanated.

      ‘How else is the world going to know we are engaged?’ He glanced across at her again, his gaze meeting hers briefly before returning to the task of driving. ‘This is what you wanted. Puerto Banus is a renowned favourite of the rich and famous, and with them come the press photographers, hungry for gossip.’

      Now she understood his insistence on dressing for dinner. This was Act Two. The next part of their public courtship, played out to perfection. It was time to retreat behind her public persona.

      ‘And tonight, querida, we shall give them something to gossip about.’

      His voice was laden with promise and as the fire rose higher inside her she looked away.

      The car growled into the small harbour town and Georgina couldn’t help but take it all in. Cars as sleek and powerful as Santos’s lined the narrow streets, parked outside global designer shops. Yachts that looked more like floating palaces were moored all around the harbour, many with lights glinting and parties in full swing on board.

      This was most definitely a playground for the wealthy.

      Santos parked the car, expertly manoeuvring it into a space in front of one of the bigger yachts. He switched off the engine and silence seemed to cloak them. The leather seat crunched as he turned to face her.

      ‘You look absolutely stunning tonight.’ He reached up and pushed her hair back from her face and she trembled.

      She didn’t say anything. She couldn’t. All she could do was look into the mesmerising depths of his eyes.

      ‘You are playing your part well—so well even I’m convinced.’

      His voice was a husky whisper and she wished he wouldn’t slide his fingers through her hair like that.

      ‘Convinced of what?’ She forced the words out, alarmed at the throaty sound of her voice.

      ‘The attraction between us...’

      He moved a little closer and she wondered if he was going to kiss her. She wanted him to, but knew it would be her undoing. Then, before she even had a chance to think, his lips claimed hers. Try as she might she couldn’t stop her eyes from closing, couldn’t help reaching up to touch his cheek, feeling the slight stubble against her fingertips. She was attracted to him, despite all she’d promised herself, and he must never know. That would be to show her weakness. Give him all the power. She’d seen it before.

      She pulled back a little from him, her lips still very close to his, and opened her eyes. ‘I’m a brilliant actress,’ she whispered as her fingers smoothed once more across his face.

      The sound that came from him resembled a growl as his hand caught and held hers. ‘Don’t take your role too far, querida. I might just go past the need to act.’

      For a moment she sat transfixed by the tension that hung between them. The promised threat of his words was not lost on her. Did her really want her? Did he find himself struggling against the same raw need she was fighting right now?

      ‘It’s showtime, Georgina.’ His words were firm and sharp as he pulled away from her and got out of the car.

      She watched him walk around the front of it, relaxed but masterful. Obviously she didn’t have the same effect on him—didn’t scramble his emotions until he couldn’t think straight.

      Okay, showtime it is, she thought as she got out of the car and walked with him towards the busy street lined with restaurants. She could do this—even if it meant putting on the biggest show of her life.

      Suddenly a man’s shouts caught her attention and a waiter from one restaurant came out to greet him, hugging Santos and then stepping back to cast an enquiring look her way.

      ‘Georgina, this is my cousin Raul—owner of this restaurant and at our bidding for this evening.’

      She felt suddenly shy beneath the man’s gaze. He took her hand and with the same charm Santos possessed kissed it. ‘I can see why my cousin is so entranced.’

      To her horror she blushed, but managed to smile back at him. ‘What more could a girl ask for?’ She raised her brows, made her voice light and melodious, even a little flirty.

      Raul laughed and after a brief look of shock Santos did too. Then he smiled at Georgina, a dangerous light in his eyes.

      ‘Raul, do you have the table I requested?’

      ‘Sí,’ Raul replied, and continued in Spanish.

      Santos put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close as he followed his cousin to their table. It was private, and candles fluttered in the evening breeze. The sea could be heard lapping gently onto the shore close by.

      It was perfectly romantic.

      The whole meal was. Each course was divine and all the while Santos exuded what she was fast becoming aware was his lethal charm. She smiled, played her part all through dinner, but reality was beginning to blur. She sipped her wine and looked out at the sea, where the setting sun cast an orange glow across the rippling surface.


      Her attention swung back to Santos when she heard her name on his lips. His voice sounded hoarse, as if he was choked with emotion. Oh, he was good at this, she thought, and smiled at him. He’d never used her pet name