Passionate Premiere. Deborah Fletcher Mello. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Deborah Fletcher Mello
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472010131
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he said as he saluted them goodbye.

      The familial connection with her brother being married to her husband’s sister was a source of great joy to her, and every time she thought about it she found herself smiling.

      “So what’s on your agenda today?” John asked, his booming voice pulling at her attention.

      “I was hoping to get your opinion on an investment,” Phaedra said, passing a prospectus in his direction.

      With eyebrows raised, John took a moment to review the documents inside, leaning forward as he spread everything out before him. As Phaedra waited, she reached for one of the toasted bagels that rested on a ceramic platter in the center of the table, then slathered it with jalapeño-flavored cream cheese. By her third bite John was tapping numbers into a calculator application on his iPad. His expression was blank, and Phaedra was unable to get a read on what her big brother was thinking. By the time John was done, Phaedra was working on her second bagel, a bowl of fresh fruit and a third cup of coffee.

      “So what do you think?” she queried when he finally placed the documents inside their manila folder and sat back in his seat.

      He hesitated for a brief moment before responding. “Tell me why this project?” he asked.

      “The filmmaker is a dear friend and sorority sister of mine.”

      “Dahlia Morrow?”

      “Correct. Dahlia and I went to school together. We’ve been the best of friends since the first day we met. We pledged together, and I love her to pieces. Dahlia is good at what she does. This script is one that is near and dear to her heart, and if anyone can bring it to the big screen and turn it into a box office sensation, Dahlia can. She needs help to get there, though, and I really want to help her. But I want to be smart about it, too.”

      “Didn’t she just win an Oscar or something?” John asked.

      Phaedra nodded. “Her last film, Victory’s Daughter, was nominated for seven Oscars and took Best Picture. Dahlia is the youngest and the first black woman to win an Oscar for Best Director.”

      “And she has high hopes for this film. What’s it called again?”

      “Passionate, after the name of the lead female character.”

      “Has she cast her leads yet?”

      “Zahara Ginolfi has signed on to play the part of Passionate.”

      “Wow,” John exclaimed. “She’s good, and she has a huge following,” he said of the Grammy-winning songstress turned award-winning actress. “I’m impressed. What about the leading man?”

      Phaedra grinned. “She just signed Mason’s brother,” she said excitedly.

      John laughed. “The Guy Boudreaux! The black Bond himself. Very nice.”

      “So should I invest?” Phaedra asked again, her confidence boosted by her brother’s enthusiasm.

      John hesitated a second time, resting his elbows against the table and his chin against his fists. His head waved ever so slightly. “This is a tough one,” he started, meeting Phaedra’s gaze. “If you didn’t have a personal connection to the film I would probably advise against it.

      “When people invest in films, it’s the potential for a high return that’s the draw, but it is such a big risk with way too many ifs for a novice investor. Movies only do well if it’s a good script, if it has good acting, if it has good production value and if it strikes a chord with distributors. If you are able to get past a number of those issues, the film can do well, but you could still lose everything you put into it if the distribution deals fall short.”

      Phaedra nodded as she reflected on John’s comments.

      He continued, “I think that in this case, the key reason for you to invest has to be more important than the potential return. You obviously believe in the message of the film and in the filmmaker. You like and support the movie’s producer and cast. I also get the impression that you like the glamour of being involved, an opportunity to bring attention to your own photography perhaps,” he said as he gestured toward the requisite camera she always carried with her. “This is why I say go for it. Consider it a tax write-off like you would if you were giving to a charity. That way it can still benefit you if it doesn’t work out.”

      “Thanks,” Phaedra said, her excitement gleaming in her eyes. She threw her arms around her big brother’s neck and kissed his cheek. “I really appreciate your opinion,” she added.

      John nodded, giving her a slight wink of his eye. “And after you stop by Matthew’s office, swing by mine and pick up a check for Dahlia. We have to support our family,” he said, his smile warming his dark face.

      “I love you,” she said as she hugged him a second time. “And I know that Dahlia will appreciate the support.”

      John laughed with her. “I love you, too,” he said.

      Phaedra tossed back the last of her coffee. “I need to go up and see those nieces and nephews of ours,” she said as she set her mug back down on the table. “I need to see Marah, too. Is your wife upstairs?”

      John shook his head. “No, Marah flew to New York this morning,” he said. “She and her sisters are franchising their dating business, and she’s meeting with some potential investors. She’ll be back tomorrow.”

      Phaedra rose to her feet as she gave him a quick wave of her hand. “I’ll catch her tomorrow, then,” she said as she headed for the door. “And I’ll catch up with you later!” She then headed for the second floor and the playroom, where the rest of the Stallion women and babies were gathered.

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