The Helen Bianchin Collection. Helen Bianchin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Helen Bianchin
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474050036
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to kiss the groom.’

      ‘Who said you get to do that?’ Aysha queried with mock seriousness. ‘Married men don’t kiss other women.’

      ‘No kiss, we decorate the wedding car,’ Lianna threatened.

      ‘Are you ladies ready to order?’

      ‘Yes,’ they agreed in unison, and proceeded to completely confuse the poor young man who’d been assigned to their table.

      ‘You’re incorrigible,’ Aysha chastised as soon as he’d disappeared towards the kitchen, and Lianna gave a conciliatory shrug.

      ‘This is a feel-good moment, darling. The last of the great single-women luncheons. Saturday week you join the ranks of married ladies, while we, poor darlings, languish on the sideline searching for the perfect man. Of which, believe me, there are very few.’ She paused to draw breath. ‘If they look good, they sound terrible, or have disgusting habits, or verge towards violence, or, worst of all, have no money.’

      Suzanne shook her head. ‘Cynical, way too cynical.’

      They ordered another round of drinks, then their food arrived.

      ‘So, tell us, darling,’ Lianna cajoled. ‘Is Carlo as gorgeous in bed as he is out of it?’

      ‘That’s a bit below the belt,’ Arianne protested, and Lianna grinned.

      ‘Got it in one. Hey, if Aysha ditches him, I’m next in line.’ She cast Aysha a wicked wink. ‘Aren’t you glad I’m your best friend?’

      ‘Yes,’ she responded simply. Loyalty and integrity mattered, and Lianna possessed both, even if she was an irrepressible motor-mouth. The fun, the generous smile hid a childhood marred by tragedy.

      ‘You haven’t told us what you bought this morning.’

      ‘You didn’t give me a chance.’

      ‘I’m giving it to you now,’ Lianna insisted magnanimously, and Aysha laughed.

      She needed the levity, and it was good, so good to relax and unwind among friends.

      ‘What social event is scheduled for tonight? Dinner with family, the theatre, ballet, party? Or do you just get to stay home and go to bed with Carlo?’

      ‘You have the cheek of old Nick,’ Aysha declared, and caught Lianna’s wicked smile.

      ‘You didn’t answer the question.’

      ‘There’s a foreign film festival on at the Arts Centre.’

      ‘Ah, eclectic entertainment,’ Arianne sighed wistfully. ‘What are you going to wear?’

      ‘Something utterly gorgeous,’ Lianna declared, her eyes narrowing speculatively. ‘Long black evening trousers or skirt, matching top, shoestring straps, and that exquisite beaded evening jacket you picked up in Hong Kong. Minimum jewellery.’


      ‘OK? I’m in fashion, darling. What I’ve just described is considerably higher on the scale of gorgeous than just OK.’

      ‘All right, I’ll wear it,’ Aysha conceded peaceably.

      They skipped dessert, ordered coffee, and Aysha barely made her hair appointment on time.

      ‘No dinner for me, Mamma. I’ll just pick up some fruit. I had a late lunch,’ she relayed via the mobile phone prior to driving home. With the way traffic was moving, it would be six before she reached Vaucluse. Which would leave her just under an hour to shower, dress, tend to her hair and make-up, and be at Carlo’s apartment by seven-fifteen.

      ‘Bella,’ he complimented warmly as she used her key barely minutes after the appointed time.

      Aysha could have said the same, for he looked devastatingly attractive attired in a dark evening suit, snowy white cotton shirt, and black bow tie. Arresting, she added, aware of her body’s reaction to his appreciative appraisal. Heat flooded her veins, activating all her nerve-ends, as she felt the magnetic pull of the senses. It would be so easy just to hold out her arms and walk into his, then lift her face for his kiss. She wanted to, badly.

      ‘Would you like a drink before we leave?’

      Alcohol on a near-empty stomach wasn’t a good idea, and she shook her head. ‘No. Thanks.’

      ‘How was lunch with the girls?’

      A smile lifted the edges of her mouth, and her eyes gleamed with remembered pleasure. ‘Great. Really great.’

      Carlo caught hold of her hand and lifted it to his lips. ‘I imagine Lianna was at her irrepressible best?’

      ‘It was nice just to sit, relax and laugh a little.’ Her smile widened, and her eyes searched his. ‘Lianna is looking forward to kissing the groom.’

      Carlo pulled back the cuff of his jacket and checked his watch. ‘Perhaps we should be on our way. Traffic will be heavy, and parking probably a problem.’

      It was a gala evening, and a few of the city’s social scions numbered among the guests. The female contingent wore a small fortune in jewels and French designer gowns vied with those by their Italian equivalent.

      Aysha mingled with fellow guests, nibbled from a proffered tray of hors d’oeuvres, and sipped orange juice with an added dash of champagne.

      ‘Sorry I’m a little late. Parking was chaotic.’

      Aysha recognised the light feminine voice and turned to greet its owner. ‘Hello, Nina.’

      The brunette let her gaze trail down to the tips of Aysha’s shoes, then slowly back again in a deliberately provocative assessment. ‘Aysha, how—pretty, you look. Although black is a little stark, darling, on one as fair as you.’

      She turned towards Carlo, and her smile alone could have lit up the entire auditorium. ‘Caro, I really need a drink. Do you think you could organise one for me?’

      Very good, Aysha silently applauded. Wait for the second Carlo is out of earshot, and... any minute now—

      ‘I doubt you’ll satisfy him for long.’

      Aysha met that piercing gaze and held it. She even managed a faint smile. ‘I’ll give it my best shot.’

      ‘There are distinct advantages in having the wedding ring, I guess.’

      ‘I get to sleep with him?’

      Nina’s eyes glittered. ‘I’d rather be his mistress than his wife, darling. That way I get most of the pleasure, all of the perks, while you do the time.’

      The temptation to throw the contents of her glass in Nina’s face was almost irresistible.

      ‘Champagne?’ Carlo drawled, handing Nina a slim flute.

      The electronic tone summoning the audience to take their seats came as a welcome intrusion, and she made her way into the theatre at Carlo’s side, all too aware of Nina’s presence as the usherette pointed them in the direction of their seats.

      Now why wasn’t she surprised when Nina’s seat allocation adjoined theirs? Hardly coincidence, and Aysha gritted her teeth when Nina very cleverly ensured Carlo took the centre seat. Grr.

      The lights dimmed, and her fingers stiffened as Carlo covered her hand with his own. Worse was the soothing movement of his thumb against the inside of her wrist.

      So he sensed her tension. Good. He’d sense a lot more before the evening was over!

      The theatre lights went out, technicolor images filled the screen, and the previews of forthcoming movies showed in relatively quick sequence. The main feature was set in Paris, the French dubbed into English, and it was a dark movie, noir, with subjective nuances, no comedy whatsoever. Aysha found it depressing, despite the script, directorship and acting having won several awards.

      The final scene