Ragged Rose. Dilly Court. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dilly Court
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008137366
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I believe or don’t believe is immaterial. My job is to convince a judge and jury of his innocence.’ Bennett leaned back in his chair, his dark eyes intent on her face, as if he were capable of reading her innermost thoughts. ‘This case interests me. I would normally leave it to a solicitor to provide me with the facts, but this is no ordinary brief. I find it hard to believe that a young man like William would kill a dear friend.’

      ‘He is a good man. I’ll never believe ill of my brother.’ Rose returned his intense gaze stare for stare, but was the first to look away. There was something about Bennett Sharpe that was unsettling.

      ‘He is lucky to have two such devoted sisters,’ Bennett said in a low voice. He looked as though he was about to say more but at that moment the waiter arrived with their champagne.

      He uncorked the bottle with a theatrical flourish and filled two glasses, but then in answer to a summons from another client he scurried off with his tailcoat flapping like the wings of an agitated crow.

      Bennett handed a glass to Rose and raised the other in a silent toast before taking a sip. He shook his head. ‘As I thought. A poor vintage being sold at a ridiculous price. However, that doesn’t matter. I came here tonight in the hope of meeting you and your sister.’

      ‘Wouldn’t it have been easier to visit us at my aunt’s house? I’m sure you already know the reason for our keeping this from our parents. What I don’t understand is why you felt it necessary to see us here.’

      ‘When Scully told me that two such respectable young ladies were prepared to risk their reputations by performing in a third-rate saloon, I wanted to see for myself.’

      ‘We’re working here to raise money to pay you for defending our brother, which, as it happens, will also pay for this bottle of champagne.’ Rose swallowed a mouthful and pulled a face: it was sharp and slightly bitter, and the bubbles tickled her nose.

      ‘You are not what I expected, Miss Perkins.’

      ‘Please don’t use my real name. Cora and I go by the name of the Sunshine Sisters.’

      ‘I’m sorry, of course you’re right, Miss Sunshine.’

      She eyed him curiously. ‘What were you expecting?’

      His eyes were alight with amusement, and his lips twitched. ‘I dare say you would be offended if I told you that my idea of a clergyman’s daughter was as unlike you and your sister as could be.’

      ‘I’m not sure whether that’s a compliment or an insult.’

      ‘It was certainly not intended to be an insult, but I imagined you and your sister to be prim and proper young ladies who had been brought up to fear the Lord and serve the community. I was worried that my presence might be too much for such delicate sensibilities.’

      ‘You must have been terribly disappointed,’ Rose said, trying to keep a straight face and failing.

      ‘An illusion shattered for the better, I can assure you.’ His appreciative smile faded and his eyes darkened. ‘But this isn’t the sort of place for you and your sister. Have you tried to raise the money from family members or friends?’

      ‘There is no one we can ask, and Papa doesn’t know anything about this. It would break his heart if he discovered the truth.’

      ‘Where does he think his son is, if I may ask?’

      ‘He thinks that William is staying with the Tressidick family in Cornwall until Trinity term begins next month.’

      ‘So your parents know nothing about William’s arrest?’

      ‘No, and they mustn’t know. Papa would be devastated, and Mama is recovering from a bout of ill health. A shock like that might set her back weeks, if not months.’

      ‘It’s not a secret you can keep for ever. If the case goes against William he will face the death penalty.’

      His words struck her like a knife to the heart. ‘Don’t say that.’

      ‘But it’s a possibility. All the evidence points to a drunken brawl, and there are witnesses who will testify that William struck the fatal blow.’

      ‘My brother is not a violent man. I don’t know what happened on that fateful night, but Gawain was Billy’s best friend and I know that my brother would never have hurt him intentionally.’

      ‘That is what I hope to prove. I’ll be in London for the next few days, and it would be helpful if we could meet again. I want to find out as much about William’s background as I can.’

      Rose nodded eagerly. ‘Of course. I’ll do anything – absolutely anything – to help free Billy.’

      ‘I can see that.’ Bennett glanced over her shoulder. ‘But I think you are wanted, Miss Sunshine. I see Fancello advancing on us with a purposeful look in his eye.’

      ‘I’ll have to go,’ Rose said, rising to her feet. ‘When will we meet again?’

      Bennett opened his mouth to reply, but was forestalled by Fancello. ‘I’m sorry to interrupt, sir, but Miss Sunshine has another performance. We must not disappoint her other admirers.’

      ‘I’m coming, signor.’ Rose smiled and nodded in Bennett’s direction. ‘Thank you for the champagne, sir.’

      ‘That’s enough of that,’ Fancello hissed in her ear. ‘I pay you to keep all my customers happy, so don’t think you can pick and choose.’

      ‘No, signor. I understand.’

      Holding her head high, Rose swept past him and made her way to the wings where Cora was waiting for her. She could tell by her sister’s heightened colour and the sparkle in her blue eyes that Gerard had proved to be an exciting companion.

      ‘I’ve had such a lovely time,’ Cora whispered. ‘He’s such a gentleman and he wants to take me driving in the park one afternoon. Do you think Papa would allow it?’

      ‘Are you mad?’ Rose grabbed her by the wrist. ‘You can’t tell anyone about this, least of all Pa.’

      ‘But that’s not fair.’ Cora’s eyes brimmed with unshed tears. ‘He likes me, Rose. He really likes me.’

      ‘I’m sure he does. Don’t cry, Corrie. There’s our intro – we’re on stage, so smile.’

      As they emerged from the smoky atmosphere of Fancello’s saloon into the darkness of Cupid’s Court, Rose was immediately aware of a tall figure loitering at the far end of the alley. He was silhouetted against the light of a streetlamp, but he appeared to be wearing an opera hat and cloak. Her conversation with Bennett had put all thoughts of Carter out of her head, but now she was nervous.

      ‘What’s the matter?’ Cora demanded. ‘Why have you stopped?’

      ‘It’s nothing,’ Rose said quickly. The last thing she wanted was to worry Cora, but her heart was thudding against her ribs and she was scared. ‘We must hurry or Aunt Polly will have retired for the night.’ Rose walked on, hoping that the man would go away, but it became obvious that he was waiting for them. He turned to face them and she saw to her relief that it was Bennett Sharpe.

      ‘Who is that man?’ Cora demanded breathlessly. ‘Do you know him?’

      ‘It’s all right, there’s no need to be scared,’ Rose said hastily. ‘I met him in Fancello’s. He’s a friend.’

      ‘And you thought I was being forward,’ Cora whispered. ‘At least I didn’t arrange an assignation with Gerard.’

      ‘It’s not like that. Trust me, Cora. This man is to defend Billy in court and he’s here to help us.’ Rose greeted Bennett with an attempt at a smile. ‘I didn’t realise you were waiting for us, Mr Sharpe.’

      ‘I thought it best if I were to escort you home.’
