Seduced By The Bachelor. Pamela Yaye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pamela Yaye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474064644
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and I’m enjoying the show. So, what do you do when you’re not dancing at nightclubs?”

      Giggling, she playfully pushed his shoulder, marveling at how well they got along. Less than twenty-four hours after meeting, and they were laughing and joking as if they were lifelong friends. “What do you do when you’re not charming women on airplanes?”

      “I hit the gym, play golf, travel and attend sporting events. And you?”

      “I enjoy cooking, dancing, and making love—”

      “We’re going downstairs to take pictures with the performers. Want to come?” Jariah asked.

      With her eyes glued to Markos, Tatiyana answered Jariah’s question. “No, I’m good.” Her voice sounded airy and breathless, as if she’d just finished an aerobics class. Tatiyana wanted to take his hands and use them to stroke her body, but since she didn’t want to turn him off by making the first move, she sat tight. “My horoscope was totally on point today. It said I would meet someone special, and here you are.”

      “I’m the lucky one,” he said, gesturing around the VIP room with his drink. “Thanks to you, my family members are having the time of their lives.”

      Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Immanuel and Dionne kissing at the back of the room. They were a playful, loving couple, and it was obvious the security specialist was smitten with the life coach. Like his brother and cousins, he was completely devoted to his wife. Tatiyana was impressed, couldn’t believe how affectionate the Morretti men were. They wanted the world to know they were spoken for, and didn’t shy away from expressing their feelings.

      Locking eyes with him, Tatiyana slowly and suggestively licked her lips, hoping to convey her need. His gaze was so intense, so powerful she forgot what they were talking about. Flirting with Markos was a turn-on, giving her a rush, and Tatiyana was dying to kiss him.

      “Bro, whose team are you playing on tomorrow?” Immanuel asked. “It better be mine, or I’ll disown you.”

      Markos waved. “Fine, Immanuel, it’s been fun knowing you. Deuces!”

      Everyone laughed, including the waitstaff and suit-clad bartenders.

      A couple more glasses of champagne and Markos was a different person—playful, laidback, at ease. It was obvious he enjoyed spending time with his family, and listening to him crack jokes with his brothers made Tatiyana think of Jantel. They used to be best friends, incredibly close, but these days all her sister did was lay in bed staring at the walls. Since the mayor’s bachelor party, Jantel had been sad and withdrawn, a shadow of her former self. Worst of all, she ignored Allie, barely gave her daughter a passing glance. Mayor Glover was to blame for her sister’s depression, and Tatiyana was going to ensure he did the right thing.

      “Do you want to have lunch tomorrow before the tournament starts...” Trailing off, Markos took his cell phone out of his pocket and glanced at the screen. “I have to take this call. I’ll be right back.”

      He strode out of the room with his iPhone glued to his ear. Tatiyana wondered if he was talking to one of his girlfriends. Why else would he abruptly end their conversation and leave the room? She’d done her research and knew Markos was dating a bevy of beauties. A surgeon, an engineer, a publicist and even a drama teacher. They were all talented and accomplished, the kind of women any man would be proud to take home to mom, so why was Markos still single? Why wasn’t he happily married like his brothers and cousins? His dating history was none of her business, but Tatiyana was curious about him.

      “Tatiyana, join us,” Paris said, waving her over to the bar.

      Finishing her cocktail, she danced with the group for several songs, but her thoughts were on Markos. Staring at her watch, Tatiyana was shocked to see he’d been gone for fifteen minutes. Who was he talking to? Was he coming back?

      Tatiyana exited the room in search of her date. Heading down the corridor, she spotted a security guard and nodded in greeting. Hearing Markos’s voice inside the bathroom, Tatiyana sighed in relief. “I want to be alone with my boyfriend,” she said, opening her purse. “Make sure no one disturbs us.”

      “Of course, Miss. Not a problem.”

      Tatiyana took out a fifty-dollar bill and stuffed it into his shirt pocket. “Thanks!”

      “Take as long as you need.”

      I plan to, she thought, feeling a rush of excitement.

      Designed with style and comfort in mind, the bathroom had soaring ceilings, antiqued mirrors and plush armchairs. Vases overflowed with colored roses and scented candles perfumed the air, putting Tatiyana in a tranquil mood. In the anteroom, she found Markos sitting on the chaise lounge, his head bent, singing in Italian.

      Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Come mi chiedo che cosa sei.

      What in the world? Before Tatiyana could make sense of what was going on, Markos ended his phone call. Shaking his head wistfully, as if he couldn’t believe what he’d just done, he laughed to himself.

      “Important call?” she asked.

      Markos looked at her, surprise evident in his eyes, but his tone was full of warmth. “Yeah, it was my four-year-old nephew. Matteo calls me every night at bedtime, and if I don’t answer, he won’t go to sleep. He’s my little buddy, and I love our evening talks.”

      Her heart melted. “Markos, I’m impressed. You sing beautifully,” she said, meaning every word. “What other talents do you have?”

      Hours earlier, outside the steak house, he’d posed the same question to her, and now it was payback. Teasing him made her feel giddy inside, like a kid on Christmas Day.

      “I’m a man of extraordinaire talents,” he joked, stealing her line.

      “And I look forward to discovering each and every one of them.”

      “Why wait? Now’s a good time.”

      Enraptured by the sound of his voice, Tatiyana couldn’t think, let alone move.

      “Come here,” he demanded. “I want you.”

      “I want you, too—”

      “Then why are you standing so far away?”

      He seized her hand, drawing her in between his legs, and Tatiyana sank onto his lap. His touch thrilled her, making her feel alive, and his husky voice tickled and teased her ears.

      “You look like you want to kiss me. Go ahead.”

      Before she could, his lips claimed her mouth. They were soft, felt warm against hers, and sent tingles careening down her spine. His kiss was full of hunger, longing and passion, and Tatiyana wanted more.

      Boldly possessing her mouth, Markos used his tongue to excite her, to show her what she’d been missing all her life. Wow, no one’s ever kissed me like that, Tatiyana thought, as they feasted on each other’s lips. Markos licked them, and sucked them. They were in public, making out in the VIP bathroom, but Markos wasn’t in a rush. He took his time kissing her, stroking her body, didn’t seem to care that someone could walk in on them at any minute.

      “I wish I had protection...” he said between kisses.

      Grabbing her purse, she stuck a hand inside and pulled out some condoms. “What flavor do you want?” she asked, waving them under his nose. “Strawberry, mint or chocolate?”

      His jaw dropped, and Tatiyana smirked. She enjoyed shocking people, got off on making men blush—especially dignified men like Markos—and kissed him hard on the lips to prove how much she desired him. “I’m glad we met,” she said between kisses. “I haven’t had this much fun since I went to Coachella with my girlfriends last year.”

      “Do you believe in love at first sight—”

      “No, that’s a fallacy,” she argued, interrupting him. Markos was getting ahead of himself, and she had