The Yogic Kitchen. Jody Vassallo. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jody Vassallo
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Кулинария
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008339821
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building wealth, and we use the momentum and heat created in the body in these years to help us stay focused on the job at hand, and during this period we may feel more confident, sociable and ambitious. Because there is more heat in the body during these years we may also suffer with insomnia, skin issues, heartburn, stomach ulcers and hypertension.

      The second half of the Pitta phase, also known as the Pitta Vata phase, is often referred to as the ‘hermitage’ stage and happens after 50 or 55 years where people start to let go of the attachments to money and fame and become more involved in helping others or focusing on their retirement. People may move to a quieter area and choose to live a simpler life but they are still available to family and their community for help and advice. During this phase people may show signs of both Pitta and Vata imbalance.

      The transition is slow and happens over several years, and people develop at different ages and stages. If we try to fight against these stages, it will quickly create imbalances in our bodies. In some ways the refusal of people in the west to gracefully accept and honour ageing and its natural phases could be seen as the cause of many of the health issues we are seeing today.

      Issues that may arise during the Kapha years: stomach problems, congested lungs, blocked sinuses, runny noses.

      Issues that may arise during the Pitta years: skin problems, acne, infection, inflammation, blood issues, headaches, migraines, liver problems, bile.

      Issues that may arise during the Vata years: negativity around ageing, loss of flexibility and strength in the body, memory loss, dryness, loss of direction, osteoporosis, frailty, weakness of the immune system, joint pain.

      Now that you know your dosha, or doshas, you can begin to work to nourish and look after yourself according to it and the stage of life you are in as well as being more aware of why you might be more susceptible to certain environments, seasons, changes to the weather and foods than others.

      Added to that, I always recommend that people are mindful of the signs of Vata imbalance. We all have some level of Vata imbalance these days, which is the direct result of living busy lives in which we are exposed to way too much Vata unbalancing technology – phones, computers, ipads etc.

      The main thing about this book is that you learn how to familiarise yourself with what isn’t working for you. If your doshas are strongly out of balance, then you may need to follow the chapter set aside for the dosha that is out of balance until you come back into balance and then you can return to following an eating and lifestyle regime that is more in line with your own constitution. (See page 22 for Vata, page 27 for Pitta and page 31 for Kapha.)

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